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Article Comments posted by bryanburke

  1. For base866, I have six rifles, two pistols, and a lot of reloading gear. That does not mean I oppose background checks and magazine capacity limits, and depriving people with documented social and mental disorders of their weapons. Read the 2nd Amendment. Note the capitalization of "Militia." Then, noting that the 2nd Amendment is an amendment to the body of the Constitution, go to the body. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15.
    As with skydiving, for life in general I'm all about risk management.
    In these interesting times it seems to me important that we evaluate every element of our lifestyles and social affiliations based on reasoned analysis of how we got here, where we are going, and what are the consequences of our actions.
    There are people who deny climate change is a problem. I think any reasonable human being should give this some thought because the consequences are so significant. I like the attached video because it is so simple.

  2. Skydive Arizona probably has the largest data base of reserve rides in the world -several years of trying to get details on every reserve ride at the busiest DZ on the planet. Two things stand out. One: spinning line twist malfunctions are the single biggest cause of reserve rides. The probability of this malfunction goes up geometrically with wing loading. SLT malfunctions are very rare below about 1.4. Two: the second biggest cause of malfunctions at SDAZ is brake problems. Stuck toggle, brake fire, brake line tied to toggle, guide ring, hand, etc. These often result in SLT malfunctions. Premature toggle release was virtually unheard of before Velcro-less systems. Get a very solid toggle retention system on your risers.
    Bryan Burke
    STA at SDAZ

  3. While it isn't perfect, here's a useful rule of thumb. For every thousand feet above where you are used to jumping, or for every ten degrees F above what you are used to, you are downsizing about 3 to 4 %. So if you normally jump close to sea level in 80 degree temps, and you go to Moab at the same temps, your 150 square foot canopy just downsized itself to a 120. Sea level, 80 degrees, Eloy at 100 degrees, you just lost 15% of your normal wing. (1,500' elevation plus 20* temp change) So be conservative, do everything higher, sooner, and slower.