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Posts posted by NtheSeaOrSky

  1. wondering why:

    -it made sense to go from beer to shots to beer to mixed drinks last night

    -after a week of cloudy and overcast today is bright and frigging sunny and my eyes and head HURT

    -I even attempted to get out of bed


    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  2. I think upbringing has some to do with it, but in my case it has been more curiosity and the desire to learn something new that has driven it. Maybe also just a dash of the competitive 'harumph, if they can do it I can do it too'. Does it always work out - well, no...but I learn from it anyway.
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  3. Quote

    I don't understand why some ADULTS say they can't cook.

    WTF? If you can read, you can cook.:S

    :D:D I can cook .....whether or not it is edible....that is another story! (just ask the dogs)

    In all seriousness, it isnt just reading that is required.
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  4. Quote

    A place for all the kids to play, call each other names, fight over toys, throw things at each other, and cry to mom about how mean everyone is!

    I think it will be a hit!

    You forgot 'where the cats go to relieve themselves' :P
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  5. Quote


    wonder if the death penalty gets put "back on the table"...:|

    If it is Caylee, and they have any shred of evidence to tie Casey to it, I would bet on it!

    Wonder if dateline NBC is scrambling like hell right now :ph34r:
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  6. Quote


    But I wasnt being the best person I could have been, not by a long shot. In fact I was just about as shitty as it gets, to some very great and kind hearted people, SO the fault and blame is mine. Still trying, everyday.

    Sadly that happens in life, generally to those we love the most. It takes a big person to admit fault and accept blame. The only thing you can do is work towards getting better and congrats on taking that step. I hope you gain the forgiveness you seek, and if for some chance they are not willing to accept it I hope you find peace in the fact that because of how you hurt those who love you, you learned more about who you want to be and how to avoid that in the future.

    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  7. Maybe they heard the granite countertops emit low level Radon?

    Maybe they just figured while they are tearing stuff out it would be easier to change it out now rather than later?

    Maybe I am reading it wrong, but it sounds like even though she still wants laminate, she is changing the look of it - so it kinda is a change :)

    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  8. Sorry your family is having to go through this.

    I echo what the others said. Be truthful at the level he can understand.

    I was 7 and my family went to see my grandmother in the hospital. They left me alone in a room while they went to see her, citing something about not wanting me to remember her with tubes everywhere, and while I was in there the clergyman and some other family members came in and I remember him telling them if she didnt make it through the night to call him. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I never told them what I heard but asked my mother that evening when we got home if my grandmother would die - she said no. She did pass away that evening and I never trusted anything my mother said after that. Being seven, I did wonder what 'tubes' they were talking about because I never saw any in/on her in the casket - I just figured it was another lie.

    One thing firmly ingrained in my mind was my big, strong, stoic uncle who actually broke completely down in tears and had to be carried away from the casket. While it was shocking to see, it was also nice to see TRUE emotion and not all the fake crap everyone was showing (yes, at 7 I could tell). I never saw him cry ever again, but I did learn that day he was human and had a LOT more respect for him because of it.
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  9. Quote

    Something I have always wanted to do but have never taken the time. What I have in mind is a group doing a introductory flight and I'm going to try to find someone who will drop jumpers. I'm guessing the cost to be in the $150-$200 depending on the amount of flight time. This will probably happen somewhere in the Atlanta area.

    I am also looking at getting current in fixed wing so I can do a little flying and maybe fly some jumpers but that will happen in the Middle Ga. area.

    projected timeframe?
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  10. Quote

    errrr, umm she got where she wanted to be and split, all of them will.

    I don't know that I consider him lucky at all.

    A man with brains! *swoon*
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  11. Homemade :)
    You can buy the ingredients at the grocery store and make your own to suit your own tastes. ESPECIALLY yummy homemade rootbeer floats!

    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  12. Quote

    Speedy recovery to the firewalker, and I hope the rest of us can learn something from this unfortunate incident.

    -What that would be, I have no freakin' clue...:ph34r:


    Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  13. She may or may not have thought things through - just the same 'online' as in person. Are there specific concerns you think she has overlooked, if so you could maybe approach it as you are worried about X and see how she responds. She may have thought about it. She may not have. She may be just as freaked out but for any myriad of reasons jumping at this opportunity.

    Sometimes the hard friend talks hurt - sometimes it comes down to are you telling them what they want to hear or are you telling the truth.
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

  14. I understand your concerns, but I think you are being a bit judgemental.

    I am not saying I would advise marriage in that situation, but it is possible to really know someone without having 'been around' them 24/7. That is probably a point you could argue all day long, but in the end I don't think anyones mind will be changed.

    I think your friend may be more receptive to the two of you discussing your concerns rather than telling her she is an idiot. In the end it is her decision to make - your only decision is whether to be the good friend and be there when it goes bad(or good) or not.
    Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...