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Posts posted by rustik

  1. Wanted to give you some feedback on the openings issues I was have with my Katana 120. Has been a while since i jumped as been offshore a lot. Anyway, took away your suggestions, removed any brake line twists (think there were 3, I always stow my brakes when i land so don't generally put many in).
    Changed all the bungees to smalls, makes packing a bit tougher but who cares?
    Stwoed the risers such that the lines weren't getting tucked near the bottom of the reserve tray (wings container).

    Early doors but the last two openings have beeen sweeeeeeeeet. think it was a combination of too loose line stowes giving the line dump for the boomer effect and the risers catching on the bottom of the reserve tray unevenly giving me twists right off the bat.

    Pretty happy now, and despite being away for a few weeks still had a nice surf at the end of it.

    thanks for your help guys.


    If it's safe it ain't fun

  2. thanks guys, i'll try all of the points you mention

    i do try and fly the openings by dipping hips etc during the opening to try and correct but sometimes it seems to come straight off my back and twist, think it might have been how i was stowing the risers so am adjusting that. I also tried just relaxing in the harness during the opening but that didn't seem to work either. Frequently she'll open 80% with either the left or right last 2-3 cells closed and folded under giving a spiral, scared the sh!t outta me on the first ever jump on it.

    as for going to the 107, wouldn't really be comfortable with doing that yet, only once i can nail the 120 landings consistently and safely, I jump at a relatively small DZ where the outs can be tight and going to a 107 could make life v interesting in a bad spot situation.

    If all else fails I'll have a word with PD, could just be i am a crap packer but haven't had any probs with the sabre and spectre i had been jumping previously.

    thanks again

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  3. I have a Katana 120 and load it about 1.6, I am struggling to get consistent openings, so far I have had everything from a real boomer that hurt like hell to twists and lots of end cell closure. I have been trying putting the nose in / out, slider pulled out / flush but can't seem to find the consistency.
    Any Katana owners out there can help? I have about 50 jumps on it at the moment.


    If it's safe it ain't fun

  4. Before doing this at 1500feet would it not be safer to do it at 5000feet and record the height lost?

    Does a 540 really gain that much extra distance for the added degree of danger now being introduced?

    Why go from 180 to 540? Why not 180 to 270 then on to 360?

    I'm still staying on 180s at the mo until I can get the consistency the same every time and then will go to 270s, but won't be any time soon.

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  5. Guys,
    have 670+ jumps, been on a spectre 135 loading 1.4 for quite a while and pulling off nice surfs (IMHO). Am now looking for more and have bought the Katana 120 following demo-ing it in february.
    I would like to develop my swoop skills in a safe manner, so far I am self taught, doing the 180 turn by eye not using a neptune, if low I bail early and have a carving surf into wind, if high, well so what it was high, at least it was safe?! Anyone know a location of site where there is a write up or similar on canopy swooping. I intend to take in a swooping seminar sometime this year, unfortunately they don't make it to the north of Scotland too often!

    thanx guys


    If it's safe it ain't fun

  6. Watchin the soul flyers vid, Loic et al's suits appear to permit flying palms down, as this uses the muscles at the front of the arms / shoulders rather than the back and sides that the birdman suit does, do you think BM may make some mods in the future or am I doing it wrong? I have to admit, I enjoy the suit but feel sore after every jump. I have even tried rotating my arm in the suit prior to exit to get more of a palm down characteristic. Does the action of bending the arms with palms up (normal BM styleee) make much of a difference compared to a straight arm?

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  7. Dude,
    like you i have low numbers, 6 to be exact, 5 on GTi. Have had a couple of twists, i knew they were coming right from the time i threw the PC, was too aggresive (couldn't relax properly) when bringing the arms and legs in, causing body to wobble. Following some chats with some other guys here, on the last one I brought the legs in first, then the arms nice and calm, because I wasn't doing everything in one go it seemed far far more comfortable. Don't get me wrong i'm not leaving the arms out for any extended period of time, there is just a tiny tiny delay following legs coming together and arms coming in.... but keeping it smooth seems to be the absolute key.

    best of luck!

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  8. Quote

    Jari actually likes the competition because it stimulates the market and the creativity of everyone involved. In the end the consumer is getting a better product and flying longer and safer than ever before.

    good lad is that jari!

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  9. i'm guessing that by putting it in slow mode you lower the set point at which it registers a deployment, i.e. reduction in velocity and therefore all that should happen is it should register a bit of a longer descent and hence more ff time....... i could be wrong though not being that technically minded. best send an e to larsen and brusgaard if unsure?

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  10. Very interesting thread this guys....
    I don't have many wingsuit jumps and will think about this technique for some of the future ones, am sure it will develop more confidence... in fact it can only develop more confidence and therefore make it even more enjoyable!

    thanks for posting

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  11. Hi Tonto,

    I have 598 jumps total, 5 WS, 1 on Classic remainder on GTI. Most of my jumpin is FF.

    I pulled initially at 5k and have only brought it down to 4.5k, wierd thing was I could swear I was getting ground rush the first couple of times even that high.

    I jump a Spectre 135 loaded 1.35:1

    As you get so much extra time I am comfortable pulling at this height and will continue to do so until futher notice. Working on keeping a relaxed yet composed body position during deployment, until I am more comfortable and confident on my pull technique and position I will not lower my opening height.



    If it's safe it ain't fun

  12. I just received the soulflyers video and watching the video of Loic passing over the ski slops gives you a real appreciation of the horizontal speeds involved.

    I seem to remember reading about the guys that do the downhill speed biking (pushbikes) and when they get around the 100mph mark and fall off they are going so fast that the friction of the snow melts their suits and literally welds it to their bodies...Using a wingsuit, if you can survive the initial impact and the slope is long enough u could theoretically land...u may even live... but the friction developed would be so great you would need a carbon fibre / titanium baking tray strapped to your chest and that won't slow you down much!!!!!

    If it's safe it ain't fun

  13. loic, just received the dvd and for some reason ;) i keep playing it over and over... there is some absolutely stunning footage in it... congrats to everyone in the making of it... much respect... if you ever get over to scotland please please please visit our dz and we will make you most welcome... our flying ain't great but the whisky is good!!!! we only have cessna's as we are a not for profit centre, run by the jumpers for the jumpers so no-one makes a profit. there are 3 of us with wingsuits and i dream of being able to fly like the shots in the dvd.

    keep it up bro and for feck sake stay safe!!!!

    looking forward to your next compilation

    blue ones


    If it's safe it ain't fun

  14. Good news about the foot Nick!!!

    drop me a note to give me the full run down!

    i want to get back to the states again later this year.. z-hills was ace.. 66lobs in 13days even with a day off to play golf (weathered in!)

    if your foot is better it would be cool to meet up and get some lobs together as with you not being that current by that point i might be able to stick with you!!! (wear lead btw!)

    If it's safe it ain't fun