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Posts posted by doucette

  1. Quote

    AWSOME BAX...u if any bad u live right down the road and i have not heard from u in a year....i thought social class had no place in our world......peace base762

    OK so the social class thing was out of line sorry PEACE

  2. AWSOME BAX...u if any bad u live right down the road and i have not heard from u in a year....i thought social class had no place in our world......peace base762

  3. just my 2 cents...i've now owned and jumped most to all out there and i'll never sway away from martys perigee pro again...and having jumped and owned canopies...i'm on a troll DW...and will stay there....i know this is not H2O related ...

  4. Quote

    I've got three years of gymnastic trampoline training and a season of platform diving. People ask me why I don't do aerials in BASE...

    Well there you go. I'm happy to see this video made it here, because too many close calls never see the light of day. I've done my fair share of stupid shit, so maybe this is hypocritical; but damn there is no excuse for this guy's complete inability to stop after his second flip. Not in a BASE environment.

    I used to go to Twin Falls to make some jumps. Nowadays I just go there to see ten-jump-wonders do their first gainer. It's more entertaining.

    AGREED i use to love TF now i very rarly go any more and i only live 3 hr's away...i'm not the best base jumper in the sport or been all over the world or have a million jumps,,but it make me sick to see the change i've seen in the last 6yrs

  5. marty has once again built me the best rig ever (that make 3 now by him) my pc has the attacment point your speaking of i'll post a pic it is great....

  6. there are so many great ,respectfull people on this board that in know(and respect) but this is one reason i no longer come on very much,at all so many new punks (pukes) in this sport that just don't get it!!!!! very sad.......formaly from the east coast i now have lived in utah for 4 years and am lucky to go to moab monthly and the bridge if i choose,and am still doing bandit jumps (that no one knows other than my crew)now i may not be the pretentious little worm that cane jet set around the world base jumping all the greats...but i have my world here in the states and it sucks to see what some of u punks are doing to it.........go a head flame away i will never hide!!!!!!!!!

  7. hide the truck
    with any luck
    we'll be over the edge
    with the canopies popped
    before a single car has stoped
    no suicide here
    no thoughts of fear
    time seems to slow it's drumbeat pace
    the senses delight
    in this wild human flight
    the adrenline flows
    from the rush we have chose
    we hurtle towards the planet's tight embrace
    as we fall ever faster
    gravity's our master
    we will not go in, no not this day
    the canopies open, we fly away
    lost in these moments which define our lives
    at death we sneer
    for life we cheer

    by marrianne martin

  8. hmmm..this must be jake.n....i'd drive over from SLC and do some good stuff, but i just sold my last rig to matt at the camp groud
    you'll recognize it...gonna take the summer off to just climb..and order a new gargoyle this fall..if you go thru SLC let me know ...stop and have a beverage

  9. cheers nick
    i may not be here today if not for an expert rock climber that came to my rescue after being left in a very bad spot half way up a 300ft cliff from a 180 cliff strike...the city rescue just wasn't cutting it!!! i am now takeing up climbing and love it and might make a full transition from base..base/climb to just full time climb(for many of my own reasons)
    peace...dave..edge-ee base762

  10. hey nick
    i'm originally from NE my self. but live in salt lake city now (1 1/2 yrs now).i jump in moab often.just wondering which DZ there from in case i may know them. i'm not gonna kick a man while he's down
    I WISH HIM A SPEEDY(full) RECOVERY!!!....but the more experienced jumper(FRIEND) that allowed him to jump moab w/two base jump(one per yr.)is a different story.i know what it's like to be busted up bad . haveing broke my pelvis in 4 places on a tower jump(it sucks)also know what it's like to be rescued off the face of a 300 ft wall after a 180 & strike just please ALL be VERY CURRENT & have enough experience to play on these rocks here in UT (or any where) safe..hope to see my buds in TF ON MEM DAY....EDGE-EE#762

  11. hey trucker
    baxter told me you called we were snowboarding in snowbird all day....this slc local..may be able to hook a vister up on that 300fter...i took you on..let me know wazz up [email protected] was moab???i was down there two week ago.

  12. hey james
    good to here from you , heres my e-mail
    [email protected] it would be hard to do tf during the week for me i can go friday nite thru sunday any week end ...i'm pretty much the same distance from moab as i am to the bridge and prefer moab...i just went the other weekend...get good and current w/a few more numbers and i'll take you to moab...stay in touch as you get closer to being in the states and we can try to work something out i'm in the salt lake dave..edge-ee#762B|

  13. hey james
    remember me you stayed w/me in salt lake after TF.if you can make it here i can hook you up in moab or here in the valley. things are good here w/me jumping and snowboarding all the time. our friends from FLA. are comeing here in two weeks to play in the snow. i know BAX will bring a rig also.let me know wazzz up i'm always up to takein some one out (up) (off) WHATEVER...BE SAFE..EDGEEE #762B|