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Posts posted by mtpohl

  1. Just a short note that Alabama Skydiving Ctr., Pell City, AL, now has a PILATUS PORTER on staff! Plane was purchased from Freefall Express (Z-Hills, The Ranch) and climbs competently to altitude (14k ft) in about 20 min. [It might be the plane, it might be the jump pilot extraordinaire, Shawn!]

    Great vibes, great dz; great in-air sceneray. Check it out; it's worth the drive! Plus Rob and Laura (and all the other regulars) are really working hard to make this a most welcoming place.


    P.S.: They did 15 loads on Saturday alone!

  2. 0 in about 500.

    Great gear, awesome packers, and I am very rigorous in pre-flighting the equipment. (Only one issue ever in 500+ jumps that I needed the packer to fix while still being on the ground.)

    Tandems are fun, I still truly love doing them!

  3. I absolutely, positively concurr about your very positive experience with Mike/Altico/Dolphin. We owned two Dolphins initially (5 yrs ago; at $600/ ea. new). And yes, we did not take much of a hit on reselling them...:); I know for a fact that one of them is now doing duty in Bolivia.

    Mike's dedication to the sport and customer service is nothing but exemplary! A true pioneer, he has been around for longer in skydiving than many of us have been on the planet.

    Let's respect our elders. There is a lot to learn from them and be thankful for.


  4. Video not included. But as soon as you wake up after surgery, Hans and Dave (both pro competitive swoopers) will be available for a debrief to exactly pinpoint those skills the unfortunate individual needs to work on.



  5. As an added bonus...

    Skydive the Farm is just a short 15-min Lifeflight from one of the finest category I Trauma Centers in the Southeast...

    Femured in? Broken pelvis? Brain swelling after balls had gotten too big? Null problemo: our board-certified trauma surgeons have you up and running in no time.

    C'mon on out and try that toggle hook from 50 ft that you always dreamed of.



  6. Not enough that they have this $10/14 deal going on all season.

    Now I hear rumors about a 4-day all-you-can-jump Memorial Day Weekend for $150 (CRAZY!!!!), and free Fridays (I don't even wanna know what that is about!).


    P.S.: I am not affiliated w/ sdFaRm, so these are unsubstantiated rumors.

  7. Reminds me of an observation some 10 yrs. ago: driving on campus in Ft. Collins (home to CSU), I see this absolutely gorgeous woman (21 at most) in an outstanding blue-metallic Ford Mustang. The license plate read: IOUDAD.

    At least she was honest and appreciative.

  8. But doesn't discrimination imply some adverse effect on the individual? Where is the adverse effect on you by having to pay $4 less? (I mean you can always donate it to beer, Sierra Club, or the Democrats).

    And no, even at $14 you will not become one of the guys. There are just some distinguishing physical and mental differences between the sexes (thank God for them).


    P.S. : Let me suggest that you PM any reply you feel necessary. And that you come out and jump with me (and/or my wife; who never ever complained about $10 jumps).

  9. Vallerina:

    it happens all the time in skydiving: (i) why do teams get better rates?; (ii) why does staff pays less for jumps; (iii) why can you get a discount if you pre-pay a block of 100 jumps?.

    Relax !:) Plus, I am sure that you can always pay $14, if you insist on being one of the guys !:)


  10. I like the description of the Farm as a "skydiving resort"...that really captures it best and also distinguishes it from your standard dropzone setting (general aviation airport, lots of concrete and hangars).

    With the Farm one is in the midst of nature, lucious green grass, water, cow pastures...very relaxing environment indeed.

    I wish Hans, Harvey, Justin, Dave, Greg, etc etc the best of luck. They are putting a lot of time and money into it...and they might just be onto something very different, very new, and very good.


  11. My wife raptured her ACL in Aug 03 on a botched tandem landing (passenger was ok: all smiles). At 1000+ jumps (AFF-I, TAN-I, Sr. Rigger), she has not been too proud to slide in everyone of her landings ever since on her cute behind. Smart thing to do until she undergoes reconstructive surgery in early May.


  12. WOW...

    some 24 h ago I made a comment to the effect of "Proud to be an American...?", in response to some dude's story at first-hand experience of the PA penal system. I then clinched a bit with Clay, just for the fun of it.

    Now all of these comments (my and Clay's) have been cleanly cut from the threat. WHO NEEDS BUSH OR THE PATRIOT ACT WHEN WE (AS A COMMUNITY) CAN SELF-CENSOR OUR THOUGHTS.

    Welcome to 1984...and THIS is really scary!!! McCarthy says Hi!


  13. Clay,

    in the two (?) years that we shared skydiving at SDA, I don't think she ever became aware of your existence...Of course, that seems to be your general fate with women!


    P.S.: But then, what else would you expect of a dude that considers "Rolling Rock" beer? Do you also consider a hand-shake sexual intercourse...?

  14. Well, somebody I know once said: "I dont believe in the "skydiving bums" anymore either. You know the type,, hang around a drop zone, packing, JM'ing, teams looking for a free jump, All to earn a pack of smoke and drinking free beer out of my cooler. Mostly starving, with no health insurance. They need to GET A JOB . skydiving is supposed to be a hobby, not a living."

    There is a lot of truth to that...


    The wind blew and blew and blew for days and days and days. Then a faint glimmer of hope when the winds died down for a day, now it's huffing and puffing again and blowing our business away. Son of a bitch. I'm fucking hungry. I think I'm going to go pawn something so I can buy food.

    When there's steady business and the weather is good, being a full-time skydiver is the coolest thing in the world. When the wind blows, it sucks balls. Oh well. Got to take the good with the bad I guess. Better than being in an office working for a bunch of assholes.

  15. Don't bother; a place compatible with you doesn't exist yet! (neither does a woman!)

    You are just one of a kind....


    I'm still looking for a "home" DZ. I'm trying out Tecumseh next. However, I DON'T like ASC. :D:D:D

  16. Shimell,

    you sound like the skydiving whore that you really are!:)

    Love you, man. I should be skydiving; after all it's 70F+ here in GA but I misjudged the weather. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHH......

  17. Clay,

    glad I could help to increase your driffle counter by 1 to an astonishing 21732 mindless posts.



    Mathias...Close your hole! Can you land a tandem in the same county as the DZ yet?

  18. Haven't encountered a soul yet at ASC (presumably the badest dz of Georgia and all of the US) who mourned the absence of red-haired, pony-tailed "Jackhammer"...

    Have encountered a few comments along the line: "Sorry to hear that SD Atlanta has him now..."

    From this thread, he seems a natural for customer service...




    The gentleman I spoke with has a long red hair pony tail. I cannot recall his name off the top of my head.

    I know exactly who you're talking about . . . and he was probably not the right person to deal with in this situation. Not that you could have possibly known that. [:/]

    Sorry you had a shitty experience at my home DZ. :(


  19. To provide a different "experience" about skydiving and relationship than those previsouly expressed:

    ** Me and my wife started skydiving together some 3.5 yrs ago.

    ** Since then, she has become an AFF-I and Rigger, I am a TAN-I and Rigger.

    ** Three weeks ago our son Martin was born. He already has 55 skydives including all AFF-levels, a cut-away, and approx. 20 FJCs.

    ** Wife is looking forward to getting back into the air after a 4-month lay-off and also forming an advanced team for the next season's NSL.

    ** Kiddo will be experiencing the dz in two weeks time (at then six-weeks of age).

    So, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM????:)


  20. Not a liability waiver...but I do not offer rigging services under my personal name but as an incorporated business. The form of the business is a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) and basically insulates me from any law suits trying to access my personal (mis)fortune. Incidentally I am also billing my services as a Tandem Instructor and those of my wife, an AFF Instructor, through the LLC. That provides another layer of protection over and above the standard waiver.