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Posts posted by ifics

  1. Yep. I got the DVD in a few days ago and have already watched if 4 or 5 times. Incredible flying..... My favorite part by far are the tracking transitions you pointed out:o

  2. Quote

    Thanx guys for the compliments. I'm very new as far as aerial photography, but it's been really fun experimenting with different shots.

    And yes, that's Katie's Trevor in the images. Good stuff good stuff!

    I took a bunch of portraiture-type shots of everyone who participated in the sequential event. You can check them out on the link to my MySpace page on the Blog section :)

    Outstanding photography!

  3. I have to do a project for a world geography college class and one of the places I have to report on is Norway. Since BASE is pretty big there I have decided to add that into my project, but I cant find the name of that village I see in a lot of videos that one must take a boat to get to. I need to find some picture of the walls and surrounding areas. Any help would be great.

  4. I have been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for about a year and that has at least one thing in common with skydiving. You must have total body awareness to be able to control yourself, your opponent, and to not get caught with a choke or submission. I don't know if it has helped my skydiving game any, but I absolutely love BJJ..

  5. I have a bad left shoulder which always gets worse after a weekend of jumping. I've noticed it the most sitflying, but it will even act up sometimes after a day of HD. I do a lot of excersises in the gym and I have done a lot of rehab to it also, but it seems no matter how much stronger I make it, a full day of sitfly of HD always brings back the pain.[:/]

  6. DAMN I didn't see that this thread was up..

    Fukin amazing weekend guys and it was a privilege to get to know everyone and tag along on the jumps.

    Also, to all the guys on the record.. I'll have the link out for you to download all the pics I have by tomorrow afternoon. I'll send the link to DJ and have him forward it to you all..

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    I only shoot in RAW for many reasons and I've become pretty comfortable with editing/converting them. It can be slow though. I went through 800 RAW shots from a friends soccer game which took me a couple hours to sort/edit/convert. The program I find the best for my personal taste is Raw Shooters Essentials (it's free, with is always my personal taste;)). After I played with RAW for awhile I realized how much more one can get from a picture, even a picture that is perfectly exposed can sometimes use some tweaking.

    What sucks about the Rebel XT is you cant extract the RAW files with the loaded software through the camera. You have to buy a card reader to get the RAW files off.. >:(

    Not so, unless they've changed the software package... the software will pull the photos off via USB cable.

    I got a lemon then, because my USB cable will only remove the .JPG on my XT, BAH.. (doesn't really matter since I have a card reader, but it figures...)

    Plug the cable into the camera, then in the Canon software you have to connect to the camera (it's not the actual Canon Photo Pro, but the other app... can't recall the name). That prog connects to the camera and pulls the RAW files. You can then open them with Canon Photo Pro.

    I'll doublecheck all that tonight when I'm back at the room and post again tomorrow morning with the app names and procedure.

    Thx for the info.. I have tried all things and the RAW will not pull off through the USB cable on my XT. I use my MarkIIN to pull the XT RAW files off of the card anyway (markIIn has firewire so I prefer it anyway). I don't know why my XT software wont do it, but that is the only problem with it and since I only use that camera for jumping and use another camera to pull off the RAW's it doesn't really bother me. Thx though..

  8. Quote


    I only shoot in RAW for many reasons and I've become pretty comfortable with editing/converting them. It can be slow though. I went through 800 RAW shots from a friends soccer game which took me a couple hours to sort/edit/convert. The program I find the best for my personal taste is Raw Shooters Essentials (it's free, with is always my personal taste;)). After I played with RAW for awhile I realized how much more one can get from a picture, even a picture that is perfectly exposed can sometimes use some tweaking.

    What sucks about the Rebel XT is you cant extract the RAW files with the loaded software through the camera. You have to buy a card reader to get the RAW files off.. >:(

    Not so, unless they've changed the software package... the software will pull the photos off via USB cable.

    I got a lemon then, because my USB cable will only remove the .JPG on my XT, BAH.. (doesn't really matter since I have a card reader, but it figures...)

  9. I only shoot in RAW for many reasons and I've become pretty comfortable with editing/converting them. It can be slow though. I went through 800 RAW shots from a friends soccer game which took me a couple hours to sort/edit/convert. The program I find the best for my personal taste is Raw Shooters Essentials (it's free, with is always my personal taste;)). After I played with RAW for awhile I realized how much more one can get from a picture, even a picture that is perfectly exposed can sometimes use some tweaking.

    What sucks about the Rebel XT is you cant extract the RAW files with the loaded software through the camera. You have to buy a card reader to get the RAW files off.. >:(

  10. I still vote for my 15mm fisheye, because on a Rebel XT for example, the 1.6 crop helps the lens to show very little fisheye distortion, but I wouldn't mind 10mmB|

    Posted below is an example of the 15mm Fisheye on an exit shot this weekend, and it doesn't really show all that much distortion. The shot after that shows some on the wings and tail of the plane, and the third is back to showing very little (of anything really.. It needs to be cropped and I need exit practice:S). I know you asked about the 10-20mm, but I thought I would share my recent info on the 15mm fisheye. If you already have this lens than I'm a jackass:P

    The other picture (wide focals) is an example of how wide a 10mm is compared to the 15 (and many other focal lenghts for that matter on a 1.6 crop).

  11. I have the Canon 1Dmark2n and when it comes to weight (almost the same as the D2X) it is no problem for me (although I did buy an XT for quick travel). I wont ever go back to anything under the 1D body after using it. The build quality is very apparent once you hold it and the quality is great.

    For more info about the D2X head over to dpreview.com and read in their D2X forum