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Dropzone Reviews posted by whoremonkey

  1. After jumping at Raeford DZ in NC for 11 years (a fantastic place by the way), I moved back to TX looking for a new home DZ. I looked around at a couple other places and quickly decided Temple was the HEAT! Everyone at the DZ has a fantastic/friendly attitude. The price of a jump is in line with most other DZs, however, you get more bang for the buck, 14,500 ft in less than 15 minutes (and that goes for the Tandems too). There are other DZs closer to where I live, but the jump benefits SD Temple offers are worth an extra hour. Altitude, speed to altitude, great vibe, and being easy to get to all make for a great place to jump. Mark Mark is continually upgrading the facilities to make SD Temple an even better place to jump. The people are friendly and welcome all who come to the DZ, no matter what your experience level or discipline is. And beer rules apply for all (beware Sky Gods).

  2. Spent the weekend (Apr 3-4)at the Space Center. If you haven't been there yet and are looking for a place to jump in FL, I highly recommend this DZ.

    Guaranteed 15,000 on each jump for only $17, you can't beat that with a stick. The bunk house is FREE, only reqires a small deposit for the key. The packers perform good pack jobs. All modern facilities and great people.

    The only areas I could find fault with, and these are only because I'm not used to them, was sandy landing area next to the hanger (although you can land in the grassy area in the main landing area), the planes are stored in the same area where packing is performed (which may lead to damaged canopy fabric if one of the AC had/has a fuel/oil leak. The winds were marginal on Sat and strong on Sun.

    Overall a great place to jump. I was able to find several jumpers who were up to jumping with a visitor. At the end of each jump, I got very good vibes that all had a great time.

    Looking forward to visiting the Space Center again.