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Posts posted by VampireGirl

  1. Hi there VSG, I live and work in London. I work close to Hampstead Heath and Camden (both suggested in previous posts) so I'd be happy to have lunch with you one day, if you're in the area.

    Yes, London Skydivers still happens once a month and I'm not sure when we are going to have it in December, although it does tend to be earlier than usual in December. Once we've figured that one out, I'll let you know! It would be great to have you along.


  2. Quote

    I was in the same situation as you.

    I downsized from a PD190 to a ZP170.. Also F111 to ZP...

    One sentence... Best thing I ever did!

    What he said!

    Having said that.. I moved to a Spectre 170, which has less forward glide than a 9 cell ZP canopy.

    Do a few hop n pops on the new canopy and open high. This will give you an opportunity to do some practise flares and have a play with the canopy before having to land it.

    Good luck and have fun!



  3. Just a reminder that it's London Skydivers Drinks again this Thursday. I'm working to secure a venue and will let you know once I've got that sorted.

    Hope to see you all there.



  4. Hi there Zagor.

    Congrats on your first jump and good luck with AFF.

    I have to say that a motorbike mask is a fab idea in winter to keep the cold air off your face, but you will definately find that the more you jump the more you will relax and the more you feel able to breathe normally. Skydiving does not hinder breathing at all, I know it can feel that way at first and there is a lot going on and I understand you wanting to minimise the stress, but I truly think that in the long run you will be better off doing your AFF without a motorbike mask.

    Tell your instructors about your problem and ask them to remind you to go through breathing excercises in the plane. My AFF instructor did and I breathe very deeply after about 10,000 feet to ensure I'm getting enough oxygen and to keep myself as calm as possible.

    Most importantly.. smile and relax as much as you can!

    I hope this helps! Let us know how you get on.




    Hi everybody, I hope you don't mind me posting this here.

    A colleague of mine has been training for this marathon for the last nine months and is a month away from completing it. He has shown an enormous amount of dedication to this and has never done anything like this before. I have recently sponsored him and seen that he has not managed to raise much in the way of donations. If you feel so inclined, please feel free to sponsor his cause.

    Many thanks



  6. Hi Everybody, this is tomorrow and will be at the Curzon Cinema (93-107 Shaftesbury Avenue, Soho, London W1D 5DY, Tel: 020 7439 4805) from around 6pm ish.

    An area has been booked for us so if you go downstairs and ask for London Skydivers at the bar then we should all find each other!

    See you there!



  7. Bump! We will be gathering again this week, on Thursday, I'm not sure where yet, but once I've figured that out, I'll post it on here! :S



  8. Because it makes me smile! Because it takes away my worries. Because it feels like I'm flying. Because it's so beautiful up there. Because of the fantastic people you meet in the sport. Because of what it's taught me about myself as a person.

    (that's just scratching the surface)


  9. Quote


    I am sorry, I tried REALLY hard not to post this, but you DID ask! The purple looks like vomit for sure. The purple and yellow look awful together, but if you insist on putting those colours together, rather DON'T add the third colour,.. i.e. the blue, just go for the purple and yellow ( I mean, they are bright enough on their own).. what is the cost for FULL tie dye, instead of the free partial tie tye, as I think maybe the full tie dye will look better?

    Sorry if I sound very critical, but the first thing I thought when I saw the purple tie dye, was VOMIT!

    why don't you give the yellow tie dye a try too?

    would be interested to see a photo of the final rig!



    Ok, people, you need to look down in the thread for my revised design! I now realize that the first one was hideous, thank you for setting me straight on that one.
    But I do like my latest. So if you are going to comment, please comment on this one!

    (But I don't mind the brutally honest comments, go ahead with whatever reaction you have. :)

    Yes, without the tie dye, it looks marginally better... unfortunately the purple and yellow still doesn't do anything good for me! Have fun flying it though, ultimately it's your money and your taste!

    Now, purple and black with maybe some yellow tape only... maybe that would be a bit more on the "tasteful" side?


    Or is there no hope at all?


