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Posts posted by shawn128

  1. I did my first jump (tandem 13000ft) over the week end weyhey! I am normally scared of heights. Not planes or anything, but put me on a high bridge and i get the feeling i want to jump, which is what scares me. Anyway I was expecting to be really scared, but found that i was completely chilled before the jump, on the way up in the plane, when i saw my girlfriend who jumped before me suddenly disappear and even in freefall and during the canopy ride. However about half an hour after i landed I started to feel really nervous, i didn't know what about just had that anxious nervous feeling, which really annoyed me 'cause i expected jumping it to be a cathartic experience which would put me on a high afterwards rather then make me feel like crap. That lasted about an hour or so and then i felt really relaxed to the point where i could've fallen asleep.
    Did i have a delayed reaction of some sort? will this happen every time? has anyone else experienced this?