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Posts posted by Maximus1

  1. Quote

    maybe because a plane has enough metal to attract lightning and a skydiver doesn't, they may be safe? Who knows.

    For this reason I always remove my AAD when jumping in large, dark cumulonimbus clouds with hail, rain, and lightning.

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  2. Quote

    730 drives per person per year

    That means 50,000 people would make 36.5M drives and have 1 fatality per 6M drives. That means driving a car is 91.5 times safer than jumping out of a plane.

    Hmmm, perhaps, statistically, that means that driving a car out of a plane is safer than jumping out of one...

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  3. Adrian, is the max wt on your stiletto less than your exit wt? My exit wt is about 180 and max wt on the Spectre is 148.5. I currently jump a Spectre 120 DOM 2000 and am within max weights, but am concerned with this Spectre. From what I've read, the harness is the weakest link and is rated between 2500# and 6000# (gross wt * g force). I don't think I should be concerned about jumping the 135, but I'd like to know if it may rip apart on me. :o

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  4. I just purchased a Spectre 135 DOM 1997. It lists a max wt. of 148.5? Another Spectre 135 DOM 2000 shows a max wt. of 216, which coincides with PDs website. Can the 148.5 be correct? Were Spectres manufactured differently in '97?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  5. Wouldn't it be cool to have a transparent or clear canopy!

    The obvious setbacks would be visibility to other jumpers and perhaps packing, but otherwise it would be a be blast. Any problems with getting ZP material in a transparent format?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  6. I finally made one myself. You can dissasemble the alti easily enough, pull the needle off, put on your own printed design and put it back together.

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  7. I want to jump a modest building in my area. I am curious as to what the potential fines could be. Could my rig be taken away if I am apprehended?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  8. Damn good note about the pivot point distance. Curious - what helmet do you use? I'm leaning toward that same configuration with a Bonehead Optik since I've already been jumping the side mount. My only nag about the side mount is that it tends to rub against the risers and makes it a little harder to film under canopy.

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  9. Michael,

    Thanks for the awesome reply! You have clarified a lot for me. I was in Vinton a couple of weeks ago - I'm not sure if I saw you. I was shooting PC side mount. I think my initial question would have been better phrased as Safest Video/Still Helmet Configuration. Is it safer to put everything on top / in front as opposed to having a side mount?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  10. When shooting a range of video and digital stills in the following priority:

    1. Freefly (head down, etc)
    2. Tandems
    3. Big-way / competition

    What is the best helmet configuration?

    A. Side mount video (PC) + top mount still
    B. Top mount video (TRV) + front mount still
    C. Top mount video (PC) + top mount still

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  11. When shooting a range of video and digital stills in the following priority:

    1. Freefly (head down, etc)
    2. Tandems
    3. Big-way / competition

    What is the best helmet configuration?

    A. Side mount video (PC) + top mount still
    B. Top mount video (TRV) + front mount still
    C. Top mount video (PC) + top mount still

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  12. Does anyone mount both video and a still camera on an optic? Seems a side mount video would be fine, but a top-mount still camera might stick out a bit far on the sides. What about shooting tandems and big-ways in this config? You can't easily angle up the top mount camera like you can with your side mount.

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  13. You can't mix Ilink without a digital mixer which starts at about $2200. If you don't want to use a PC, your best bet is probably to use the S-Video & RCA inputs on the DVD recorder (Panasonic makes a good model with DV in at $460.) From a purist standpoint you are committing a capital offence going from Digial2Analog2Digital, but S-Video still has great quality and the majority of views probably couldn't tell the difference, especially when burnt to DVD. I don't know about editing features on recorders with build in HDDs, but if you find an intuitive option, please let me know.

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  14. Does anyone use the Optik for filming tandems and 4-ways, etc. or just for frefly video. Is the flat top of the helmet large enough to mount a typical SLR without too much camera sticking over the edges?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  15. Just kidding about the birdman jump. I'll wait until 500 jumps or so.

    I know many people tell you to wait until jump number X before trying Y, however it seems that a skill set and level of comfort would be more applicable to these situations. I am attempting to do my due diligence by asking technical advice of knowledgeable jumpers both in this forum and at my home DZ. Based upon a combination of their feedback and my own experience, I would make or not make the decision to add an additional element to my jumps. Having said that, any specific advice on manufactures, models, sizes, new vs. used for a first camera suit would be appreciated. From a safety standpoint, any advice on specific skill sets that should first be mastered would also be helpful.


    Wings are better for hovering on the edge of the burble then they are for climbing in a track.

    I see your point. Why do most video men jump with a wingsuit / camerasuit when filming tandems? What is the advantage in this scenario other than increased fall rate flexibility?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  16. In the 40 or so camera jumps I've made to date, I've felt entirely comfortable and have been able to out-float almost everything I’ve filmed from tandems to 10-ways. More of the issue relates to the scenario where I am out on a subject and need to cover horizontal distance while maintaining relative altitude. I can do this today by creating a wind scoop with my arms while moving toward the target, but even small wings would give me greater flexibility in my decent rate and increased ability to climb up the hill on exit. Besides, I’d like to practice on some sort of wing suit before my scheduled birdman suit jump next month.

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

  17. Looking for camera suit w/small wings to start. Prefer used since I'll likely ditch it soon and go to medium or large wings once I'm comfortable. Where can I get something like this? Am I better off just investing in a custom new suit and who has the best price point?

    - Maximus

    It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.