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Dropzone Reviews posted by skyshark6

  1. I switched to Hollister as my "home DZ" four years ago when Skydive Monterey Bay drove all the upjumpers away with tandem-factory business practices. (don't you just hate it when DZO's lock the place up once the tandems are done and then drive everone off an hour before sunset?)
    Hollister is the exact opposite. They do a great job with tandems, but are also a very up-jumper friendly with a good crowd of 60+ regular jumpers who like to hang out after sunset to drink beer and BBQ. The vibe there is the best that I have ever encountered at a DZ. I've only been weathered-out at hollister one day in the five years that i have jumped there. The King Air is FAST and always goes to 15,000 ft, the highest in the area.
    The only issue is that the landing area is a 10-minute van ride away (and at a different elevation). Some people view this as a detractor, but it actually is pretty cool to get a chance to hang out for 10 minutes with your fellow skydivers and get to know them. Even with the van ride, you can still get 9 jumps in a day during the summer months.