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Posts posted by Kat1221

  1. Hey Steve!!! Congratulations! Weren't you just doing your 500th under a yellow reserve a few months ago?! :P Thats awesome...
    About the 666 jump... just get some cute skychick to dress in red and do a reverse rodeo. Preferably dressed in a red bikini or something, maybe with little devil horns or something... at least make it not PG rated. And get good video! You should be able to get extra altitude with that. Some guy a while back at my DZ jumped with the a plastic devil pitchfork too...
    Well, have fun and let us know what you do.

  2. Quote

    At least I'm under the impression that it is possible to do hop n' pops at Pitt Meadows during your winter wet season right? ;)

    Hey - we were jumping from altitude in November and opened again in February. December and January had too many of us in Eloy! Just wear tons of layers, gloves and liners. :P I've jumped when its been -26 degree celcius at the top... no clue what that translates to for Americans! So, if you're crazy enough you can jump through Alberta winters.

  3. Yeah - I'm in the same situation. Small DZ with no packers, so everyone has to pack. It was kind of weird the first time in Eloy, when I landed and was like 'lets do that again! I'll put us on a 15 minute call.' and a few people were like 'I think that packers are pretty busy - they'll need more than 15 minutes to pack my rig.'

    Just in case anyone didn't see my edit - this was to ask if you know how to pack... doesn't matter if you use packers or not :)

  4. Quote

    Hi Kat ... how's Calgary?

    Close - but Kyla is Calgary - I'm from Edmonton, even further north! Its good here - warming up, and we've been jumping every weekend since February now.
    I have this in another thread... but come back to Canada! heehee :)

    To answer my own question - I can pack pretty well everything, cuz we have a bunch of CReW dogs with Lightenings here. But, of course, thats just until I have multiple rigs and lots of money. (I'm open to donations...:P)

  5. Quote

    Yes we are totally spoiled down here (and I'm only jumping at a medium sized turbine DZ). I hate to say it, but I regret the likelyhood of having to move back to Canada once my work down here is done.

    Hey! Nothing wrong with Canada.... if you don't mind Cessna's and snow! :P
    Well, if you do have to move back you know Kyla and I are always here for tracking dives.... and I'm thinking road trip to Eloy next Christmas. :) See? It won't be so bad!

    To answer the question - I don't see myself doing Tandems, at least not for a LONG time because I small... but I can definitely see myself doing most other things - I already manifest sometimes (when the girl who is actually good at it is away!), pack, and edit video...

    Subliminal messaging: Come back Canuck.... we need more people so we can get bigger planes....

  6. It seems that more and more jumpers don't know how to pack, or learn just enough to get their licence and then forget. Just wondering how many people actually know hown to pack. I don't think I could afford to jump if I didn't know!
    Edited to add: Just wondering if you know how to pack - doesn't matter whether you use a packer or not!

  7. Interesting post... when I was first buying gear I had a huge split in people's opinions - some said go to a 150, or even 135 because I'm a small girl and would still be under 1:1. All the others said that anything under a 190 isn't a 'first' canopy. I had one older guy say that "well, my first main was a Fury 220 - those are good starter canopies... you should get one." Kind of funny, because I think he'd be loading the Fury about the same as me under my Sabre 150.

    So I guess there are quite a few people out there that still have the mindset of nothing under 200!

  8. Quote

    Yes "shit happens" but it better be pretty damn clear it was not a packing mistake like the slider full up or lines wrapped around the canopy.

    Umm.... I really think that you'd want it packed with the slider up.... but by all means try it both ways and see which works better! :P

    To answer your question (serious now!) I personally would define anyone experienced enough to check where the chopped main was going, help look for it, and basically take responsibility as anyone licenced. So anyone with 25-50 jumps should be getting to that point... and yeah, there are a lot of what ifs, and cases of people with hundreds of jumps and no licence, but I think basically after 25-50 jumps you should have been around enough to know that you might want to get that back! Do you think at 37 jumps if you had a mal you would help find the main and maybe if you had time under the reserve, take a look at where it (the main) was going towards?

    I think anyone who has their own gear and is renting for some reason should treat it like it was theirs, and replace anything they lose. And IMHO I think people with their own gear should know how to pack it... but thats just my opinion. :)

  9. Quote

    Please note that this thread was started by a jumper who has well over 100 jumps and owns their own gear. This person doesn't know how to pack and wanted to make the sunset load which was on a less than ten minute call at the time, and decided to jump a rental rig instead.

    I'm not sure if this was meant as a reply to my post, but nothing in my post disagrees with what you wrote. My point was that it is entirely different to not hold a student at fault for any lost gear.
    An experienced jumper should be heads up enough to look out for the main / freebag, should help search for the missing gear, and should pay for any gear that is not found - same as they would if it were their own rig they were jumping!

  10. Quote

    I understand the steps.. and I know how to integrate... actually easier for me LOL

    I'm just stressed because the answers are so freakin weird that I think I'm wrong... so maybe my answers are right... who knows...


    Oops, sorry I guess I didn't realize what you were asking. I'd have to say go with the weird answers - thats what I do! Good luck :)

  11. Quote

    I pulled my researve on my 25th jump, I jumped a rented gear. but any way my DZ does not charge the renter if something get lost or damaged dou to a mal. on a regular jump if you lose the rip cord you do have to pay.

    I think thats entirely different - at my DZ we don't expect students to pay for anything if they have a mal, and I don't think many DZ's would. This is a case of a DZ renting a rig to a licenced jumper, so I'm assuming the rig wouldn't be used for student with 25 or under jumps - it was probably a smaller main used for more experienced jumpers as transition gear. And a licenced jumper should have the presence of mind to look for the main / freebag to see where it was heading.
    Other people on the load should have helped out too - there was a thread on this a while back about following people who land out, and most agreed that one person follows the main, one the free bag and one the jumper is he/she is landing off... if its safe.
    But I agree with the poster who said that two cutaways on 'student' rigs is a lot....

  12. For the second question, just find the second derivative to that equation. In the regions where the second derivative is positive, the function is concave up, and in the regions where the second derivative is negative then the funtion is concave down.

  13. I think its too late, but anyways....
    I did it really quickly, so check for simple calculation errors. And you can simplify it by multiplying a lot of stuff out:

    (4(x+3)(x+3)^8 + ((x+3)^2 + x(2(X+3))(8(x+3)^7)) / (X+3)^8

    And yeah - just wait for integration! :P

  14. We sell t-shirts with this on them at our DZ. The Skydiving better than sex list is on the front, and on the back is ten reasons why sex is better than skydiving. It includes: you can still have sex if you don't have money, it doesn't cost thousands of dollars to have fun, you can have sex when its raining, windy etc. I can't remember all of them.

  15. I have a cypress, but have jumped rigs without them. Its nice to have, but I really don't think about it. At 30ish jumps I would have wanted one though - just because I didn't feel I had the skill/experience to be going without one... but to each to their own. My DZ requires one up to B licence.

  16. An intentional cutaway by the lower guy on a two stack leaving a ghost plane. He chopped it high, went into freefall for 15-20 second, pulled silver, then caught his freebag. Then he hooked the reserve, and swooped by the building with the freebag between his knees!

    Another one - Dumped high on a sunset load, and the pilot did a flyby when we were bumping end cells at about 6 grand - he was maybe 50 feet away, waving out the window... I think it counts, cuz I was a spectator!

  17. My DZ does mostly IAD progression, and from what I remember a large portion of the FJC was canopy control. By time I was on freefall I was off radio, and was pretty confident in my landing skills. There were always instructors around to watch landings and give pointers for my first 20 or so jumps. Now we have a canopy control course planned for April or May. The DZ seems to do a pretty good job of emphasizing canopy control.
    I remember after a jump where I screwed up in freefall and was pretty mad about it, the DZO came out and watched me land. I told him what happened, and he said not to worry - that any jump you walk away from is a good jump.

  18. Quote

    Does no one else keep a pull up in their rig under their main webbing? Everyone I know does.


    This was a first jump student load (IAD), and the instructor didn't have his jumpsuit on since it was July and hot out. He had his second CRW rig on, which didn't have a pull-up. I have one in my jumpsuit pocket, and most people I know have one on them.

  19. A very experienced JM had this happen this summer at our DZ. A girl who was to be last out had her main pin come out. The JM had the pilot keep the door closed, told the girl to lay flat on her stomach and used his shoelace as a pull-up to close the container. The girl then had an uneventful jump. We now keep a pull-up chord in the plane, just in case... This definitely shouldn't be done by everyone - the JM is extremely experienced.

  20. I talked to one guy who said you aren't a skydiver until you are pied for your 100th jump. Not agreeing or disagreeing, just a thought.
    Also, a few years before I was around there was a quadraplegic guy who made over 100 tandem jumps... and got pied for it. :)Whats with the website answer on the poll? I know a guy who has 6000 jumps and is pretty much never online... he's the best example of a skydiver I know!

    I don't know when you become a skydiver. I don't know if I consider myself one, even though I work at the DZ and spend every possibile weekend out there... I guess I know in five years or so, with the amazing turnaround rate this sport has. I wonder how many of the 90% + people who quit before they have been in it five years considered themselves skydivers.

  21. I got my belt from a rigger - he modified it to hold more weight, because most people don't need more than 10lbs. It can hold a maximum of 16lbs, but if you need more I'm sure you can find a rigger who can help you out.
    I know a smaller guy who does competition 4-way, who has weights sewn into his container - he said its a lot easier that way... he usually wears a belt too, but just not as much in it. Hope this helps... :)

  22. I usually wear 14 lbs of lead to keep up with the average faller... I wear a belt and it isn't too bad, except I've had a sore back once or twice. I found I liked the belt better than the vest, but I have only a couple jumps on a vest.
    Its nice to jump with smaller people and wear less lead, but the 14 lbs is really easy because it puts me at an average rate so we don't have to worry about who is wearing what jumpsuit, and taking out or putting in the little pouches, and we usually don't have level issues. I'm kind of worried about back problems later on, but right now I'm young and stupid and having fun, so I'll just go with it!

  23. Quote

    to me, i'm not worried about pissing the other rw guys off.


    Aww... you should have done some RW with me when I was down. I never get pissed off - if you go low or something, I'm just glad it wasn't me! Most people are like that - all jumps are fun, regardless of if you screw up or not! Competition of course is different...

    However, this weekend i will be doing mostly belly flying as today i got my RW suit in!! HOORAY! B|

    Congratulations! Oh yeah - I think you owe beer :) SDH is a great place to learn RW - there are lots of cool people who probably wouldn't mind helping you, and jumping with you. Have fun and funnel an exit for me! :)