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Posts posted by jammindave

  1. '79 @ WSPC
    I was under a Pap and this blue guy comes up behind me and tells me to hold course. He walks across the top of my canopy and just misses hooking into my lines. If you only knew my low jump numbers. I don't recall his name, but I thought I would mention this.

  2. why do you keep dragging this down to the individual level, i thought this was more on the international level. sorting out the rich from the poor on a international level isn't that hard. yes, lets keep the $'s in the US, and let the rest of the world sink in their own quick-sand.

  3. i agree that the $'s do not always go where there supposed to go, what a surprise! just look within your own county, state, etc. yes, i wish we could hold them all accountable, it's frustrating. the rich need to help the poor, but enter the politics of it all, i guess i don't have the answer. once again, speaking of countries for the most part.

  4. as i recall, most things in life have a price, marriage, car loans, life in general. the goverments who accept aid know there is a cost. once again, do you want the aid? do you want to get married?, do you want that car?, do you want that house?, do you want that job? if not, then don't, nobody is making you but yourself? and that goes for countries, we are just trying to help, yes, there is a cost, as well as a choice.

  5. while i don't support foul langauge around kids and others for that fact, it happens. i do it, but then i'm just not a very clever person. that kid will grow up finding that there are a lot of poorly educated people based on a slip of the tongue. he'll quickly move to the head of the class, i have no doubt.