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Posts posted by carmenmullenix

  1. Just learned that we've lost another bright light -- Julien Hug. He was such a nice guy; quick with a smile and kind word. A natural athlete, he took to the sky like a fish to water. We'll miss you, Julien.

  2. How sad. How random. How unexpected. Sketchy Dave has been a mainstay at Skydive San Diego for twenty-plus years. It'll be so weird without him there. Blue skies forever, old friend.

    As details are developed about a memorial or services, please let me know. Thanks.

  3. What a tragedy. Shindig was the consummate professional and a dear friend to many. My heart goes out to his loved ones, including my wonderful Elsinore family. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.


  4. Congratulations and welcome to the club! I hope you'll be an instructor who understands that you're now the example that everyone's secretly watching. If you do a hook turn, jump without a helmet, pull low, etc., one of your novice admirers will eventually imitate you, and likely get hurt. I hope you'll be a great role model.

    Again, congrats on your success!

  5. The world is a sadder place on the passing of fellow skydiver John Walton. He was a very low-key, unassuming guy, despite his fortune. Jumpers in Southern California knew John as the guy who was ready to get on whatever plane was going up, and was always playing with his canopy -- usually collapsing it for the majority of the ride to the ground.

    Blue skies, John. You'll be missed.

  6. Oh dear. You called Don "old". It was nice knowing you, Dom.

    At least Don has made "lemonade" from the lemon of his unfortunate landing: now everyone wants to feel his butt. (Probably the only thrill the old guy gets, eh Dom?) :ph34r:


  • My greatest highlights in skydiving have been teaming with two former instructors (Tom Riddick and Tom Allen) and placing (several times!) in 4-way Intermediate Nationals. Then later, getting my AFF rating and looking over the back of our student at my former instructor. Wild.
    Now I'm getting that same goofy look from my former students as we're holding onto an AFF 1. I've never felt prouder.


  • Skydivers,

    Today's on-line San Diego Union Tribune carries the obituary of Adria Allen. Her family did a phenomenal job with the write-up, considering how difficult it must have been for them.

    The obit has a link to a "Guest Book". For those not attending the services, I encourage each of you to take a moment and write a word or two of remembrance. It's important to show our love and support in this difficult time.

    Try this link:

    If that doesn't work, try: in the right hand column, under "Latest News", click on "Obituaries". You'll see her name under "Family Placed Notices"

    Blue skies,

  • Lew,

    Argh. I share your pain. I was a victim of ID theft myself. If your bad-guy is savvy, he may be able to find out more about you. I'd advise you to flag your credit cards, et al, so he can't hurt you even more.

    This may help....
    Call all of these numbers to report the theft: Equifax 1-888-766-0008, Experian (formerly TRW) 1-888-397-3742, Trans Union 1-800-888-4213; the Social Security Administration also has a fraud line at 1-800-269-0271 if you think you've been a victim of identity theft.

    You can also take some satisfaction from the fact that the cosmic karma always comes around. He'll get his.

  • Twardo - My goodness, there's a name I haven't heard in a while! You're a DAD? Hoo-eee! Times have'a changed, eh? I'm a wife and stepmom to three myself. Still jumping hard, teaching AFF at Elsinore on the weekends, and keeping my skydiving friends straightened out here in the Forums (ha!).

    Are you still jumping? Is Liberty still in action? It's good to hear from you! Welcome to the Forums!!


  • Ohh Philip, I'm so very sorry. I was hoping she would be one of the lucky ones that would survive the horror of cancer. I'm just glad she had time to share with her loved ones. She's so lucky to have a friend like you.

    Jump for the Cause was a significant highlight in my skydiving career. Carrying Penny's name with me made it real. It honestly put the event on a whole new level -- It made more than skydiving -- it made it personal and added meaning. Thank you so much for sharing Penny's life with me. Though I never met her, we share a special bond through our friendship with you.

    To all those who contributed to, participated in, and supported JFTC - Thank you. You made a difference.
