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Gear Reviews posted by Chrisky

  1. I have a Faqtor 120. When i first saw one of these it was a steep hookturn and i thought the guy would never make it... I was wrong, short toggle input and he swooped like hell. Jumped it lateron myself and was amazed of that canopy. You can do very flat turns should you need to, but if you get into the front risers, it will make your ProTrack scream. It is an incredibly good canopy for a wide range of experience, i can only recommend it.

    The Service from Paratec was outstanding, had my custom made canopy in a little more than four weeks after the order.

    I've also jumped the XXXXX2 made by a bigger company, as i thought it was the same class - no way dude, it just hasn't the Faqtor!

  2. I made a sort of arm and leg flame design for my suit, the flames being red-on-yellow tie-dye, yellow trim and navy blue torso. I gave some very specific instructions as to the number of flame spikes, for example that I wanted the arm ones to extend all the way onto the chest, and those on the legs a bit irregular in length. I sent them a pic of my gear so they could match it up. They checked back with me for the exact colors (I sent a somewhat bad picture at first, blue looked royal not navy) and got to work.

    The result was a suit that looks perfectly matching to both my body, my rig and my idea. Its cut size is perfect giving me my perfect speed range. Not an inch of cloth too much or too little anywhere.

    The Suit seemed to have made a big difference in my flying too. See the suit in my avatar picture. Got lots of compliments for it so far. Good they're still around, I was worried after the hurricane last year. Still wanted to get some of their swoop pants...

  3. I was looking for a manufacturer who could get me a Container within 5/6 weeks in continental north america, beeing in Canada myself. Wanted to stick with a major brand (i'm from Germany and might return within a year) to have replacement parts available whereever i am. I had to drop my original choice due to long deliveries, so i asked around and got quite some advice to go for Wings.

    A good friend of mine told me that opening (mainly main-)flaps used to be an issue, but that has been resolved if it existed.
    I know because i own one now, and i know they are safe.

    Having my first deployment in that harness, i immediately thought that something was wrong. I looked up at my canopy - all there, lines in order, no spin, risers ok, toggles in place, so what's wrong?

    I was just so used to feeling my former harness by it squeezing here and there that it just felt like there was something missing. Yet the only thing missing was the squeeze, and when i re-evaluated my situation it turned from Wrong? to GREAT!

    I went into some nice dive turns to see what it feels like when under pressure.
    Didn't change that much, was still "not really there". I LOVE it!!

    When having it recommended to me, i didn't really know what to expect and didn't know what to think of all these reviews at

    Everyone was soooo right about the comfort and service, except that dude who was pissed by their service; i think they have among the best service out there, they even mailed me the embroidery data files so i wouldn't have to pay the digitization of my custom logo again if i should need it anywhere.

    I received my rig (rush service, w/ tie-dye) exactly five weeks after my order, everything fits as grown-on and it looks kick-*ss!

  4. I don't own one, but i did like a hundred jumps on one this year ('03). It was built for someone slightly larger than me, why it was a bit squeezy in one or two places. Apart from that, it fitted nice.

    Got to try one more of my size once, which really felt good. Only reason i didn't have one customized for me was that i moved to Canada and had wanted to go with "Ulysses journey". When they couldn't deliver in the time i needed, i'd have gone for the Next, but was in Canada. So to escape customs & transatlantic shipping, i got a different one. Which is fine too. ;o)

    I didn't give it five stars because i didn't get it really comfy due to my wrong sized one (which was a demo, so not Paratecs fault).

    I think it's only one of two european-based C/H-Systems you should go for. And it is _very_ reasonably priced.