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Posts posted by peedu

  1. Quote

    After how many jumps do Stiletto's need to be relined in general?
    I am considdering buying one, and I would like to know this to see if I'm getting a good price.
    Don't know how many jumps are on it, but negociations start tonight, and I would like to have an idea when this big cost will be coming my way so I can take that into account when we are discussing a price.

    I have a stiletto with 800 jumps (several owners). The risers have velcro for stowing the excess brake line. It looks like I'm gonna change the lower part of the steering line after that season (arount 900 jumps). And probably also the risers on the container.


  2. I also set one roll of TP free last weekend. I threw it around 2000-2500ft. It unrolled nicely. I was kind of disapointed how short it was. The next thing I discovered is that it was falling very slow. I got only few seconds of it on the video, then it was gone. (I jumped Stiletto 120 @ 1.65)...
    But hey... the pictures are at...
    Look at the pictures 33-44.
    And also a videoclip is there.

  3. Hi!
    I don't jump the camera suit with wings. I use very baggy freefly type suit that is far bigger than the freefly suit usually. I use it mostly for 4way filming, tandems and FS training with very slow falling students.
    I even have not bothered to find out if there are any different type of wing constructions for camera suit wings.
    What I would like to know is the emergency procedures with wings. Different malfuncions (total/slow). Maybe it depends on suit construction?
    I question came from the thought that if you have wings, that can not be released and they will remain inflated then the launch of reserve pilot chute might be delayed because of the burble.

  4. Everything depends also on the formations used and how long is the sequence. Turning Accordians from left to right in 2way is much easier than using 5 different formations, where you have a lot of head switches etc.
    Some students asked for some interesting dives for 2way and 3way, here are some ideas...
    2way #1
    2way #2
    3way #1
    3way #2
    The last one shows how one coach can teach forward-backward movements to one student and more advanced moves for the other one. :)
    I have never tried that one :P

  5. My only reserve ride has been on the tandem and I pulled only the reserve. (Long story).
    I am drilling one hand on each handle method for myself, but teaching students the two hands on each handle method. It will be quite interesting to know which method pops up when I have to do it in the air. I did about 220 jumps in the beginning with belly mounted reserves. Reserves had handles located in different positions etc...
    But at the moment I can not remember any disscussion about different methods for students. What would be the advantages of teaching one hand on each handle for students? Have there been any big problems when teaching them two hands on each handle?
    All the students I (or other JM in our club) have trained have done very well performing the cutaway procedures with two hands on each handle.

  6. Quote

    "Just someone ordered it and did not pick up then it was sold for half the price a couple of months later"
    Inspired idea sir!!!

    This time I was just lucky. Others have said also that this would be a good way to get big discounts. Just make sure you order something unusual and expensive! :)

  7. Hi!
    I got VCL-CZ0630 very cheap. Original price is about $300 and I paid $150. Just someone ordered it and did not pick up then it was sold for half the price a couple of months later. I still paid more that the cost of the 'default' sony 0.6 wideangle VCL-0630S . (They are asking about $110 for it around here).
    It is also a little bit bigger and heavier, but it works ok and the difference in dimensions and weight is not so big. Although there is no big visual difference in the videos (maybe I just don't notice it).
    The VCL-ES06A is thin, but the diameter is bigger. It has an additional ring that you screw to your camera and then clip on the lens itself. I'm not sure if the diameter causes any problems mounting the camera to the helmet or into a box.

  8. There was one more good point in the answers to that previous question about sony pc 1-120 cameras. I did not think about it, because I had already decided it.
    You need to decide: topmount or sidemount.
    Topmount = TRV series and Sidemount = PC series.
    Of course you can do the opposite also... :)

  9. Quote

    I've seen the PC1, PC5, PC9, PC110, and PC120. They all seem to be in the pricerange I was looking at.

    PC9 compared to PC5 has a memorystick, so you can get videograbs and some videoclips through USB to the computer. At the moment I don't have a computer good enough for video capture and I'm using this feature to get some videos and photos out of the camera after the weekend. Not a good quality but at least something for fellow skydivers to watch.
    You can see them at
    Select fotovideo from the menu.
    I don't have the manual here at the moment, but if I remember correctly the PC5 does not have DV-in recording.
    I don't know about the PC110 and etc. they were outside of my budget when I bought mine. Also the PC1 was so old model that they didn't sell it anymore.
    I bought the PC9 because of couple of more features and a very small difference in price compared to PC5.

  10. Quote

    It looks like the riser is simply twisted in the large ring. This would be a simple packing mistake - failing to check the three rings while stowing the risers.

    You are right. This is a twisted 3ring. Probably done during the riser stowing. The quy has about 45 jumps.

  11. Just wanted to show you a picture of what I discovered when giving gear checks to students and to anybody who wanted it before boarding the plane.
    See the attachment.
    Experienced jumpers who don't ask for a gear check will get a 'visual check' from me anyway. I just look at the gear and check everything I can see: 3rings, handles, straps...

  12. Quote

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    Well I have no updates this weekend. Too much wind :(.
    I even have nothing to write to that new thread about last weekend.
    We were just trying to find a lost freebag of our girls who had a reserve ride on 11th of May that I forgot to tell you about last week.
    Well... more weekends to come.

  13. Tid 1 tandem. Then I was on couple of x00 jumps. Filmed a student. And...
    We had a great 5 pt training jump with 4way team. 5 points was a great deal, everybody in the formation is quite inexperienced. Actually it was a first jump for the team when it actually looked like 4way :).
    I promised to buy a round of beer, if they show me a Donut in freefall, they did it twice. I guess that means two rounds.
    The 5.2Mb video is at: