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Posts posted by sssbc99

  1. Quote

    I'm jealous!! Wish I could get up and try some new stuff. As you can see from my xray I won't be jumping for a while - had an oops at bridge day.:S
    Hope Florida is good to you!!

    it is hard to an attachment

    Get better soon bro

  2. Quote

    So my question is...has this ever happened to you, and if so, what did you do about it?

    Found a new hobby that I do atleast one day a weekend. I still jump, but not as much as I did.
    Last year I really only did team jumps and a handful of tandems.

    This is probably the most important thing. I have only been jumping for about 7 months now but I have seen so many people that have only one thing they are passionate about in their lives, skydiving. Now dont get me wrong, skydiving(and freeflying, in particular) is an awesome, exhilirating sport, but like any other hobby, you have to balance it with something else. I can think of four other active sports/hobbies that I love just as much as skydiving and all of these things keep me balanced, i.e. when I get a little bit tired of one thing, I focus on another. I feel sorry for the guys that I see that the only thing they have is skydiving. I am sorry if that offends some people but picking up something else or focusing on something that you used to do will solve your problems.:)

  3. I would say that three of the worst habits I have seen when I fly hd with people(yes i used to do this and yes there are other bad habits) are:

    1. Focusing so hard on flying with your palms toward the ground that you are arching your back (like in rw). Edit: Or arching for any reason.

    2. Trying so hard to get in the "position" that you are really tense in your upper body and not flying your legs at all.

    3. Getting stuck flying in one leg postion, i.e. never moving your legs around and therefore restricting your flying.

    I think that each of these can develop into really bad habits that can be a pain in the ass to fix in the future. There are probably other bad ones but i am sure someone will mention them here.

    Edit: Regarding bad habits in a sit: the things you mentioned will only make it harder when you want to do a lot of docks. Learning to fly a neutral position without compensating either way is only going to make things progress faster.

  4. The "right" way can vary slightly from person to person but developing bad habits is NEVER a good thing. Not just for your flying ability, but for the safety of others. You could do a whole bunch of solos and think you are doing the right thing and then go jump with someone and realize when it is too late that you had a shitload of bad habits.

  5. This is the same ideas that I got from taking coach jumps with Mike Ortiz in San Diego. His basis for flying with your toes/feet forward is the same; it is much more versatile. It was so much easier to make small forward and backward adjustments in close to a partner with your feet/toes forward.

    It is pretty simple if you think about it. One thing that he told me to do was to stand on the ground in the position with your toes out. He would then try to push me over. I was much more balanced with the toes forward position. Also, if you try to make small movements back and forth with your legs, it is much easier with your leg straight, i.e. you have a much larger range of motion.

    Edit: Another important thing that I forgot to add was that when you fly toes out, you almost always lose the ability to use the bottom half of your legs as a flying surface. It seems from practicing head down and watching various experienced flyers that this surface can be one of the most vital to someones advancement in this flying position.

  6. Quote

    Sam Adams~best beers anywhere in the world, especially Cherry Wheat. I put away a few Moosehead Dry's when I was in Halifax, it was good, but not as good as my beloved Sam Adams.

    The funny thing is that sam adams doesnt even have their own "real" brewery. They are brewed under contract with one of the big companies. Oh yeah, and cherry wheat is piss.

  7. Quote


    alright, Casie, we need SPECIFICS...........would you gargle someone else's vomit for $1,000? $5,000? Eat an amputated human toe for $100,000? hey, I warned you this would get a little sick (but I'm BORED).

    For a $1,000....hell no! That crap smells & my tummy can't handle smells very well! Where the hell did you come up with eating an amputated toe????:S I'm talking bout eating live bugs or animals parts or something like that!

    Forget the toe, would you eat a piece of crap for that much? You could put any amount of toppings you wanted on it, but you had to finish it (assuming you would not get sick).