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Gear Reviews posted by MedicJumper

  1. I've jumped my safire 2 149 for approximately 100 jumps now. I load it at 1.3 and have 350ish jumps overall.

    I love it! It flies great, lands even better. I am working on learning 180 hook turns right now and the canopy is really well behaved and forgiving wanting to fly straight fairly quick if I let go of the risers early. The flare is powerful on risers or just doing a normal approach. The canopy response on toggles is crisp but not as aggressive as my friend's crossfire. Plenty of 'sportiness' at my level.

    The only thing I can really reproach it is the openings. Yes they're smooth, yes they're on heading but man 800 ft! It was even longer when the canopy was brand new approaching 1000 ft. That's long. Time to have a coffee while watching this thing unfold :)

    Took me 25 jumps or so to get over it during which time I was debating returning it but now I think the flying characteristics way outweigh that small detail. After all it only takes 1 or 2 seconds more than other canopies... it just feels long!

    hope that helps