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Posts posted by beej

  1. this isnt a joke as such, but is still funny..

    While watching the news coverage regarding his death, i 'thought out loud' to the wife "I wonder where pope's get their fancy hats and stuff from?", she replied sarcastically (while rolling her eyes)
    "Pope's Are-Us"

    ..made me giggle days later..

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  2. i very much doubt this site was ever / is about money....this sport has a small target audience...which would certainly reflect the site's fiscal value.

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  3. I like it, cos it makes my job a little easier.

    I usually use ad-aware/spybot/hijackthis/ in a kind of combo....but MS anti' actually does the work of all three, and it can be set to self update in the background, which is cool when otherwise you have to rely upon 26 users on a network.....

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  4. The psd layers are there for you to have the ability to edit a layer. For example, you may have a fancy header image in the template package, that has 'your company name here'. You can then go into photoshop and edit the text within that layer. Thus preserving whatever gfx are behind (or maybe in front) of the text.

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  5. Quote

    i am under the understanding that george bush senior ejected

    it wasnt an 'eject' was a good ol fashioned 'bail out' of a grummen avenger during WWII..

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  6. take a course in web design and youll see the problems faced by designers ref different screen resolutions....not all sites are suited for 'stretchy' like

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  7. in the first 13 mins....during that time, i was made to look at a white board with nothing appearing on it.... (speaking as a viewer here)

    suggestion: add running commentary like bullet points on that white board and flip as you talk..

    you come across very well..

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  8. ..on a tangent... an American 'billion' is not infact a 'million million', but is '1000 million'...the British 'billion' is a 'million million'.

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  9. aaah Aliens.. awesome all time classic for me is that...

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  10. I just watched Spielbergs 'Empire of the Sun'. I found it very moving. Anyone else like it? What other movies have 'moved' you.....

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  11. A little Indian boy approaches Big Chief Sitting Bull. 'Where do our names come from?' the little boy asks.

    Sitting Bull replied; 'whatever the eyes of your father fall upon when leaving the tent of your birth, is what you are named, for example, my father saw a bull sitting on the ground, hence my name - Sitting Bull, why do you ask Two Dogs Fucking?'

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  12. My mum is a born again christian, so when i saw this bumper sticker, I had to buy it and mail it to her:

    "JESUS loves you - everyone else thinks your an asshole"

    She wasn't impressed..;)

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  13. Due to the 2nd video being edited, we'll never know the true scenario. *Could* it have been like this?:

    Rifleman Doe had been deployed a week earlier to the war zone. He was fit, well trained as any U.S. marine is, but he was still in a state of shock from what he'd witnessed a couple of hours earlier. His buddy had been shot in the neck. Doe is still reeling from the shock of hearing the sickening sound of a high velocity round hitting flesh. No training can prepare you for the real thing he ponders.
    Doe and the rest of his team are yet again under fire. This war is different from the war movies he was raised on he thinks. There are no uniforms to differentiate, they ride past you and your buddys in ambulances, they show a flag then shoot. Doe is pumping with adrenalin, he's scared and slightly shaking, but the adrenalin helps keep him highly alert and focused.

    The team take cover behind a yard wall. Doe seemingly spends and age plucking up courage to peek over the wall, he finally quickly looks, and he sees a combatant with an Ak47. Rifleman x, is dashing for the protection of the wall. Doe isn't quick enough, the Rifleman is hit in the stomach before Doe can get off his first shots.

    The Iraqi falls from behind the wall, the same wall that was shielding most of his body a second earlier. (**now in video scene**) The iraqi is now in open ground, the marines are now all in a frenzy, the iraqi has to be finished off because on Doe's first glimpse at the man 5 seconds earlier, he had seen two grenades on his chest strap. The iraqi tries to raise himself - why? To try to raise his arms in surrender? To pull the pin from a grenade and clamp his hand on the grenade in the hope an unlucky marine will go to his aid? Doe has to react in a split second, he has to make a decision.

    Doe fires, but misses badly due to a slight shake in his hands. He fires again, this time the iraqi slumps, lifeless on the ashphalt. His buddys cheer, since revenge is sweet in the chaos of the adrenalin arena, where you could be the next dead soldier in the twinkling of an eye.


    OK I just fabricated the above. However, it points out that video footage from either side, NEVER portrays the true context of the situation.

    Additionally, in defense of soldiers getting 'carried away', it is difficult to expect to train soldiers to kill, then expect them to be able to just 'turn it off' immediatly.

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  14. Quote

    4)the "M" highway system

    Yes, when i return home each year for a vacation, my wife (Texan), always comments on the higher quality of 'Motorways' compared to Freeways, and how many extra street lamps we

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  15. Pay someone to build it. :) If you're after a pro' appearance to reflect your work, then it's doubtful that it will look that way when you've finished.

    ....and if you do pay for someone, check their work first, there are some awful 'designers' out there!

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--

  16. what amazed me at the wffc, was that no matter what time or how many times you looked skywards during daylight hours - you saw canopies.

    I recall the jump numbers being something like 60,000 in the 10 days is that about right?

    If the shit fits - wear it (blues brothers)--