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Posts posted by ChefJoeR

  1. I am looking at purchasing my first canopy. I am fairly new with just aquiring my A licence. Looking for info on the different canopy types and which would be better for me. I am pretty conservative with my C.C. and not into swooping just yet. Looking to get the most for my money, but also with advantage of upgrade later. Any thoughts?

  2. I am looking into buying a skydiving helmet and just want some thoughts on what to look for. First off, I really don't see myself doing any camera action, so don't need a camera helmet. Just looking for one that that I can do some great freeflying around in. I wear shades when I jump, Curv-Z to be exact, and I have noticed with the helmets at my D.Z. they squeeze my shades on my temples. Really uncofortable. Any help would be cool.

  3. Just thought that I would give this a shot on here, why not. I am getting my personal training cerfication in a couple of weeks and reside in Atlanta, GA. If anyone needs a personal trainer or nutrional advice, email me at [email protected]. I have a culinary background, so I also cook food for my clients. I am also a personal chef for anyone with fine dining needs (1-15 people, 3-8 courses) If you are interested in this or have any questions that I can answer for you, email me. Thank-you

  4. Don't worry so much about your first jump, this one was mainly for fun. When you start the AFF program, then it really gets fun. Skydivers are strange people, we love to fall down... just remember to pull! oh yeah, we are the knights the ni!!

  5. Looking for people in and around the Atlanta area that would like to do some jumping on Sundays. This is my only day off and would like to make the most of it. I head to ASC in Thornton, GA, pretty cool bunch of guys and gals. If you are up for it, send a note. Also, just got into the sport recently, now working on my "A" license. Come out for some fun and beer!

  6. Too excited, just completed levels 5,6,7 today with flying colors, no pun intended, or maybe there was!! Finally off student status!! Now comes the task of trying to get my "A" licence. If any help to what I should know that could speed it along, would be appreciated. Ribs and Beer baby!!

  7. Check out the book "The Skydiver's Handbook" It was a great help to me before I took my first dive which was a tandem. I helps you to understand the sport, gives you great pre-jump knowledge, and lets you know exactly what you are getting into.

  8. I am just about to complete my Aff certification and am looking for anyone that wants to jump for fun and good times. I feel a little overwhelmed jumping with the pros that work there, plus they kind of look at me like I am still a puppy in the sport, which of course I am. Although I have impressed a couple of them with moving quickly through my levels, I just need to jump with someone on my skill level. Fun is of course what it's all about.