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Posts posted by jsyslo

  1. Youve definatly come to the right place for information. I highly recommend you do as much homework as possible. Search this forum for keywords in you question, and you find a treasure of info.
    Blue Skies!

  2. Yeah, Jason kicks some. I did see him at the Eloy today, just didnt getta chance to talk to him though. Did talk to his bro, Jeremy. Some guy at work claims to be sitting on the shitter and reading his wifes "Cosmo" mag, tells me that this dude from Eloy is on the "ten most eligible batchelors" in USA. Turns out its Jeremy. Seen the Arizona Republic article on the bullitin board, wouldnt lie to ya!! :). Told everyone the other inmates are gonna love THIS guy!
    Blue Skies!

  3. Im not sure if they are distributing anything, but I was lucky enough to see some excellent Project Horizon footage in the Bent Prop in Eloy last weekend. Ill ask around and update this thread.
    Blue Skies!

  4. Ive jumped the camera a couple of times, and everything is great! After they recieved the order, they called my house and left a message that they "needed to veryify my order". This was jus a excuse to get me on the phone and push some accessories. I purchased the camera and one tape on my order, and narrowly decided to pass on the warranty. Well...I didnt take much to convince me over the phone to add the warranty, so I did. The salesman then described a "special package" left over from a recent sale that included the 4 yr warranty, two tapes, bigger battery and a free carrying case. I caved in and went for it, and got it all for the price of the warranty. When the stuff got here a few days later, it was all there except for the upgraded battery. No biggie, I dont want the heavier battery anyway, the carrying case will not get used for the camera, thats what the helmets for. :). Although I am gratefull for the piece of mind afforded me by the warranty, with a camera that reliable, I would probably politely decline any additional warranty (comes with a 1 yr) and just purchase the camera from them. You can most certainly get the tapes cheaper at a local store, too. All in all I was satisfied with my purchase, shipment was very quick, and the camera kicks ass! Maybe a little pushy with the accessories, but you can handle it better than I did if cautioned up front about it. Id give the experience a B-
    Blue Skies!

  5. I recently posted pics in the galleries that were 600x400 (I think!) with no problems. Thats the defulet resolution when taking snapshots of video. I then tried to post some "before and after" pics I recorded in 1024x768 (I think!) and had problems with the file size. Thats the defualt resolution when taking snapshots in the memory mode. I didnt know how to reduce the size befoe browsing this thread, thanks for the help, guys!
    Blue Skies!

  6. I got mine from Broadway video, and paid $719.00. http://www.bwayphoto.com/product.asp?item=sndcrpc105&l=google . Id be the first to admit that the camera is awkward in the hand, but just right for a sidemont setup. Ive currently got mine in a new FF2 helmet from 2KComposites http://www.2kcomposites.com/home.html in the UK. VERY sweet sidemount FF setup!
    Blue Skies!

  7. Side mount works well for me Freeflying. Ive never jumped a top mount, but folks tell me its quite a rudder flyin fast HD. Seems like the side mount wont get banged around as much climbing in and out of the plane. I would guess the RW guys would prefer the top mount and Freefliers would opt for the side mount.
    Blue Skies!

  8. All the pieces of the puzzle fell together this week, and I wound up doing my first camera jumps this weekend! First, I would like to thank all the participants of this forum for all the wicked good help. Searching and viewing this forum provided all the answers I needed to put togher a top notch setup, (and understand what Im doing:)). I would also like to thank Max from Royal Lens and Ram and the folks a 2KComposites. The 105 arrived Monday, and I took tuesday off to play with it. Wednesday the Diamond .3x lens arrived, and after showing it off to my skydiving friends at the safety meeting (read: skydiving party!) Thursday nite, my FF2 from 2KC got here on Friday. The timing was perfect, as I was rapidly approaching my 200th.

    Viewing the 105 through the Diamond is amazing! The FF2 is freakin da BOMB!! It is very light, fits like a glove, the cutaway is killer, and the Cameye install is very nicely done. After a simple adjustment and tightening down on the cutaway side of the chincup, I simply mounted the camera, set the Cameye LED where I wanted it, trimmed the excess from the ratched side, and I was good to go! After putting on the helmet and running around the house for a few minutes while recording, I decided to angle the camera down a bit (there was plenty of adjustment available in the provided bracket) for a better Freefly camera angle. That worked great. I tell you what, I compared my setup to a friends, and it was a no brainer. His Hawkeye w/ PC120 and kenko .45 was freakin heavy in comparison! Even with my two Pro-Tracks. The D-box stuck out way further, and was no where near as snag proof as the incorperated covered box used by 2KC. After working with both setups to firewire all the footage around (three cameras on the jumps), mine was definatly the easiest to attach all the cables to and work the buttons on. The easy access to my camera was killer because the other two setups were so hard to get to the buttons, we had to use the remote. But with all three Sonys sitting there, one remote was controlling ALL the cameras, hehe.

    I took my setup down to the dropzone on Saturday morning, and did the coffe jump with my old helmet. Then, on my 200th, switched over the dytters and jumped the FF2. the low profile side mount let me retain the majority of my "helmet proceedures" from before. I still put my helmet on and ratched so it would not become a projectile in a misshap, etc. The camera fits snug, but is easy to put on over goggles n stuff. The Cameye made it easy to tell what the camera was doing. I found it difficult to turn the camera on with the cameye and have it not start recording right away, but that was no huge deal. I just held the button a little longer, right when I wanted to start recording, and got the red LED immediatly. No problems whatsoever with the FF2, Diamond or the PC105. I flew inside video on a couple of three-way flower exits and medium distance HD freefalls. The setup seems to be perfect for it, with no video shake and no helmet in the view of the .3x. The sidemount felt a bit weird, untill you get out, then I never felt a thing, same ol' in freefall. Its obvious to me after viewing everyone elses video of the same jump, Ive got a lot to learn. There video was quite better,(FLEW better). That OK, Im eager to learn and these guys can teach me alot. Robert, Jarle, you guys rock, thanks!

    More than happy to answer any questions about my setup, or first camera jumps. Wow was I nervous for some reason. Just tryin to keep it safe, keep it simple, and let the artistry grow over time. No finer subject matter than freefly. No desire to film proffessionaly or teams/tandems at this time. Just archiving and logging fun freefly jumps with my friends for review during Thursday night parties. Whew, got the first few under my belt. Feels great.

    When I was a student, I thought they were gonna teach me to skydive. Really, they only teach you to jump out of an airplane. Its like they opened a very small door into a huge room. I really got that feeling again this weekend jumping camera for the first time. Like this was the start of something big! :)

    Thanks for all here who helped, I think you know who you are. I hope to thank you guys in person at the Holiday Boogie here in the desert.
    Blue Skies!

  9. You bet!

    Its Max Cohn from Generation Freefly: http://www.royal-lens.com/index.html

    (sorry no clicky!)

    Its a GREAT lens, a bit pricey, not as much as the Way Cool .3x at: http://www.waycool.com.au/

    Theres also some Japanese knockoffs that you can find for even cheaper. Ill post if I can find....
    Blue Skies!

  10. My favorite is the self-explanitary tripple nipple green apple lipsmacker with a twist. A moment to learn, a lifetime to master!
    Blue Skies!

  11. My new PC105 arrived day before yesterday. I was so pumped I took yesterday off so I could spend all day playin around with the features. :). Went to work today, and my Diamond .3x arrived! Killer. Both are awesome, and Max sent me a note about how to focus with the new .3x. Basicly you auto focus on the ground in front of you, then put it in manual, not infinity. After that you can place the camera in program mode of your choosing, sports, beach, ski etc....I have taken some "before and after" photos with the new .3x, and Ill post them soon. The increased field of view is one thing, but viewing through the lens is AWESOME!! Im all giddy inside :). FF2 should be here any day, should be a killer setup. Wohooo!
    Blue Skies!
    Blue Skies!