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Dropzone Reviews posted by flyinchicken

  1. I began my skydiving training at STI. I found the staff at first very helpful and informative, however after I progressed past my first 5 jumps it was very difficult to find an instructor with the time to help out a new skydiver.

    In 19 jumps I experienced a strange thing where my spring loaded pilot chute went over the front of my canopy and dragged behind my main. This was very confusing and terrifying to me. The owner of the DZ, when aproached by me on this subject, informed me that he would check out the gear. I jumped the gear again after it was "checked" and encountered the same problem. This time I cut it away as it was snagged on my steering lines. The DZ owner sent me looking in a hay feild for 6 hrs in the sun for the free bag and afterwards informed me I owed him $300(can) for it as it was lost.

    I almost gave up skydiving, however this weekend will be doing my 100th jump naked! There are other DZ's in Ontario that train very frightened baby skydivers to overcome thier fear of slight mals in their canopies, as well as provide them with the proper size canopy for thier body weight.