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Gear Reviews posted by softnotes

  1. I tried out the Crossfire2 with the view to purchase one for board jumping. Since I am a fairly conservative canopy pilot I was advised to look at something else but tried it out in anycase.

    I jumped both the 139 and 129 at loadings of 1.5 and 1.6 respectively. The canopies both opened really nice softly and exactly on heading.

    Front riser pressure was light and the canopy remained stable at all times. The brake lines were adjusted to accomodate the use of risers without getting distortion from the tail but this had no impact on turning or flaring.

    The canopy has a brilliant toggle/flaring range and lands beautifully even when the final approach is made at normal full drive without front risers.

    At no time did the canopy feel scary or out of control thanks to good recovery arcs and a surprisingly flat descent angle.

    However! Make no mistake this canopy can be flown to extremes and can swoop with the best.

    I was so impressed I ordered a 126 on the spot and the delivery time was quoted as four to six weeks.