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Posts posted by DangerMouse02

  1. Today I made my first jump in a month. I was keen to try my new line set before heading off to Eloy next Friday(!). Previous to that, I would consider my self a very current jumper with several good canopy seminars and coaching sessions under my belt.

    I opened my Sabre2 135 (which I have ~150 jumps on) high, around 5000ft.

    I played around with turns, flares, and stalls for a while, and decided that the brake lines were a bit short. The canopy was buffeting when I was on the front risers and the brakes had no real play in them.

    I was upwind this whole time, but by the time I really looked down next I was lower than I wanted to be. I honestly didn't look at my alti, but I was probably around 1000, just above where I would otherwise want to be setting up a carving turn to approach.

    I flew downwind, and started a 180 carving turn, but suddenly remembered I wasn't happy with the performance on the front risers. Then I noticed I was fairly low to be considering a real turn at all. I did a good flat turn on toggles and managed to get around to about 45 degrees off the windline, before flaring.

    Basically, this situation made me think about the (over)confidence I might have had in my abilities. I usually set up my landings exactly how I want them and execute. I just didn't like the feeling of feelings things having gone wrong so late. I should have turned earlier and landed a bit upwind.

    Anyways, I had a fine landing with no real lift (from low airspeed). But I think my next jump (in AZ!) will be quite a bit more conservative.

    Not sure what I'm looking for from you guys, but it was nice to get it off my chest.

  2. Quote


    just paint a patch slightly smaller than your real patch over your eye.

    Good idea, paining it on will allow it to be bigger than a real eye patch also.

    Any ideas about attaching the ears to my bonehead? I hope there isn't ear-line entanglement.

    Hmmmnn.....If Ross Perot were a skydiver........

  3. Alright, the costume has been decided: The British Icon--Dangermouse (and my DZ.com username)

    Attached is a photo. What I need from you guys is recommendations about how to best accomplish this. Here's what I was thinking:

    +White tights.
    +White shorts over my leg straps (anyone see a problem here, I put the rig on and it looked safe enough)
    +Red Belt over all this
    +White Turtle Neck with the logo painted on.
    +Eye patch (with tactical hole cut in it) glued to a cheap pair of goggles. I will probably remove these after opening.
    +Mickey Mouse ears painted white, taped like hell to my helmet. (still, not sure if these will stay on, and you KNOW Dangermouse is freeflier, head-up at the very least)
    +Normal white gloves
    +White face paint with the red nose.

    Any advice/concerns?


  4. We are doing jumps this weekend in costume for charity. We are looking at some mild publicity, etc, so I want something cool. Does anyone have recommendations about what would look good and retain some level of safety :P

    PS I have no shame.

    Recommend away......

  5. Sorry Ed,
    I'm new to this online world, I didn't even remember setting up my profile. Its all squared away now.
    Basically I am adding jumps pretty quick, and just wanting to have a simple camera helmet by around 200-250. Slim profile and easy use is important. I have been talking to various camera fliers, and the Sony camera seems like the choice, but still looking for the best helmet. Do you recommend a housing, or does it really matter? Thanks for you advice.


  6. Thanks for the reply. Money isn't a huge object in this. I'd like to get something nice, that I can use for quite a while. All told I think $2000 for the entire set-up would be my max.
    I am temporarily stationed in the UK, and will back in the states soon (plus I do about 75% of my jumping outside of the UK anyways). I am pretty focused on a Sony camera, just not sure the advantages of the different PC models, etc.
    I am also wide open on helmets. Neither one of my helmets would take a camera right now.
    This will be purely for fun also, but stills seems like an attractive option.

    Thanks again.

  7. I am looking to purchase everything I need to start jumping with video. I mainly want to use it for freeflying and maybe the odd RW group. I need something that has good compatibility, etc.

    Can you recommend everything I might need, helmet, camera, accessories, etc.
