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Posts posted by npole

  1. 40 minutes ago, MickPatch said:

    5.10. General 
    5.10.1. Student Skydivers cannot progress more than one level per descent.
    5.10.2. Levels 1-3 require 2 AFF Instructors and Levels 4-8 require 1 AFF Instructor.
    5.10.3. AFF graduates may not be awarded Category 8 until a minimum of 10 
    consolidation jumps have been completed. These consolidation jumps may be 
    started after the successful completion of Level 7. The AFF Student must be 
    dispatched and supervised by at least a CSBI or AFFBI. Those dispatching 
    instructors must have received a brief to dispatch AFF Students by at least an 
    AFFI or be an AFFI (logbook endorsement).
    5.10.4. Non AFFIs will only follow out consolidation students after successful 
    completion of their Level 8


    It is in the operations manual

    Am I reading it wrong or it doesn't say that a non licensed skydiver cannot jump with a licensed skydiver or even a non licensed skydiver after "Level 8"? Or the "Level 8" is the equivalent of USPA B?

    There might be also some confusion about the terminology, here in example when you complete the AFF course, you're a "non licensed skydiver" (no matter how many jump you have), until you do an exam with the civil aviation authority. Then you will acquire a proper skydiving license (it's pretty like the USPA B), until then you're considered a "student". We have only "2 steps".

  2. 14 hours ago, MickPatch said:

    Here in the UK the only people who can jumpnwith non licensed skydivers arw AFFI's

    That's what "they" say (that is similar to what's said here...), but my question was more: did you ever read a such rule on a piece of paper enforced by the CAA or any other accredited authority, or it's just a decision taken by (most) drop zones due to their responsibilities?

  3. While we all agree that the common sense would lead to say: no, two students that have just completed their AFF course aren't going to jump together (followed by a number of reason of why they shouldn't), I am curious if there's a rule enforcing this or if it's left to the drop zone responsibility.

    Does anyone know if there's an official/legal document that states the limits of a student in various countries (I'm particular interested in EU countries)?
    In example I've found the rules enforced here in Spain and Italy that a student has to comply to jump: wearing a helmet, suit that cover legs and arms, altimeter, a reserve that doesn't exceed 6m/s in vertical speed, but there's no mention if a non licensed skydiver could jump with a licensed skydiver, or another non licensed skydiver, or if he/she can jump only with an instructor or such.

    PS: I'm licensed, I'm just curious because I always heard about this "rule" but despite the common sense (mentioned above, that I agree with), I never found an official document mentioning this (at least not here...).

  4. I find it fun to update my own thread after 14 months... in the end I started the AFF course last year (mid Feb), bad weather and then the Covid hit hard and I managed to complete it only in June 2020! As of Today (still Covid lock downs now and then), I manage to do 150 jumps.
    And to answer myself: i did the whole AFF with a FF helmet (G4.. my own) from my very first jump... and I'm glad I did it, I cannot tollerate the wind blowing in my nose and mouth, neither today (i tried in the tunnel), the course would have been unnecessary harder without it. My AFFIs at the time understood my reasons and they let me use it.

  5. The WL will only tell you the ratio about the force (your weight) applied to each square feet of your wing.The glide ratio and airspeed is influenced by the canopy size, the canopy shape, number of cells, material, the trim, and other variables and they are not a fixed number, it's dynamic according to the inputs given to the wing. If you think a high performance wing, it can have a lower glide ratio with the commands released on a level flight, if compared with a student wing, but it's also much faster and it can "store" much more potential energy, so you have a longer recovery arch ending on a infinite glide ratio (horizontal flight) for a certain amount of time (it's how you do swooping), something not attainable with a student wing.

    To resume (there's many other variable, this following is simplified): 

    - Same wing, increased WL (if you compare two jumpers with different weight under the same wing, or if you put some lead on you): the glide ratio will not change, but the speed will do; ie: you can have a more powerful flare.

    - Smaller wing, same WL (you scale down the wing but so the jumper weight): the glide ratio will decrease, the speed will increase: same consequences as before, but amplified;

    - Smaller wing, increased WL (you scale the wing, but increasing the WL; ie: using a smaller wing than before, or adding weight on you): the glide ratio will decrease even more and so the speed (will increase): again, decreased glide ratio with no commands, much faster speed, much more energy to use during the flare... so you end doing those swoooops.


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  6. As the title, what (realistic) features what you would like to have in a acoustic altimeter beside this "basic" features listed here:

    - USB port for recharging and PC connection;

    - Custom sounds at configured levels;

    - Optional altitude voice reading at configured levels that can be mixed with the sound alerts;

    - BUS port for external accessories (in example: multicolored led strip/HUD for a visual feedback);

    - Bluetooth connection to configure the altimeter wireless via smartphone;

    - Downloadable flight logs;

    Any idea on other "must have" or "nice to have" features?


  7. Hi everyone, I know about the general rule of letting a student using a full face helmet after a certain number of jumps (because of reasons that have been already talked about here on the forum...), after have completed the AFF course, however I see people doing their AFF course with it. So the question: is it just a consolidated internal rules across the majority (but not all) DZ, but it isn't enforced and it remains at the discretion of your instructor.. or?

    I'm wearing contact lens (and sometime glasses), I find the goggles really uncomfortable, nor that is the end of the world making 20 jumps with them before switching to a full helmet, but I was curious about why some DZ are allowing it and others doesn't.

  8. 2 hours ago, TommyM said:

    Good luck and don’t jump right after scuba, but you know that right?



    ...yes. :) ...with the AFF normal height is even more important than taking a airliner (where the cabin is pressurized at a lower altitude). However since almost all my dives are decompression dives, normally I do not take a flight (and I won't do skydiving) following 48 hours after the last dive, to be safe.

  9. Hi everyone, I'm gonna start a AFF course right after the holidays.
    I have to decide if to wait a little or go for it straight away.
    On this point I would like to know how you dress during the winter? The ground temperature here is around 7-10° during the day in January, I expect it to be -20° up there. Do you usually wear thin (layered) thermal clothing or ticker undersuits?
    I do scuba diving during winter (using a drysuit) and we used to wear undersuits like this: 

    Risultati immagini per santi flex 190

    ..that's a way too much for a skydiver, or do you use similar undersuits?
