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Posts posted by covey

  1. Welcome to the forums. Hopefully, wx permitting, I am going to try out sit flying this weekend. So I will probably see you in the freefly forum.

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  2. I did my FJC on a Fiday and stayed up most of the night. I had my dive flow written down and drove my wife crazy having here go over it with me. On Saturday I did levels 1 thru 3. I didn't realise how tired I was til I started driving home. My eyelids were real heavy on that trip. Needless to say there was no problem sleeping that night.

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  3. I knew it. I thought I was the only one that could see past there thin veil.>:(:S USPA, NSA, Illuminati, they are all in it together. Just when you think you can get into an activity and get away from the NWO and the World Bank.:S:S>:(:S:S They are just trying to weed out the free thinkers. The ones that question authority. Damnit hahahaha damnit damnit fuzzy hahahaha damnit!!!!!

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of posting!!;) Glad to see you are picking up on some of the knowledge floating around here. There is a lot to consume. Must feed the grey sponge between our ears. Have fun on your S/L progression, and all the jumps afterwards.

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  5. Hey this post got me to thinking about a way to have a legal B. Go to the top floor of the B and start a fire in a trash can.:) Yell fire loud several times to start the panic. Then simple jump out the window.B|Get on the ground and praise your emergency escape chute to the people on the ground.:D:ph34r: Try this at your on risk of course.

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  6. My question when I read this post is. Would it be in the interest of some of these companies, including BASE, to give a training course when they sale a escape rig. That would solve some of the problems. I know if I had a company that made these devices there would be a course. It seems to me that they are leaving themselves open from a wuffo family lawsuit. I could see a family saying they thought there loved one was safe because he bought the escape rig. I guess the other side to this is how many people would be willing to do jump training if they didn't have the fire up there butt.

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  7. I don't have alot of suggestions for you. Just like to welcome you to the website. I was hoping you could do me a favor and run down to Ferrari, and tell them to pull there head out of there ass. Hopefully they will get it together for Imola!!!!!

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

  8. Quote

    Where do you get all that money.

    I drive a paid for Ford Escort instead of a new BMW.;) If you tell my wife how much it really costs I will be moving in with you!! Maybe then we could both afford more jump tickets.:D

    Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide