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Dropzone Reviews posted by Skyswooping

  1. If you are interested in a tandem, this is an ok place. Well other than the fact all they supply is shade. You must go to the pilot’s area for a drink of simple water, or use the restroom. It’s a good little walk away. If you’re a licensed jumper it’s a good place, if the plane goes up. (if there isn’t a tandem it most likely won’t go up)

    But if you are looking for a place to learn AFF, stay as far away from this place as possible, I mean run. I was told 6 to 8 weeks for the course. 6 months later I was still trying to get my A license. I paid for my course completely up front. But I guess tandem jumper’s money is better than my $$ and I paid a whole lot more than they did. Drive almost 2 hours one way to get in ONE jump while spending all day there. Sometimes I couldn’t get a single jump because there is only one instructor at the time and that person was tied up all day with tandems. The AFF course was just enough to get someone hurt very bad. The AFF course was a joke.

    The pilot doesn't seem to know what deoderant is or can bath and change cloths on a regular basis. We and I say would spend the whole ride up with our noses pinched

    I had a friend in a wheel chair want to come and watch. I called the night before to make sure it was ok When we got there the owner was rude and disgusting to my friend. I was informed on the way home that when tandem showed up, the owner pointed right at her, her in a wheelchair, a rudely informed them by pointing at my friend “that didn’t happen here”. I was very upset and wanted to turn around and go back and confront her. MY friend said, “please don’t say anything, they can make things hard on you and I don’t trust them”

    Before spending my money, I asked several times up front if there was a closer place to me. This lady flat out bold face lied to me. After spending months of one or two jumps a weekend, I got fed up and started looking around. I found one much closer and made a jump there, the people there made me feel right at home and part of a family on the first day.
    When the owner of “School of human flight” found out I jumped at the other place, things got real ugly. They did nothing but bad mouth the other place. Three of us were taken aside and were instructed that “if we ever jump there is was a kick in his balls”.

    The AFF course consisted of some ancient old torn up and wrinkle pics and a few verbal questions. During the course one student jumped with very questionable equipment. Even as a student at the time, I questioned it. On my seventh jump a storm blew up and I couldn’t see the DZ. I told the instructor in the plane, “dude I don’t see the DZ”. But since he had a tandem with him, he instructed me to jump. He had (according to him) 10,000 jumps so he knew exactly where to go. Me not wanting to fly through a large cloud with another jumper in the sky, ended up landing about 3 miles away, in someone’s driveway

    I was a breath away from giving up on skydiving because of this lady and her instructor. I know of several others that were taking the course there at the same time I was, they are all looking for other places to go. This is not a place to learn AFF!!! I really wish someone with authority would go there undercover and go through the course. This place is the worst place and has left a lasting taste in my mouth and I will never jump there again. I will advise anyone who asks me about taking AFF to go ANYWHERE else. This place is doing more to harm the sport than anyone else I have met, in my opion.

    PRO’s fair place to do a tandem or for a licensed jumper
    CON’s you must walk to get a drink, use a restroom, you will be lied to, pay for something you aren’t getting. AFF course is going is a joke. So many more cons I just can’t keep going