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Posts posted by Jaffacake

  1. Hi Everyone

    I've recently started an AFF course at Langer and loving it so thought I best come on and join the community.

    Levels 1 and 2 went really well, good arch coming out the door, managed to located on all my practice pulls and good free time. The canopy rides went well too. Level 1 was extra special for me as my 17-year-old daughter was on the same lift doing a tandem. A moment we will cherish for many years to come.

    Level 3 wasn't so good, my arch out the door was non-existent, when my instructors let go I felt like I was all over the place and certainly not keeping heading, I was concentrating so much on trying to keep stable that I was totally unaware of my altitude. First I realised I had a 'check altitude' from my primary and a 'pull' signal from my secondary. Checked my altitude which was at 5,000ft so instantly initiated the pull sequence. At the time I was so disappointed in myself for not locking on at 6, not pulling at 5.5 but most of all for not being altitude aware.

    So I still need to repeat level 3, I'm not going to say I failed as it's not about pass or failure, to me it's more about reaching an acceptable standard in my education to move forward to the next level.

    On reflection, I think maybe I shouldn't have done the 3 levels in one day. On the 3rd lift I was more nervous/anxious than the first 2 and I think that may have been because I was mentally and physically fatigued. On that 3rd jump I just wasn't as prepared as I should have been, when getting to the door I hesitated and grabbed the rail, the door monster had surfaced!! The good thing is I recognise this and that after only 3 jumps I still have a very long way to go.

    The next day I booked myself into a wind tunnel just to get 10 minutes practice at stability, I didn't do as well as maybe I wanted too but it allowed me to feel how much difference slight movements and out of symmetry body position can make.

    I'm itching to get up again and hopefully smash my level 3, its a grand total of 8 days since I did my first 3 and that already seems like too long, unfortunately, the weather does not look too good for the weekend with rain, cloud and gusting wind so it doesn't look like I'll get up this weekend either.

    Just to add that the 3 instructors that I have jumped with at Langer have all been fantastic and have given me so much confidence, really looking forward to continuing the journey with them and getting my A license.

    Sorry for the long intro post :)