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Posts posted by FlipperBizkut

  1. I jump a Hurricane 135 at around 1.44.  It opens very well.  I don't do anything special with my packing.  I do tuck the nose in, and I make sure to tuck the stabilizers in right next to the slider, but that's about it.  Although it is a bit more "positive" of an opening than my Crossfire 2, I would say that it is more consistantly on heading too.

  2. Thanks for the info! I went out last weekend with the intention of going as fast as I could, and I got a reading of 272mph. My friend that I was with said that he was in a full stand and said that I was gone. Said I was super fast, and that he couldn't keep up with me. I felt my helmet squishing against my head, which I thought was novel, and otherwise, just basically knew I was hauling ass. Whether it was 272mph fast or not, well, that's what I'm interested in finding out.

  3. Can anyone comment on the accuracy of the speed measurements provided by the Alti-2 Atlas altimeter?

    I know that for speed skydiving, a couple of ProTracks are used, but I don't have even one ProTrack to compare results with. Also, my Atlas is hand mounted instead of being mounted on my rig's laterals, but my body position doesn't change throughout the fast part of the descent, so I wonder what effect the different placement might have.

    Thanks for any insight!

  4. BKS60

    Basically the roll grabs the inner fold on the BOC stopping the pilot chute from extracting. Hard to give a mental image but it does/can cause issues. When I was jumping that style rig I started packing a longer thinner method and had no issues. Another jumper had this happen on a wingsuit jump and while he did get it out he was dirty low by the time he did.
    I have a few customers that have this style BOC. I’ll try to remember to make a short vid of it the next time one comes in for a repack.

    Cool deal. Thanks for the info. I just got a Wings container with a cordura BOC that I will be jumping for the pre-second time tomorrow. Since I use Brian Germain's pilot chute packing method, I know now to look for possible ways that I might get in trouble with this combination. Definitely glad I ran across this thread!

  5. BKS60

    ***This method of packing a pilot chute also helps by significantly reduces the chances of a horseshoe malfunction, reducing your problem to a high pull. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axCeYlY_6io

    While that pilot chute packing method works well on most rigs it should IMHO never be used on rigs that use a cordura BOC. It can lock up on the inner fold on that type of BOC causing a hard or potentially a non pullable condition. I found that on my first rig and was lucky that I found out at home while practicing and not in the air.
    I actually had a short conversation with Brian about this’s few years back and at that time he agreed.

    Later while jumping in Florida I had an opportunity to meet a salesman from Sunrise and talked with him about this and even packed this into his personal rig that had a Cordura BOC. On the first try we completely lifted his rig sideways just holding the hackey, but it pulled right out on the second attempt. He said he was going to talk with the folks at the factory about it but I never heard anything else about it.

    Could you elaborate on how this packing method could cause problems with a cordura BOC? Besides the initial fold of the pilot chute (where you are ensuring that it is cocked), the only difference I see is that with the linked method the bridle comes out the front of the "burrito" (next to the hackey) as opposed to coming out the other end.

  6. I'm looking to attach a camera to my helmet, but with all the options out there I am having a hard time deciding what would be the best option for me. I seek expertise and will provide my parameters and initial thoughts.

    1. I'm a fun jumper with just shy of 200 jumps (plan to take the C license exam and attach the camera in a couple of weeks after getting the required 200 jumps).
    2. The camera will be used primarily for fun jumps, but will also be used for the occasional coach jump debrief as well (I'm also not necessarily planning on filming tandems, but not necessarily opposed to the idea either).
    3. I have seen some setups that I thought posed quite the snag hazard, and I would want to minimize that potential as much as possible.
    4. I have a KISS helmet that I would like to be able to lift the visor up (doesn't necessarily have to be the whole way) after installing the camera.

    Initial Thoughts:
    1. I like the form factor of the GoPro Session cameras, but with GoPro discontinuing them, I'm not really sure I want to buy into (and get used to) a dead form factor.
    2. If going with the regular size GoPro, I like the idea of a cutaway mount (like https://www.collettetech.com/online-store/Kiss-ProCut2-Single-Mount-Hero5-Hero6-Hero3-Hero4-Slim-Line-p98770954), but it looks like it adds quite a bit of height which seems like a bad idea (getting bumped and such).

    A videographer at my DZ said that he thought the Session was the best fit for a fun jumper, and it seems like throwing $200 at a Session and a low profile sticky mount and seeing how I like shooting video (and how bad I suck at it) would be a good place to start, but again, I'm concerned with the discontinuation of the line, and also somewhat turned off by the soldered in battery. The regular size GoPros without a block mount seem like they are pretty susceptible to snags, so I would want a snag resistant mount which would add more cost on top of the extra cost of the camera. And, if going full size GoPro, should I go 5 or 6? And then there is the Sony X3000.

    Ideas? Thoughts? Recommendations?


  7. Yeah, I'm definitely not wanting to do a hour straight. What I read suggested doing no more than 7.5 minutes at a time, and making sure to brief/debrief between sessions. That is more in line with what I am looking for.

    Anyone know any good coaches in Atlanta that can also get the off-peak/lower prices?

  8. I am looking to get an hour of coached tunnel time. I have 47 skydives, and want to fast-track my way to being more competent in the sky. Currently, I struggle with everything, and think that focusing an hour in the tunnel would really help.

    That said, I live closest to Atlanta, but could possibly make it to Orlando. I got on iFly's website, and it looks like either place is $975 for 60 minutes with all 60 minutes having to be used in one block.

    Based on recommendations here, I was looking to do like 7.5 minutes per 15 minute block or similar. Also, looking at prices here http://www.jumpticketprices.com/...els.asp?currency=EUR shows much cheaper than $975.

    So, how do I go about getting the best prices for an hour of coached tunnel time, and how much should I expect to spend? I will also take this opportunity to ask your opinion on how beneficial you think this would be. Tentative goals would be gaining competency on my belly to dramatically improve my ability to dock with others / turn basic points and I would love to learn to backfly as well as transition from belly to back. Are these realistic goals?