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Posts posted by DirtyChai

  1. BillyVance

    How many accounts have you gone through on here? :D

    I should be back soon with "fire and fury like the world has never seen"


    "My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean. . .

    . . .One who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone. Who had nothing, who wanted everything, with a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn't even talk about it, and pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me.

    "It takes getting everything you ever wanted, and then losing it to know what true freedom is"

    "And if I said I didn't plan for it to turn out this way, I'd be lying..."

  2. Naples storm surges are dropping. Nowhere near the 10-15 ft surges as predicted.

    It looks like AGW decided to sit this one out. . .

    I wonder if these people ever heard of that one story, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."

  3. Irma has weakend to a category 2 in Fort Myers, so it looks like we're not going to see a category 3 hurricane in Georgia as predicted. Big surprise.

    But now we're waiting for the storm surge to come in on the gulf coast. The biggest surges will affect southern Florida and there's legitimate reason for concern. I was watching CNN when a reporter went down into the street when he saw a man walking his 3-legged dog as the eye passed over Naples. The meteorologist back in the studio told them to get out of there, that there's a surge coming, that they're gonna be up to their waist in water. No doubt it is coming there, he said.

    A few minutes later he was backpedaling talking about the direction of the eye and saying that now the surge might just go into the everglades, which is a good thing - we'll see.

    If that's the case, the lesson learned here is to stop destroying our coastal wetlands, and start restoring those that have already been damaged.

    See, simple, cheap, practical solutions. No need for Alarm!

  4. SethInMI

    So I had the MRI, and yesterday I finally got the bill. Total cost before in-network adjustment :$2688. After in-network adjustment, I had to pay $336, which is like 87% off the "list" price, which is crazy, and it just strikes me as odd that even though the hospital and ins. co. must have negotiated the rates, no person at either facility had access to that information.

    I am really happy I only had to pay $336 for an MRI, and I am sure glad I found someone made a website with accurate prices so I knew that upfront.


    So, basically you have a health insurance plan and still have to pay $336, which is what a fair price would be for an MRI in a reasonable world.

    I have a friend who is severely disabled and has straight Medicaid with no out of pocket costs. The insurance company is only billed between $200 - $300 depending on the type of MRI.

  5. akarunway

    Be careful Fl. peeps. Coming back to see if we still have a house

    Don't get your hopes up. The sheer size and breadth of this behemoth has imperiled Florida in it's entirety. Onlookers watch in horror as reporters brave this ferocious storm, documenting it's devastation and bringing us dismal images of flailing palm trees and flapping shingles. This is one for the history books! It's like nothing we've ever seen before! This is what AGW looks like folks, open your eyes!

  6. It's just sad how some of these reporters are so desperate to sensationalize the destruction in Florida.

    "OMG, a vinyl sign just ripped loose and is flapping vigorously right behind me!"

    "OMG, a window just flew open on a skyscraper 5 stories up! This is what they warned us about!

    "OMG, I have no idea how my baseball cap is still affixed to my head in the midst of the world's first hurricane!"

  7. pterodactyl1986

    ***And your one warning.

    Is this in reference to me?
    No, it was to the person that called a "certain someone" a "liberal trash bucket."

    You can't call a "certain someone" a "liberal trash bucket," but you can say that the majority of that "certain someone's" senile troll posts belong in a "liberal trash bucket."

    It's kind of like racism. Veiled racism does the most damage, but nobody says anything because it can't really be proven. But get a couple guys in pointed hoods marching with torches around statues, then all hell breaks loose.

    Same thing with PAs. Veiled PAs are cowardly, but clever. They do the most damage. Everyone sees it, but it can't really be proven as a direct PA, so the victim is left without recourse.

    Call someone a "motherfucker" - which essentially has the same effect of saying "your mama," - then you might be subject to a permaban, even if it's in response to the more malicious veiled PA.

  8. billvon

    For every degree C that water temperatures increase, evaporation increases by 7%. So for events like Harvey, whether or not they are made more likely by warming, they will pick up more water before hitting land (~30% more in the case of Harvey.)

    Nevermind, apparently you're too preoccupied arguing with Rush and Ron about the finer points of AGW. How foolish of me to ask you to actually back up your claim. . .

  9. billvon

    For every degree C that water temperatures increase, evaporation increases by 7%. So for events like Harvey, whether or not they are made more likely by warming, they will pick up more water before hitting land (~30% more in the case of Harvey.)

    Could you please provide a source for that? I was under the impression that every degree C increase in global/atmospheric temperatures allowed the atmosphere to hold 7% more moisture, which is a lot different than what you're trying to say.

    From what I gather, some climate models translate the additional 7% of moisture into a 2-3% increase in actual rainfall, while some satellite observations indicate a 6% increase.

  10. gowlerk

    You seem pretty fixated on finding fault in media coverage of climate issues. Almost as though you think if you can find small errors or exaggerations it will somehow mean that AGW is not happening.

    It just means that those errors or exaggerations by the media make it more difficult for people to understand the effects of climate change. It damages the overall credibility of the issue and makes it harder to bring deniers/alarmists back to reality, especially since it's been so politicized - it's ridiculous.

    I've read both right and left wing articles on AGW and it's amazing how their twisted conclusions and divisive language are nowhere to be found in the actual studies they're referencing.

  11. kallend

    Don't confuse math and science standards with social posturing.

    OK, well then wtf is the problem?

    Please tell me that this thread has more purpose to serve than your own ego. . .

  12. kallend

    You need to look around more. The folks who believe in these fairy tales currently have control of the government. You may like that, but I don't.

    Well, we were initially talking about how people in this country typically deal with a national crisis on a personal level. . .but, OK, let's talk about this (entirely different) topic instead. . .

    You're not alone. I mean, look around. Look at how all them damn Jews are controlling the money. Look at all those Muslims trying to steal public office. Look at all these Mexicans stealing our jobs. Take a look around. . .all these blacks, don't you see it!

    Your statement is so vague, I don't even know where to begin.

    Suffice it to say, sucks to be you. . .

  13. kallend

    I'm seeing quite a few social media posts calling for prayers for Texas.

    Surely if an omnipotent invisible sky-person had wanted to keep Texas dry he/she/it would and could have done so. And praying is tantamount to suggesting that the omniscient entity made a mistake and will rectify it because you asked.

    Here's a recent post you made, in case you've already forgotten:
    "Interesting article in Scientific American this month about how talking to oneself or imaginary beings is a way the brain solves problems and creates solutions."

    . . .so quit trolling. Why do you even care anyway?

    It's really getting kind of ridiculous already.

    Nazis rally in Charlottesville, we find a way to argue.
    Antifa's domestic terrorism in Berkley, we find a way to argue.
    The president gives his support to those affected by natural disaster, we find a way to argue.
    People pray for those in said natural disaster, we find away to argue.

    It might be time for a bit of self reflection, if possible. . .

  14. Since you're so concerned about standards, maybe you should tune in next week:

    "Join the mathematics education organizations, Thursday, September 7, from at 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET"

    "Mathematics teachers and leaders must acknowledge that the current mathematics education system is unjust and grounded in a legacy of institutional discrimination"

    "This is because of a pervasive misguided belief that students must “master the basics” (e.g., know the times tables or “basic facts”) prior to engaging with complex problems solving."

    "A social justice approach to mathematics education. . .means to imbue mathematical experiences with opportunities to learn multiple histories of mathematics, analyze issues of fairness, and promote civic responsibility in their own communities and beyond."

    "What is one thing the math education organizations can do to further support your work in making mathematics education a more just, humane, and positive experience for children?"

    Maybe you could tune in and report back on wtf they're talking about. . .

    Oh nevermind, this just in:

    "Wayne State University has subtracted mathematics from the list of classes all students must take to graduate."

    “a clear message our committee received from the university community (faculty, students, staff, alumni, and employers) was that diversity is central to the nature of WSU, i.e., ‘Distinctively Wayne State.’ Thus we have placed the values and goals of diversity as a central component of the University Core program.”

    Apparently math has nothing to do with diversity, so let's just get rid of it.

    How's THAT for standards?




  15. A lot of people don't want you to know this - but all joking aside - the advent of color actually came about by hyperactivity in cone cells caused by a variety of food additives such as preservatives, artificial flavorings and especially food coloring. It's essentially ADHD of the eye.

  16. normiss

    Ample photographic evidence to support this as well!

    (Rolls eyes) Amateurs. Any trained professional can clearly see how those photos were faked using a desaturation effect. You ain't foolin' me, I know what CG looks like.