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Dropzone Reviews posted by ppolstra

  1. I was in the area for a conference this weekend and managed to convince 3 friends to go for their first jump. Found QC Skydiving was the closest to them. We reserved some spots for them early on a Sunday morning and were able to get them in and out very quickly before brunch.

    This is easily the smallest dropzone I have ever visited. The packing area is the middle portion of a standard sized T-hangar (it is carpeted, but does house their Cessna 182 when they are closed). The landing area is a bit on the small side with corn on 2 sides, hangars on 1 side, and the grass runway on the other. Not an issue for tandems and experienced jumpers, but just be aware if you are a newer jumper that you will likely be approaching over hangars or corn.

    They have an unmodified Cessna 210-5 which is capable of taking up to 5 jumpers on a load. Plane was well kept.

    My friends were warmly welcomed. The tandem instructors were very professional. They went through the jump with them. At this DZ they have tandems pull, wear an altimeter, etc. I only bring this up, because at many larger places tandems are really just passengers. One of my friends had to have the instructor place his hand on the handle before he woke up to realizing it was pull time (don't worry they pulled well above the minimum).

    They all enjoyed the experience and at least one of them is seriously considering going back to become licensed.

    There is a distinct lack of signage at this airport. If you go straight back from the entrance you will run into a hangar with a people door on the end. Go around to the far side of that hangar and you will find the landing area, etc.

    In summary, if you are in the area and looking for a place to do your first jump this could be a good choice. I personally prefer to send first timers to a smaller DZ. If you are experienced and can land consistently close to your target you might want to stop in for a jump as well.