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Posts posted by pushykat

  1. Hi mate! Totally going to take it to a local rigger and make sure he looks at it....before I well lubricate him! Lmao! And certainly will jump with the student gear and learn. I'm also wanting to do my packing licence as I want to pack my own "canopy" everytime before I jump.
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  2. Thanks for the replies guys! Umm... I am australian and everything here is abbreviated or slang, so "shute" here is ok with us, sorry if I offended anyone. Its actually his entire rig. Sabre 135, reserve Airforce 120, rig vector team rig ridgy didge. Belonged to Jethro Abraham.
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  3. Wow thanks skymama! I tend to gulp down the air before the exit, I will take your advice and try the deep breath instead. Unfortunately I live in far north Queensland, and no indoor tunnels in the bush ;). I have a bungy jump nearby tho, what do you think about practising jumping off a tower or does it not work? I've had mixed reports from local mates.

    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  4. when u guys talk "tunnel time" is that jump time or something different?
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  5. Nice! I jumped cause I thought my dad did in the forces. To show him the respect he didnt get coming home. Well he told me after he didnt, but he jumped with me the other day at 66 years old. He left the plane 1st and is the best dad ever! 131 DIVLOC
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  6. I recently have been gifted with a shute (specs to follow) from a retired fellow skydiver. (Thank you!!!) A pro mate has said that it is ok for me. I love these guys but would like to trust myself with everything I fly with. As a novice, how do I check stuff? My AFF won't happen until mid 2017. But would like to start practising folding and packing. Also his altimeter.
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  7. Thanks heaps mate. U have reinforced what I have heard on the grape vine. I know as a young sheila I used to jump off the cliffs into the creek. Not a chance to do any thought except dont belly flop! Should have remembered that. My mum smsed me last night and reminded me that at age 1 I climbed the barricades she had on the second floor veranda, and jumped ... cause I threw my fav cup over. I broke my leg only cause I landed wrong, got back from hospital and jumped in a box and rode it down the stairs. The first time mum said anything positive about me , she said "maybe you were born to jump" Destiny?
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  8. Hey mate! Thanks for the reply. Glad to know that my gut feeling isn't just me being a pussy. I have started reading the incident forum and talking to my local blokes about stuff that went wrong. Wow, learning stuff - that when things go wrong they bloody do. One of my experienced mates here said to me, listen to your instructors (hell yeh i respect them and I want to suck up their knowledge like a sea sponge) never get cocky toniya, thats when u don't pay attention, make a silly choice and there is only 3 options then - A - cut the main without trying to fix it. B - the reserve. C - well there isn't one. Thanks again Krip! :)

    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!

  9. Hi Guys. Just saying a quick "Gday mate" from australia. Tacky I know... but looking for some advice from all you fantastic experienced jumpers. I have only done 3 tandem jumps however want to complete my accelerated freefall course in the next few months. I self evaluated my self awareness during the free fall on my last tandem jump, to see if i could be rational and I think I need to chill out a bit more. Any ideas on how to become a bit less fluttery freaky as you prepare to jump? Is there anything you guys did that sort of centered you? I was thinking of maybe bungy jumping to practise - at least I have to 'throw myself' off something and could practise my body position? Thanks in advance for any insight or advice. Cheers :)
    Dad... so proud of you for having no hesitation and jumping with me. Proud daughter of a vietnam vet with ptsd!