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Gear Reviews posted by breckster

  1. I have been demoing canopies for a little while. Pulse 230, Sabre 230, 1:1 wing loadings. I liked all of them, but I did not love any of them. The Sabre opening made me never want to jump one again.

    Enter the Axon. They had a tent setup at the Thanksgivings boogie. After getting the demo hooked up, I went for a jump. Soft but quick opening. Great toggle turns. Harness turns started slow, but pretty picked up. Dipping a toggle deep in the pattern chewed off altitude. Tip toe landing on the first try.

    Second jump... well, that spot looked better from the door. Under canopy I realized I had a serious problem. I was 4 fields, maybe 5 from the DZ. All clear, but way out. Hanging on the rears... I managed to get back to the wind tunnel. The glide was amazing.

    I took a third jump, but I was sold. Their rigger was awesome answering my questions, and the staff responsive. It really took the best aspects of all the canopies I flew and combines them, with none of the bad stuff.

    Oh also... get their risers. That third tab is genius. Those breaks are not firing until you want them to. Just remember to pull back then down.