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Dropzone Reviews posted by slim

  1. I started jumping @ Perris, and recently graduated. The instructors are always pushing you to be better, smoother, and stronger. Not up your ass about it, but they make you want to be better. I found through my AFF classes I was my worst critic. They Gave me suggestions for the next dive and sat with me to watch the videos I got, to help me understand why, on my level 4 I was all over the sky. Needless to say my level 5, smooth like ice.
    I am a tall thin guy, (6ft 5in, 150lbs)and I seem to not quite fall as fast as your avarage feather, but the instructors would keep even with me (before I knew how to keep up with them) and when I landed there was no mention of how hard it is for a 5'4" 225 lb instructor to go that slow. untill my level 5, I landed and heard "Gawd Damnit Slim!!!! you just don't fall!!!!"<--- jealousy, he admitted it.

    All in all the entire staff from the bar keep, pro-shop people to the instructors and LOs every one there will answer any questions you have and make you feel right at home no matter where you are at in your jumping carreer.