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Dropzone Reviews posted by Tareck

  1. I did my first Tandem jump in my life there in 2009, maybe things had changed, maybe not. They asked everybody to arrive very early to jump in arriving time, me and more 3 friend arrived around 6h30min AM, I jumped at sunset (~18h00min) at 10 000 ft (max alt there), 2 of my friends didn't jump, just waste their Sunday, they had one student there that waited whole day and didn't jump, and one American that arrived later jumped before everybody, because hired the whole package, with video. Very convenient to them make everybody wait the whole day, and very rude. I wanted too much do the course, but that's the main reason I didn't there, I knew that I'd just waste my whole weekend waiting, and begging for just 1 jump. They had just 1 small airplane, 4 passengers. The jump was awesome, btw, and the landing perfect, at the beach, I could stand, very smooth.

  2. I went there for AFF course based on a recommendation, and they didn't disappoint. They have nice accommodation for students inside the dropzone, take your breakfast, walk a few steps and board in the airplane for skydiving. They have a nice Airvan airplane, and other 2 smaller. There is a fridge for students, a kitchen, so you can buy food in the city and cook your dinner, share with others, have some beer at night, you save a lot with accommodation and food, compared to other places in Australia. I felt very welcome when I was there, I didn't feel explored, some places it look that just want to take your money, and don't care about you at all. The instructors looks really good (well, I don't have too much reference, as I just finished my AFF course), they teach a lot of situations, so you can feel safe when you jump into the sky, you will know what to do to don't get hurt. Their landing are is huge, but they also teach what to do in case you have to land outside. The airport is almost private, no problems due to traffic. They also don't look to have too many Tandem jumps, that some dropzones make priority over their students and sport jumpers. The only problem is that I got bad lucky with weather, not their fault. And it takes long time to reach there from Singapore, but it worth.