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Posts posted by Droopy

  1. Quote

    Isn't the tunnel at Bragg a re-circulated one?

    Yep, but good luck trying to get into that one even you are in the military.


    Is it really financially feasable to open a windtunnel in a location that will try to stay open just from jumpers?

    Yes. And I don't think it would be just from jumpers.


  2. School sucks.............. First day back at school and i am ready for summer again already. Me and amish have taken all the same classes we are going to cause some trouble. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. I am about to get a new sony. I need to sale my sony ip5 first i have everything to go with it and it is on;y a month old. How sould i go about it. Where should i put it up for sale.?


  4. I am 19 years old and have been skydiving for about 6 months now. Just wanted to get an idea of how many young skymonkeys are around?? B|


  5. yeah thanks to everyone who showed up. it was nice to finally put faces with everyone. it was a great weekend. if you would want to try again somtime im up for it anytime. thanks to all
