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Posts posted by nick88

  1. Quote


    Never fear. That's exactly what I'm going to do.
    I'm going to vote for George W. Bush because he is not a sworn enemy of my right to own and carry firearms, like John Kerry is.

    Thanks for the reminder, TK!


    Cool, at least that's what you believe in - If I could vote, I would vote to get George Bush out of office before he removes all my freedoms with the 'patriot act' and before we become a police state. Not to mention all the lies about war and the deaths of thousands because of it.

    Can't wait to get THAT tax bill

    I'm not going to vote for Kerry because he told the same lies and who idea of a war on terrorism is running scared and practically inviting them over here to murder our families.

  2. Quote




    Lest we NEVER FORGET that we are a DEMOCRACY

    Nothing personal just stating some facts:

    The constitution declares we are "all CREATED equally" not that we must all LIVE equally...thats communism..

    Since you're in favor of facts, please tell where that quoted phrase is found in the Constitution.

    Were you by any chance thinking of the Declaration of Independence? "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"

    Yes sorry thats what I mean't the "Declaration of Independance" ... Honest mistake.

  3. Quote


    Lest we NEVER FORGET that we are a DEMOCRACY

    Nothing personal just stating some facts:

    The constitution declares we are "all CREATED equally" not that we must all LIVE equally...thats communism.I work my ass off for myself and my family not for anyone else.
    Also we are NOT a democracy we are a "constitutional republic"...if we were a democracy majority would rule...try and explain that to a society where RAPE can be made legal by majority vote

    What bothers me with all of this anti-bush retoric is that people are not really thinking about who they will actually vote for...they just care that Bush is gone....thats just irresponsible.Mr Flip-Flop Kerry has jack shit for policies...also the beggar at the corner of Wal-Mart has 20 times the military experience than Kerry or Bush...does that make him a better candidate than Kerry then????

    Also "individual, free thinking, free acting" should not be used in the same sentence as UNION.

  4. How can anyone possibly "talk" this out with a prick that breaks the limbs of babies in order to get a confession from parents?.How can anyone support saddam?
    How can we put our faith in an organization that elects libya as head of its human rights commision?
    Bush and Blair are clearly doing the right thing.I am getting sick and tired of reading these "pro" saddam posts......give him your kids....let him play with them.I am sure that if somebody did any of this to your kids you would want them arrested and prosecuted...correct?I am quite sure you would say..."talk it over....we need the UN's approval to charge them with child abuse" BULLSHIT.I have no respect for apeasers....go and live over there.
    Frankly you support child abuse,rape and torture if you support this piece of garbage.

  5. [reply
    If you want to withdraw from politics because of a staunch belief that the administration will handle all decisions for you, be my guest. I'm not going to do that..

    I thought the whole leftist policy was government solutions for everything,the left believe government has the answer for everything and should make decisions for personal responsibility.Let the government regulate your retirment,medical treatment....I could go on.
    I am not a republican either before anyone flames me.I am anti UN.

  • Quote

    well there is that fear..and it is a valid one..but terrorists are terrorists.

    they arent gonna play nice b/c we asked them to.
    they WILL attack us if they want to.
    they wont attack BECAUSE we struck them! y'know?;)

    It will make no difference if we attack them or not,they will always hate us and will stop at nothing to attempt to destroy us.We must hit Iraq because it will at least eliminate 1 avenue for these idiots to obtain some nasty stuff.
    Who cares about the UN.They are just a bunch of communist,bed wetting third world puppets.We support them in everyway,shoot we even house them.I say we pull out,and then the french and the russians will lose any "world power" status that they deem to have.Also they will lose (deservingly) there oil contracts too.

  • kinda sucks...this is the second time I have dislocated it in 3 years.I am pretty sure it happened when I depolyed my chute,I only realised I did it when I was doing a control check and I could not flare or make any left turns with the toggle.
    Doc says the knife may be the only feasible option to prevent it happening again,as I dont really need it happening again in freefall etc.....ha...back to the exercises...

  • Been lurking for awhile now...just introducing myself...made 2 jumps so far AFF,and dislocated my left shoulder on my AFF level 2...cannot figure out for the life of me why...happened on opening,so I cannot jump until I get it sorted out....oh well...only have things to look forward too.Learning from almost every post I read in here.Great site and great folk.