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Posts posted by tictoc

  1. Quote

    For starters, I was on the dive and filmed it. I knew about him making his 100th jump several weeks before it happened....it wasn't a secret....so don't think it was ALL you getting the ball rolling.

    Second, I agree it's fucked you got axed. I didn't know anything about it until someone mentioned it today. That sucks dude, and I'm sorry.

    Third, Jim has pulled some shit like this on me, and I agree, it's fucked.

    And finally, there are lingering affects you had on the DZ Brad. If you can't see it, then man, you got problems. I'm not saying it's all you, the DZ does have politic issues that bug the shit outa me. Just saying I see both sides.

    My point was that if their were others their that knew about it NO ONE did any thing to get it going that day till I did. His 100th would have came and went without any thing. I even had to have him wate one jump till we could get it together because Jim wanted to do one more 8way. I didn't think it was a "secret" just that I got it going and then was pulled. As for the lingering affects. Yes I can see them but don't understand them. When all I did is leave how does that upset anyone. And I don't see how I "afected" anyone but my self by doing it. I did it in such a way that no one even noticed when I did it. Thanks for the understanding though. And again. GREAT PIC'S! As pissed as I am it is all worth it to see that JR had fun.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  2. Quote

    That was a really good DZ! I agree with you about the folks there. I was there one week-end for a seminar. My wife and I got treated more than graciously. I hated to hear when they closed.

    not sure I know what DZ you are talking about. Nither are closed
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  3. You know I thought their would have been more people who had an opinion on this either for or against. Were are all the people who would let this happen to a friend? I will not flame you. I just want to know who you are so I don’t waste one second of my life getting to know you. Feel free to post, I know you are out their.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  4. Quote

    I'm thinking your friend should have stood up and said what he wanted. Is he really that close of a friend that he didn't stand up for you? Friendship is a two way street. Sounds like he needed to stand up to the people around him.

    In his defense JR did not have time. The dive was already dirt dove and they were gearing up by the time I was able to talk to him. Plus I would not have expected him to as he is not aware of the bull s**t politics that take place. He is also a low key person and I never see him bitch about any thing. That is what makes him cool. He has 100 tandems, a broken leg from a bad landing and still going. JR you ROCK! Now Jim on the other hand ERRRRRR. I'm still pi***d!
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  5. First off you are right and I hope the dive went great for JR and I hope he had fun. I just wish they would have allowed him to pick the people he wanted to skydive with just like they get to do. I will also say that I am fortunate because I have got to jump with him when I was working their and he asked me to be his TI.
    I have always said that there are two reasons why people skydive. Because it is dangerous and because it is fun. If you take both of them away people will stop doing it. Walt I completely agree. I have spent the last year jumping at Eugene skydivers. It is a 2:20 drive for me each way (as opposed to :45). The people are great and the vibe is very laid back. Jumping became fun again for me. And I think it has helped me make it fun for my students.
    I had always said that I would be back at SDO next season. But now I am very discouraged. I did not think that the frustration would come back so quick and so harsh. I am an adult. I act like one and I EXPECT to be treated like one. You might be able to tell me were I can jump but don’t tell me who I can jump with and how I have to do it. I have put in the time to become a safe, good and rated skydiver. I deserve the respect that should come with that. Just as I have given it to “YOU”.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  6. Well I was not being rude to any one. I was simply trying to jump with my friend on his 100th jump and give him another first. If it was not for me trying to get something together this never would have even happened because the people who knew evidently did not even care. No one but me, Jim, JR and whoever Jim had talked to knew what was going on. I subsequently packed up and left before the load even took off so that I would not make a scene in front of every one and possibly ruin their weekend. Thus part of the reason for this post is to let people know what had happened. When I left a year ago I left without a word and I only told those who asked. However this time I will not sit back quietly and be treated this way my self. Jim and I have always been good friends and were even on a CRW team together and that is what pi***s me off the most. And when people do find out I guess I will see just how few friends I have.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  7. Ok so after taking a year away from Skydive Oregon because I did not agree with the way one of my friends was treated. I decided that I would like to see some of my friends again. I thought that every thing was cool between me and SDO as I left quietly with out making any type of scene. So after two great days of skydiving at SDO’s bogie I ran into one of my friends JR who I had not seen in over a year. Now JR is some one that I have taken on several tandems, and I was the first person to do several things with him. I have also never charged JR for any of my services, only the slot on the plane. The way I see it he is just another skydiver. I was also the one who initiated trying to get him an A license. JR is handicapped, can only do tandems and is in my opinion a great guy. In talking with him I found out that he was about to do his 100th jump. So I went to my supposable good friend Jim Straight (owner of body sport) because he was currently organizing the belly flyers for the bogie and asked if we might be able to do something special for JR. Jim replied with an ecstatic yes. So after Jim talked with some one he told me that I had to be removed from the list because he was requested to keep it to 6 people. I was fine with this until I saw the 6 people who were on the jump. Some of witch have absolutely no instructor rating and others who had never even jumped with Jr. I went to my supposedly good friend Jim and told him that I was offended by the people who were chosen to be on the dive. He replied that the decision was not all his and refused to tell me who else was in on it. So it aperies to not have had anything to do with having to keep it to 6 people. I also went to JR and told him that I was upset that I would not be able to be on his 100th dive. He told me that he did not have any say in who was to be jumping with him on his 100th jump. So I believe that it was some one in the SDO management who made the decision (for whatever reason) that I would not get to jump with my friend. I think that this whole situation is messed up and I am so p****d off right now. I refuse to let these people tell me who I can and can’t jump with. I’m a TI& AFFI for f**k sake. So my question is. Are you the type of person who allows your friends to be treated badly just so you can fit in? Or are you the type to stand up and say something?
    I know this is long and I may not have all of the facts but I just have to let it out.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  8. Great. I have looked all over and am not able to find any "refresh" button So I must not be looking in the right place. The file I have was created on May 6th 7:44 and I just downloaded it last week. As for the streching it seems to work ok now but at one time as I said the lower corrners had a problem but the top ones were ok so I don't think it was Java. But nun the less it is not a big deal. Let me know when you have had time to fix some of the things so I can redownload it. Thanks for all your hard work!


    I see the close bug there, yeah that is annoying! Woops, I will try to get this fixed.
    Also, when u change someone's ratings, the way to update that throughtout the program is to use the refresh button next to the person chooser. I will have look into making this more automatic.Also you already can subtract funds, just enter a payment that affects balance and has a negative value.

    For the current layout 800x600 is not enough. A computer that cannot go higher than that may also not be able to run the java virtual machie, so that is not much of an issue i think.

    Stretching the program doesnt do anthing to my mouse pointer, it works just fine. perhaps install the latest java runtime?

    As far as all your other comments, I will look into all that when school starts unwinding. Thanks for your candid response!


    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  9. Ok Let me first start by saying how nice this program looks. I have a lot of stuff that I think would need to change and I don’t want you to think I am bashing it. I would also like to say that some of this stuff needs to be done before a good beta testing can be done. This list is not in any particular order just as I found them as I jumped around and tried to use it. With that said here goes.

    -Upon selecting the air plane it should the available slots for that plane to the manifest sheet with “choose me” highlighted with a color. The default skydive should be exp 13k or tandem (for such air plains line the caravan) as that is probably the most used in most DZ’s. No more need for the “add person” tab. “Remove” will take you back to “choose me”. Or you could do when clicking “add” the people list would pop up at this time. No more need for “choose me”.

    -as said before upon moving from one tab to another or closing it should save or prompt to save.

    -Upon changing people’s data. Program should reload data table. Currently program has to be closed and re launched for changes to be used. (Such as pilot or grounded)

    -As you have said program needs to start on today’s date. And “date” tab on calendar should have dates with data on then highlighted.

    -upon selecting a skydive that requires instructor(s) slots should be reserved for those instructors and highlighted in red till instructor is chosen. This will help prevent double manifesting

    -currently you “what if” for students requiring instructors does not check to see if the person is rated to do that type of dive, only that some one is on the plane.

    -For manifest you need a way to unfly a load in case it ends up not going, that way you don’t loose all that data. You could “are you sure” it or password protect it.

    -Should add a free fly instructor and manifester to the “rating” table.

    -Upon clicking “add” to the manifest load info. Date should auto populate to the date currently selected at the top.

    -upon stretching program by dragging bottom corners. Pointer is permanently changed. Top corners are ok.

    -default opening size is larger than 800x600 pix. This is a problem for some one that has an old monitor. Once program is open it can’t be fully used and the only way to close it is to use ctl alt del. And if they have an old monitor they may not know how to do this.

    -need to be able to just type a name on the manifest log for students or people that don’t need to be in the data base.

    -need to be able to subtract funds from a person.
    -Manifest should be the default tab as it will be the most used.

    -On the manifest tab you need a column for when the load will fly or a countdown timer.

    -People keep asking if it will have an output for other monitors so jumpers can see loads. I know you have thought’s about it. I think it will be a good idea.

    -for rental rig’s no other option is available that not renting.

    -upon clinking “save” from the “rigs/person” the program closes and does not save data. I’m not sure how you even got the names that you have in their in their.

    -Program code needs to be able to be updated without loosing data tables. I only say this because I don’t know what data you have were.

    Well that is all I have for now. Sorry about the length. Not all of these things you will chose to use but like I said some of them need to be done to beta. Some of this might have already been said so sorry for re posting it.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  10. I just got mine in the mail. Can't wate to jump it this weekend. Got it from Royal. Ordered on thurs got it on sat. I must say I like it alot.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  11. I will tip bouth once and a while. The way I see it is when you go to a place to eat you don't see what goes on in the back but that dosn't mean that thouse PPL don't need to be shown they did a good job. The student dosn't know the differance between a good flight or a good opening. A "thank you" is good but $ is alwase better I think.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  12. Fo rmy 270 from 250'msl on a down wind day. I use my altimiter to start my aproch at about 13k. This will put me at my start point around 900-1k in full flight. I use harness for the first 180 than a combination of fronts and harness to finish the other 90.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  13. I also use the Sunnto. Yes they are desighned for hicking. I was leary as you are before I got one. I did some reserch. The digitude updates every .25 seconds. At its fastest setting the Sunnto updates every .5 seconds. This keep me from byeing one untill I talked to one of the people on airspeed that had one and he said he loved it. So I bought one. It is all I use for a visual alti. on 99% of my jumps. I love it. It seem to be more acurate than my digitude. As another said it's biggest draw back is that you can hit a button in freefall.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  14. Kallend, Let me see if I can help you understand are point. I'm sure that their is atleast one thing in your life that you are realy proud that you did. Now other peaple are just as capeble of doing it as you are. But lets say that some one does not want to take the time and make the cometment to do it. So they use your (whatever) and say that it is theirs. Would you not get upset? I don't feal it is about being able to do it but it is about the fact that you made the comitment and now some one else is also saying that they have when they didn't. If some one wears the wings that they bought they are saying that they earned them. Some people who have actuly earned them (and take great pride in them) take offence to some one who has not.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  15. my thoughts. I have not seen the add yet. But I totaly agrea. Some one who has not earend the wings should not were them. The manufacturer has every right to sell them to some one who wants to spend the money. They should not however list them as "skydiving wings" as they are not, but by what they realy are "airborn wings". If some one still byes them (and have not erend them) then they will have to deal with the outcome of their choice.

    Edit Sorry just read other post
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  16. Quote

    LOL...I'm really not that bad. No one has ever called me a Barbie and I would never be caught dead in my yard strutting around in a bikini. I won't even wear one to the dz!:ph34r:

    Dam So much for wanting to live next to you.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  17. Oh, I'm dead serious! I've wanted to try skiing for years and years and never managed to. My kids want to try it too. I never imagined a long weekend would be so expensive though. [:/] Since I'm going to Eloy, I probably won't learn to ski this year. I'll have to keep dreaming about it I guess!

    Oregon isn't to fare to drive is it? I have a spare bord and am pretty good at teaching ( so I have been told). I'll teach ya. have spare ski's to but they probly won't fit.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  • I didn't say you were flirting. Just like it wasn't chivery that posest him to do the sawing. If a man would of asked for a saw he would have still offerd to do the sawing. And if you would have asked a women you would have let her do the work just the same. I know I know. I wish I lived next to such nice peaple as youlol
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  • Ok let me get the facts. So this realy hot chick goes over to a married mans house and talks to him for a while about things that seem to interest him just so she can get to the real question of "do you have a saw". Then instead of telling him that she is capable of sawing she allows said married man to come into her home to do said sawing. Ok now that I have that straight. No you were not flirting.;) All I have to say is you go man. He got to look at you ass for a while.:ph34r: And all he had to do was cut a couple of limbe. plus now he can come over to say hi. Just to look at said ass.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  • I hate OEM computers. Have a HP LP it does well. I have heard good things about alien ware http://www.alienware.com/main.aspx
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  • I went to the websites and forund this "You're source for complete and accurate skydiving information." on two of them and yet the lists of DZ's do not match. Not so "acurate". So which site am I to beleave? And I'm sure the only thing it takes to be a NSA member is the good old $$$$$$$$$$$. I soport any one who is doing what they need to do to servive. but these sites do seem a tab bit questonable.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

  • I think the freefly handle works very well. I am not a fan of the cordura pouch. I pesonaly do not recomend them to my coustemers. I realy don't think is is unsafe I just think the spandex is a better salution. with ninumum draw back.

    "Hopefully it will stretch... "

    no your rig is not going to stretch. I would take a look at the way you are packing your rig in order to get it to close so that you don't need to put the handle in first.
    Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.