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Posts posted by Iezyka

  1. If I do the add-100-method, the best canopy for me should be 230, and have a wingloading at 0.57. I have seen manufacturers that recommend higher wingloading.

    If I try the 0.75 wingloading method, I end up with a pretty small canopy, well more than 50 sqft smaller than the other method. I don´t even know if so small base canopies exist.

    Using a formula can be good as a guideline I think, just like with skydiving canopies. But I thought that maybe those formulas are made to get the right characteristics of the canopy. What qualities of the canopy am I looking for? In which size-interval can I find those qualities?

    Since the formulas end up with such different results, I thought maybe it´s extra good to think about what I´m really looking for.

  2. I weight 130 lbs when I wear a rig. I have heard people say it´s good to have a wingloading at about 0,75 lbs/sqft. I would need a 174 sqft canopy to get that wingloading.

    Is there anything more than wingloading that you calculate with when you choose your canopy size?

    What´s your opinion, which size would be the best for me?

    When is it too big? What are the risks of jumping with a too big canopy?

  3. An AFF-course can be finished during a holiday. The earth is not all that big, if someone interested in skydiving, I don´t think going to the states or australia for a skydiving vacation would be a problem. (Actually, that sounds real nice to me :)

  4. Hi!
    I know a guy that is really big, 140 kg. He wants to start skydiving. According to our rules, that would mean that the canopy has to be at least 390 sqft. And a real big rig to put it in..
    Does that kind of student gear exist?

  5. I´m 21...but when i was in the states, people asked me if I was old enough to start skydiving, "just like my mother" (my friend...) >:(>:( and I couldn´t even buy beer for myself >:(
    Put me on a planet that need more time to go one lap around the sun..tellus is too fast :P:)

  6. Quote

    Changing your mind halfway through "the act" is really confusing. Someone should explain to little girls that once you have aroused a man beyond a certain point, it is extremely difficult to stop.
    Does that mean you can change your mind ten seconds after leaving the airplane and get a full refund?

    Do any guys agree on this?? God, I get scared by posts like this, :S Guess I need to have a weapon I can reach from my bed. Or a button I could press for a bodyguard to come and save me. Or would it be a crime to stop an aroused man from having sex with me if I don´t want to have sex with him anymore??:o

    I think someone should explain to little boys, that there is a reason why someone wants to stop: Maybe it is boring, or painful, or done the wrong way for this woman. If the boys succeeded in turning the woman off completely, they have to accept that she might want to stop. There are more interesting things to do than having unpleasant sex. For example reading a book. Masturbate. Or find someone to have great sex with.


    If she starts kicking and screaming at you, you might decide to get the fuck away from her because she is seriously unstable, but you should stop. I agree with that. But she has to start kicking and screaming.

    It is terrible that some women and men lie and say they have been raped when they actually wanted to have sex, or didn´t show clearly that they didn´t want to. >:(>:(Using one of the worst crimes to hurt someone else is really mean, and causes problems for those who have been raped for real.

    BUT every person should be smart enough to stop when the other person tell them to stop. I shouldn´t have to kick or scream to get a man off me if if I change my mind. If I say "stop, I don´t want to do this anymore, get off me NOW", it should be enough. Or if I push him away and try to get out of there.

    Anything after this point, or any sex where I´m unconscious, threaten, or held down by violence is rape to me:
    If I scream or kick, I´m not telling the man to stop having sex with me, I´m telling him to stop raping me.

  7. Quote

    Where did you hear this? Any links? It sounds interesting.

    I only have a link in swedish about the diamond thing, not any help for most of you!

    According to that notice it was Brian Crawfords company Fountain Garden in Edmonton, Canada, who sold the grandma-diamond, made in Italy.

    Maybe some facts which anyone who is interested could use to make it easier to search for information about the diamond.

  8. A mummy maybe! B| Or put me fire? Or give me to starving hyenas in the third world??

    Actually I don´t care.

    When I´m dead, I do not exist, and am never going to exist again. I couldn´t care less about what happens to "me" then.

    I´ll let my family choose what to do with my body and how they want to remember me. The funeral is a good thing for them to take farewell and move on, the best should be to do it their way. :)How is that? I guess no one could decide before it has happend, it depends on the circumstances, for example how I died and their financial situation.

  9. Scary! :SI´m glad you´re allright!!


    In skydiving, your mistakes cost you your life. When driving, your mistakes cost you your life, as well as the lives or livelihood of whoever it is you crashed into.

    I would say in both driving and skydiving my mistakes could cost me my life as well as the life of whoever I crash into.[:/]

  10. I´m curious how the payment for student courses works at your dropzone, especially if it´s a smaller one. And motivate why you have chosen that kind of system, if you know.

    *When do the students pay for the course? When they sign up for the course, or at a special date?

    *How much do they get back if they change their mind/get ill before the first day of the course? Before the first jump?
    Has this been a problem for you?

    *Do they pay for the whole course at once?

    Please, share your experiences with me:)
    /Jessica-recruits students for s/l courses at a smaller dropzone.

  11. Quote

    The aircraft that was the biggest blast to jump out of in my skydiving career: The C-130 Hercules! It's worth a trip to Sweden for the Hercules Boogie.

    Herc-boogie -85...that´s coolB| I was only 4 years old at that time..

    I love the Hercules too! 80 jumpers out of one big, fast airplane with a big ramp, that could be nothing else but pure fun.

    I was at the Herc Boogie in Sweden this year to do some big-way freeflying, that was awesome! The only thing that would stop me from going there 2004 would be death B|:)


  12. Quote

    would you give up everything you ever accomplished and fought so hard leave that situation?

    Sometimes I think radical changes might be the only way to make things better.
    But, it could be a lot of hard work to give everything up, stand there with nothing and try to work out a way with these ideas you haven´t even tested before. Takes lot of effort to start everything from the very beginning.

    Most of the time, I think it would be better to give those new, great ideas a chance to influence everyday life, a little bit more all the time if it turns out to work well.

    All those things you actually already have accomplished, you could use to help your new ideas to grow bigger, and eventually be the major part of your life.

    I don´t think that needs to take more time than a radical change, but it would be much easier to do.

  13. My parents were really worried and even had nightmares about skydiving. And all their friends thought they were crazy to let me skydive, which made them even more upset.

    I brought them to the dropzone and they could see how much fun we had and they could ask the instructors about the course.

    If I want to make them feel better, I have to figure out what they are worried about. Maybe accidents, safety, almost only men at the dz, drugs. When they ask something about how my jump was, I also try to answer these questions they don´t want to ask all the time. I do it by answering their actual question and at the same time remember to tell some details I think they would like to know.

    If they ask how my jump was, I could tell them about the four-way girl team left the airplane first, and then it was our turn, or that we have to separate after the jump so we don´t crash when we open the parachutes. If they ask something about my gear I answer, and I add something how carefully the reserve has to be packed, or that I just got my aad back from service and show them how it works. If there was an accident I call them and tell them I´m allright, and tell them why it happened and what I do to decrease the risk for it to happen to me, and what I would do if it would happen to me anyway. And so on..

    They are not all that worried anymore, they do not only know the answers to the common whuffo-questions, but they know enough to defend my choice of sport to their friends. It´s like therapy for them!

    I would never try to make them to tandem, that could give them wrong signals about the what I think the reason to skydive is. I want them to know I´m only jumping because I want to do it, not because
    somebody else told me or because it´s 'cool'. They know I would help them in 3 minutes to find the best place to skydive, the best time of the year, with a good photographer, if they would ever get the idea to jump... but I leave that decision for them to make.

    They know they can´t do anything to make me stop. But if there is some way I could do to make them feel better about skydiving and make them more interested and support me, I´m glad to try!

    Good luck!

  14. I don´t write often, but when something bothers me and talking to friends doesn´t help, I just write down all my thoughts, without editing.

    This is a rare thing; but sometimes I realize that I somehow managed to create an intelligent theory.

    But mostly it´s just pure FUN to read later. For a micro-second before I realize it´s my thoughts, I think things like: 'what irrational lunatic could even come up with these kind of ideas':ph34r:

  15. I have a cold, so I choose not even to open the door, it´s cold outside. No, it´s freezing out there! -28 celsius last time I looked.
    God bless the summer!B|

    And my excuse for being up so late/early in the morning (05.15)....this damn jet lag! i can´t sleep>:(


  16. squash bugs, lift heavy things and i do garbage... hmm:S

    I don´t see why I would need to marry to make a partner I live and share my life with to help me with things I don´t want to do by myself, whatever that would be. (I could think of lots of things.:)

  17. Maybe someone who are married or wants get married would let me know your reason, I just haven´t figured out what it could be good for yet. I´m curious!

    What are the benefits of being married compared to just being a couple?
    Why did you get married or why do you want to get married?