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Posts posted by kokaneegirl

  1. I can't either, but was curious if anyone has seen/heard/read about this type of application/research.


    As far as I know, the military has not looked into the employment of "Low altitude vertical delivery specialists" yet. I can't imagine a scenario where a BASE jumper skill set would be required.

    Maybe. I've jumped a cliff with 36DDD's. Guessing that would equate to a "combat load". :ph34r:


    Besides, can you imagine jumping a cliff with a combat load?

    There is a gray line there. It's my understanding that both have similar importance BECAUSE of the mission. Or maybe I just pulled that outta me arse.

    In the military (combat particularly) environment the mission comes first personal safety second, the minute bullets start flying.

    Indeed! It IS a cool idea to kick around. This question, to me, IS about military and BASE jumping. Simple curiosity. Not meant as anything else.....


    It's a fun idea to kick around though... let me know if you learn different.

    Indeed! It IS a cool idea to kick around. This question, to me, IS about military and BASE jumping. Simple curiosity. Not meant as anything else.....

    See ya on the 5th, D.


    Former Marine

  2. Remember, it's piss easy to make BASE jumps. It's much harder to become a BASE jumper, and to stay a jumper without dying or being mortally injured. Only by accomplishing the latter does anyone earn my respect.



    That sunk deeper than you know....


  • Is there a safe and NON-permanent way to write something on the top skin of a canopy?

    Something that could be easily seen after opening, but not permanent...

    Any suggestions would be helpful.



  • Dang it, Tom. The "can't post"/ "Bump" thing means I have to cutandpaste like a banshee. Thank God I type 80 wpm....

    At any rate, in response to rgoper:


    rgoper: "the sites you posted are appreciated. (but that's the first place(s) i went to, long ago) i've done more than a few "virtual jumps" but just as i didn't learn how to "skydive" out of a magazine, or a url, i wouldn't actually buy gear, go to one of these sites, and go BASE jump off of an object somewhere on my own, without proper instruction and coaching.

    Perhaps you haven't been to some of these url's LATELY. TWO of them offer a FJC. Although I haven't been through one (I am LUCKY enough to have a very competant "mentor" so instruction me on ALL aspects of BASE....with a LONG way to go), I understand them to be the best way to start.

    Maybe this isn't a good analogy, but when I started skydiving, I found a very reputable establishment and went through their program. It wasn't the type of plane, it was knowledge of body position, gear familiarity, spotting, ect.

    In my mind, BASE jumping should be the same. If you're going to do it, do it right. Learn as much as you can, THEN branch out.

    " thus my concern. in the end, a solid training program, mentoring, coaching and help with appropriate gear selection and site/object(s) is imperitive for the longevity of this sport,"

    Again, see the url's with FJC's.

    "even in the original topic, the poster's url site is posted, and can be visited by anyone, but does not offer any services for BASE newbies, only "experienced jumpers"

    Again, they DO offer "services". FJC's In my opinion, (Boone being an exception), only experienced jumpers should begin BASE. Canopy control. In the words of Martha Stewart: "It's a GOOD thing."


    how do you get experienced? just my 0.02 USD.


  • but my question is this, how would a "skydiver" who don't know jack about BASE do it safely without someone giving up some information?




  • Quote

    7 days to go...
    ...and I've got the gear issues figured out.

    But this is 'Kokaneegirl', my JM (jumpmistress)

    Should I be worried? *gulp*

    Don't worry. My spotting skills FAR exceed my ground crew skills. (Whick ain't sayin' much.) :ph34r:

  • Quote


    Should I be worried? *gulp*

    Only if she's taking you freeflying She's driving forward like a Mutherf***er.!!!


    Yep. Drivin'. You should've seen my cameraflyers face. heh heh:o

  • Quote

    OK...I'm about to make a skydive in 2 weeks time. I haven't jumped from a plane in 8 months. Can someone point out what that extra handle on my left main lift web is for?

    Any help appreciated.

    Only seven more days...SEVEN.

    Bwaaaahahahah! (Eh.)