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Posts posted by Geo-Log

  1. On 6/6/2019 at 3:46 AM, jasdcarter said:

    Is there an audible that will keep track of your slowest speed without detecting a canopy opening when in fact your canopy isn’t open yet?  I’m sick of my audible detecting my canopy opening when it hasn’t.

    The best device for this is Flysight

  2. If you've made 100 jumps with Prodigy I think you'll not meet real problems with Gus or Swift or Funk. As ws-performance is your goal I think that Swift is a better choice. And it is good enough for ws-acro learning as well.
    Gus and Funk are better for ws-formation and acro flies.

  3. John, I hope these papers by Matt Gerdes will be useful to answer your questions:


    I use the second mode from this paper - without flare, only relax for a couple seconds, reduce speed and than deploy PC. My full speed at this point is about 140-150 kph.

  4. lyosha

    Someone told me that the low bulk option for a winx is still ZP material

    No, it is certainly not. I can breath through the ultralight fabric of my Winx-105 like through F111 :(
    So the canopy fly like an elevator, it is hard to return back to LZ from a long spot.