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Posts posted by KenKnight

  1. I spent 10 years traveling the country building their restaurants and Waffle House weddings are not all that uncommon. Seems like every couple of months there was a story of another one in the company news letter. Usually at least one of the wedding party was an employee. I just figured they weren't allowed any time off [:/]

    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  2. I smoked for over 30 years. Tomorrow morning will be one year smoke free.:)

    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  3. Front to back top to bottom before I gear up, and then check my 3's before getting on the plane and before exit. If it's a coach jump, I let my student give me a good once over too.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  4. Quote

    *** The BSR's don't mean anything to the FAA. You don't need an AFF rating to do AFF in the U.S. You don't even need an Instructor to learn to skydive in the U.S.

    Correct, the BSR's are nothing but guidelines to be followed or ignored by each DZ as they see fit.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  5. The requirement for a FAA Class 3 medical certificate is in the BSR's

    C. Medical REquirements [NW]
    2. Any skydiver acting as parachutist in command on a tandem jump must possess an FAA Class 3 medical certificate or the equivalent.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  6. All you have to do is be 40 or older. I signed up within a week of my b-day.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  7. Solos will help to build your confidence and help to quiet some of the nerves as you get used to this new enviroment. Both will help make your future coach jumps more productive. Just Jump!
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  8. Yes, Pell City is still flying the Cesna 205. Made 10 jumps from it this weekend. They are working on getting another turbine, but nothing yet.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  9. Quote

    I politely disagree about making people jump without helmets so they can prove to themselves they can land without one.


    I was responding to your idea of making people jump without helmets to prove to themselves that they can do it


    If this guy were at my DZ I'd recommend he do a few jumps without a helmet to prove to himself that he can safely land without one.

    I don't believe Bill ever said he would make anybody do anything. He said he would recommend he do a few jumps without a helmet. As such, the jumper would be free to make up his own mind and if in doubt ask the opinions of others, which may or may not match your own.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  10. Quote

    Hey, don't knock the view of static line training in the middle of fields! Snohomish is Gorgeous.

    Everyplace is gorgeous from altitude:)
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  11. Quote

    March 13-14 Skydive Alabama Canopy Camp
    Contact: Steve Crawford
    (256) 339-0456
    (256) 735-0493

    Called and reserved my slot today.:)
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  12. I turned 40 yesterday. Started jumping about 13 months ago at 38. I probably will never be someone who makes 10+ jumps everyweekend, but I really enjoy the 4-5 I get in every other weekend. I do it to relax and have some fun.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  13. Depends, is this a hand shake deal or is there a contract involved? If you've signed anything, make sure you read it well before you fire him. Nothing worse than getting bad service, finding someone else to do the work and going through all the hassle, and then having to pay the guy anyway because you didn't follow the contract. It has happened.

    I'd definitely be looking for someone else to do the work, but not sure I'd be hiring a friends brother without checking out his work a thoroughly as you did the first contractor.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  14. To stay safe and have FUN. That may mean all or none of the above. When it isn't fun anymore, I'll move on.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  15. My Dad has made several observer rides. He get's a kick out of watching me jump out the door and loves the dive the pilot does after the jumpers leave. A lot of the time, he's back on the ground before I am:)
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  16. I use It's free and even has message boards for your friends to comment.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  17. I guess it depends on how you define realistic. I make 6-8 jumps every other weekend. Even that is probably more than I should from a money standpoint, but it's what my wife and I are comfortable with at the moment.

    I was perfectly happy with my life before I started jumping. I see skydiving as a very fun addition to it, not a replacement for anything that was there before.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  18. With me it isn't so much how many jumps but how long since the last jump. I usually jump every other weekend and they're pretty much gone at 70 jumps. If I wait a 3rd weekend, I notice a little. If I go a month, they're back in full force for the first jump of the day.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg

  19. Not only would I cross it, if they were hiring replacements and I needed a job I'd hire on in a heartbeat. I guess I'm too much of an individual for the whole union/mob mentality.
    D28695 PoPs #9237
    "Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
    — Bruce Landsberg