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Posts posted by Skylovin

  1. I worked for a PBS station back in '87 (in Ohio) and got assigned to produce a segment on skydiving - for a cultural arts and events program! Go figure.

    I went out to "check out the place" and Dean Giannantonio, Jay Luccioni and Ed Ganley were there. With a twinkle in their eyes they said, "You know, you're not really qualified to tell a story on it unless you've done it." At first I said "Oh no no no no no....". Then that small still voice said "Mary Pat, are you looking a gift-horse in the mouth?"

    I landed from my first tandem absolutely enamored. Inspired to write about it.

  2. ;)B|:)There were not enough helmets to go around, so GoFast encouraged people to use their own helmet if possible. (I used my own fullface). I myself had the fogging problem on the infamous cold jump, but could see through an inch at the top that remained clear. I opted to keep my visor, and never again had a problem. On the only other early morning jump we did, I kept my visor up until the door opened (a bit of a luxury being in the middle of the lineup and not right at the door). A good blast of the outside air on the inside of my visor, flipped it down and it was good for the jump. As Bill, I also tried to breathe through my mouth and not my nose.
