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Posts posted by chayes12

  1. Lara. Lara did more for the league than most people know. She really did hours and hours of work on the spread sheet to get it what it is today. And she travelled around with us and helped as a judge. The judges are the people who really make these things happen. I always swooped and the judges are the ones who stay on the ground and measure how far we go or mark where we land and then enter it all in the spread sheets.
    Thanks to you Lara

    Might as well mention some other people at this point.

    It all started one day in DeLand when Edson Pachecco said to me, "Hey why don't you organize a competition?" And so we did. Edson helped me in the begining. Thanks to Edson...
    And then one day, Justin Thorton comes up to me and says "Hey, why don't you start a league?" And so we did. And Justin Thorton and Ian Bobo and I came up with the whole FLCPA format. The amount of competitions, the cost of membership, the league format, how many jumps per comp....The whole thing. The very first members were Gus Wing and Rickster Powell. I still have their membership cards....with signatures on them.
    And then it began.. and these people and more have helped out and this whole thing would not have been possible without every single one of these people. And I know I will forget some.
    Danielle Ford
    Richard Schacner
    Jennifer Leiras
    Junior Silva
    Robin Miller
    Roy Annonsen
    Kolla Kolbeinsdottir
    Shannon Pilcher
    Jay Moledzki
    Kim Postishule (sorry Kim)
    Tom Dellibac
    all the members in 04 that contributed to the league
    Paul Roussouw
    Brian McNenney
    Scott Roberts
    Ian Drennan
    Mark Shimell
    Ray Dutch
    Joey Day
    Tyler Lawson
    All these guys and more came out to support and swoop even though we were changing rules at each meet.
    There were many more volunteer judges that helped out on the day of the comps

    Who else was there?.

    It was a special time for everyone involved and it was alot of fun....

  2. Thanks Mark

    For the people who have been here flying parachutes with us here in the Southeast
    over the last 5 years, they have some idea of what has happened here.

    Something special happened and it is hard to explain. It's one of those things that is hard to put into words unless you were here.

    I will cherish these years and experiences and people for the rest of my life.

    thanks again

  3. Bird watching in Canada eh? I am definately going to look into that :) Sounds relaxing, not to mention the free health care....

    You guys and gals have a good and safe season. I'll be watching the results and hope to come out to the meets as a participant this year for fun instead of as the organizer.

    Thanks to everyone of you for your support with the league over the years and thanks for participating.
    Remember, no competitors, no competitions.

  4. Your pilot chute will make a huge difference in how your parachute opens.

    Different size and fabric pilot chutes contribute to the overall opening characteristics of all sizes and models of parachutes.

    A 28" F 111 pilot chute will give you the best overall openings on all Velo sizes and almost all other sport parachutes too.

    Some people promote bigger pilot chutes for bigger parachutes because they think you need more drag to deploy a bigger parachue because it weighs more.

    A 28" F 111 pilot chute will give you softer and more consistent openings with better overall heading control

  5. Check us out this weekend in DeLand. It has been a great year for us here. Check out all the scores and stats at.

    Performance Designs will be on hand to offer a free jump to all the competitors to try out the new Optimum reserve. Here is what they had to say.

    Hello Chris,

    We at Performance Designs would like to thank you for your hard work in promoting and executing another safe season of Florida Canopy Piloting League. The league has grown from the grassroots project it was years ago, to the meets of today that bring competitors from thousands of miles away and days prior to the actual competition to practice. The competitors dedication to the discipline of canopy piloting is growing from year to year. The devotion to their discipline is something they should all be proud of.

    For the upcoming weekend in Deland, we hope the skies will be blue for a safe close to the 2007 CPC season. With their dedication to being the future of the canopy piloting discipline, We would like to offer all the competitors the opportunity to demo an Optimum at Deland on the Sunday following the meet. The jumps on us, enjoy their visit to our home town. More importantly, enjoy the event, and the company of friends.

    Again, please share our congratulations to all the competitors. And a special "shout out" to all the judges, support staff, dropzones, and organizers for helping these canopy pilots realize their "Dream of Flight".

    Kind regards and Blue Skies

    Performance Designs Team

    See you all this weekend

  6. Well guys, I'm not sure where to start with this one. I think I could start by saying that this season is shaping up to be the best one yet for us down in Florida.
    This meet at the Farm was just unbeleivable. The competitors, the judges, Hans and Sandy and Ella and everyone from the Farm that helped out.
    Tyler Lawson from ASC that let us use his Otter for our demo into Peperell Elementary School. I just wish Tyler would have competed Demo was great. Eight of us jumped into the school for 400 kids and teachers. Bill Clough set up the demo. We then talked to the kids about swooping and we had 400 kids screaming "SWOOOOOPERS" at the top of their little lungs. It was great.
    Bill Clough did so much work for this event. We did 5 different radio broadcasts. I personally did 2 phone in radio interviews and had the chance to talk about swooping to a public audience.
    There were posters put up all over town for the event.
    Despite some tough weather there were local spectators that came out to watch.
    Robby Rob came out and announced the event and did a great job for it. Thanks to Robby Rob.
    This was by far the most publicized amateur event I have ever seen. There was a radio announcer at the event doing a live broadcast.
    All the pilots went out on Friday night to a bar/restaurant in town and met with the locals and we had a microphone set up and I was able to talk to the people in the bar and we gave away a free tandem courtesy of Hans and the Farm. Thanks Hans. And we had give away prizes for the competitors that I gave away to people who correctly answered these three questions

    1. Who was the first swooping world champion
    2. How much weight was Jay wearing on his world record run?
    3. What is the official world record speed time?

    All the pilots are doing so frigin great this year. Denise and Dale and Bryan and Craig and Jairo and Mike S. and Chris W. and Big Steve (When he gets that VE 120 dialed...look out) and Don and Pete and Adrian, Adrian is killing it this year and Ryan and Loud Dan and Brian W.
    Every single one of these Pilots are all doing so so good. They are all dedicated. Everyone of them. They are flying safe and are showing up 2 days before a comp to train. TWO DAYS BEFORE AN AMATEUR COMP. Amazing. I used to set up the course on Friday afternoon and no one would show up until Saturday Morning. Now they are getting to the event on Thursday. There are people driving for 8-10 hours from different parts of the country and there are people flying in from different parts of the country for these meets. These pilots are all going hard and they are all focused on these events and it shows in their flying. Huge improvements in accuracy and power. I can't say enough about these people and I would recommend that if you are out there and you know one of these pilots that are competing here with us this year that if you have a chance to talk to one of them about swooping, that you do. I would like to congratulate each and every one of them for their efforts and their dedication to our amazing sport and lifestyle of high performance parachute flight.

    You are all winners here and now!!

    The judges that are working with us this year are just so great to have. Kim and Laticia and Kolla and Michelle and Robin and Roy are making this all happen. They are dedicated people too and are driving from DZ to DZ and are showing up early in the morning and are staying late at night and we thank and applaud their efforts.

    So for this meet we had some low clouds and we only did half the comp on Saturday and when I asked around to see if anyone wanted to call it, there was a unanimous "NO" Everyone wanted to wait and use the weather day on Sunday. Even those people that had to drive home Sunday night and woudl not get home until 2 in the morning and had to be up early Monday stuck it out. Glad we had the weather day. We did finish all six rounds.
    Unfortunately Denise had to leave so her scores don't really reflect her performance because she did not complete the rounds on Sunday. Denise doing really really great this year. Nice one Denise.

    1st. Craig Saucier
    2nd. Jairo Garcia
    3rd. Bryan Buechler

    This was such a tough one for Bryan who in his first round of zone just barely brushed a blade of grass in no mans land and got a zero. He still got third. Super tough break. Bryan and Craig and Dale from the Gold Coast are doing so well this year. It is a pleasure to have them at these meets.

    Special thanks to Scott Roberts who came out and coached the meet and was debriefing video until midnight with an eager group of people who were gathered around the TV until late.
    Thanks Scott.
    And thanks to Ian Drennan who also came out to offer some coaching from the ground. Ian told me that he will be back in the air soon. Thanks to Ian

    Well how is that for ramblin on.....
    Congrats to everyone again.

    We will do our last meet of the year. WOW. Another year done....
    We will do our last meet in DeLand Saturday May 19. We will have a Crab Boil and party afterwards and will also award the 2007 Southeast Championship trophy to the winner.

    Check out all the scores

    See ya soon

  7. To all Competitors and Guests that are going to attend the 4th round of the Canopy Piloting Circuit At Skydive the Farm on May 5th

    The Southeast district of the Canopy Piloting Circuit and Skydive the Farm in conjunction with the Polk County Chamber of Commerce and the Cedartown Main Street Association will be presenting the 4th round of the CPC. This Event is expected to draw 1000-2500 Spectators on Saturday May 5th

    Skydive the Farm will be opening its doors for spectators at 10:30 am Saturday
    Practice will be Thursday and Friday Media has been invited. A DEMO jump has been scheduled for Thursday May 3rd @ 1:30 pm at Pepperell Elementary Thru High School for Students and the Media. Competitors that are in town are encouraged to contact Skydive the Farm (Hans Paulson)@404-295-5000 or Bill Clough @706-409-3221 to be part of this Event. The Canopy Piloting Circuit along with its Partners have Started an aggressive Media Campaign that includes Print and Radio adds. Chris Hayes has Gladly accepted Newspaper and Radio Interviews

    Competitors Registration has been scheduled for Friday the 4th @ Moody Ques @ 7:30 pm Restaurant and Pub for Spectators to meet the Pilots .There will be Door Prizes for Jumpers and Spectators Included is a Tandem jump to be done the day of the competition Donated by Skydive The Farm all Competitors, Up Jumpers and Guest are asked to Attend.

    We hope with our efforts that the Canopy piloting Circuit will get the exposure it needs. That Skydive the farm will be viewed by residents as a good Corporate Citizen to the people of Cedartown and Polk County. We ask that all Jumpers help us by attending these Events to show Cedartown and Polk County That Skydiving is an Asset to the Community

  8. To all Competitors and Guests that are going to attend the 4th round of the Canopy Piloting Circuit At Skydive the Farm on May 5th

    The Southeast district of the Canopy Piloting Circuit and Skydive the Farm in conjunction with the Polk County Chamber of Commerce and the Cedartown Main Street Association will be presenting the 4th round of the CPC. This Event is expected to draw 1000-2500 Spectators on Saturday May 5th

    Skydive the Farm will be opening its doors for spectators at 10:30 am Saturday
    Practice will be Thursday and Friday Media has been invited. A DEMO jump has been scheduled for Thursday May 3rd @ 1:30 pm at Pepperell Elementary Thru High School for Students and the Media. Competitors that are in town are encouraged to contact Skydive the Farm (Hans Paulson)@404-295-5000 or Bill Clough @706-409-3221 to be part of this Event. The Canopy Piloting Circuit along with its Partners have Started an aggressive Media Campaign that includes Print and Radio adds. Chris Hayes has Gladly accepted Newspaper and Radio Interviews

    Competitors Registration has been scheduled for Friday the 4th @ Moody Ques @ 7:30 pm Restaurant and Pub for Spectators to meet the Pilots .There will be Door Prizes for Jumpers and Spectators Included is a Tandem jump to be done the day of the competition Donated by Skydive The Farm all Competitors, Up Jumpers and Guest are asked to Attend.

    We hope with our efforts that the Canopy piloting Circuit will get the exposure it needs. That Skydive the farm will be viewed by residents as a good Corporate Citizen to the people of Cedartown and Polk County. We ask that all Jumpers help us by attending these Events to show Cedartown and Polk County That Skydiving is an Asset to the Community

  9. Hi Chuck. Thanks and I am sorry for any incorect spelling of anyone's name.

    Definately spelled Bryan Buechler wrong. Sorry Bryan. Bryan and Craig Saucier and Dale Mclemore are all from the Gold Coast and we thank them very much for coming to fly with us. They are all going hard.

    Which other ones?

    See you next month in the Hills

  10. We had a great turnout again with 24 competitors.
    8 Pros
    16 amateurs
    $500 prize purse.
    It was little windy in the middle of the day with some rejumps awarded. Mary Lough from USPA was on hand doing a judges course and was monitoring and recording the winds while each competitor was in the course and awarded rejumps to some of the competitors who had winds above the legal limit while they were in the course.

    Thanks to all the judges, Kolla, Kim, laticia, Michelle, Albert, and the photogs Roy and Jason for coming out to the meet.

    Endless thanks to Skydive Sebastian and Jim and Amanda and the entire crew at Sebastian. We really thank you for your hospitality and look forward to swooping with you again.

    I do not have the completed score sheet yet with the overall scores for the meet and the current placings overall after the second meet, but I will have them posted at soon.

    Check us out next month in Z Hills on April 21.
    Scott Roberts and Kaz Sheeky will be on hand to offer free coaching to all competitors.

    So here are the top ten intermediates

    1. Adrian Hart $250
    2. Craig Saucier $150
    3. Jairo Garcia $100
    4. Aaron Stockum
    5. Bryon Buchler
    6. Mike Shatolov
    7. Ryan Clough
    8. Chris Watkins
    9. Dan McAllister
    10. Torben Tiedemann