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Posts posted by jumpoften

  1. If all the aircraft are equipped exactly the same where all teams have access to the same handles/flaps and whatever, there are no restrictions on using those handles.

    I think the rule comes into effect when one aircraft has an additional handle on the outside or an outside floater bar, and others don't. In Chicage some of the aircraft had an additional floater handle above and forward the front of the door, and that was illegal to use. It was specifcally brought up in the briefing.

    The flaps or control arm I believe are a fair game, in some 8-way exits they are used all the time and there are no rules against using them.
    Spaceland Directe

  2. Centers crossing first. Consistent, and haven't missed it once this season (it's hard to miss the close with this technique anyway), and the block time is around 2.5 sec.

    I have been on two other 4-way teams, one chose the cog method, which is super slow and the other crossed the outsides first which is not very consistent and the top teams do that technique in just under 2 seconds.

    The outsides take the grips. It's good to have that extra space for the centers to make their move.

    Spaceland Directe

  3. If the team is wearing white gloves and the silver shows as white on the video, it could cause some issues. A lot of it depends on how close the video is, the pace of the skydive being judged, and how hard the judges are looking.

    Of course you can approach this a different way and wear different color gloves such as red, yellow, green or blue so you will have contrast between the hands and the silver/black combination.

    White gloves on all dark jumpsuits/grips is the easy solution. The idea is to make the judges job as easy as possible, and if the color combination annoys them slightly you could end up with more busts. Especially since busts are cheaper now with only a one point deduction.

    I do remember seeing a recommendation in the SIM that dark jumpsuits with contrasting gloves are best for judging, and if your team has confusing colors you'll hear about it at Nationals, but that's a little too late. I've seen it happen where the judges complained to teams about jumpsuit colors.

    Good luck,
    Spaceland Directe

  4. A friend of mine hosted a house tear down party. Left a few hammers around, asked us to bring whatever tools we wanted, and all the drywall was down by the end of the party.

    Very effective. It cost him less in alcohol than to hire someone to do it.
    Spaceland Directe

  5. Quote

    that is insane. why the fuck would anyone with 5 kids in their car even attempt to drive through a checkpoint without stopping?

    Could it be because of the lack of security and the common Iraqi is afraid of being kidnapped or robbed, they chose not to stop. It also looked a little dark in those pictures, so how could the family confirm it was a US check point.

    It is easy to say they should have stopped from your point of view, but not from the family's point of view. The current procedure of shooting at whoever doesn't stop maybe just fine for the US military, but given how many Iraqis are being killed by insurgents, criminals and terrorists I'm not sure they had much of a choice.
    Spaceland Directe

  6. You can try to rent a car for one day, and returning it after jumping ends the next day. Of course you'll have to arrange for a ride from the airport after dropping off the car. The ride might cost you beer/jump tickets/food, but I'm pretty sure it won't amount to $160 with the car rental.

    Spaceland Directe

  7. Todd always has this happy kid look on his face. It is fun to be around him in the plane, in the sky and on the ground.

    Looking forward to building that hope diamond with you Todd.

    Spaceland Directe

  8. Stick with it. I moved from my home DZ with 23 jumps. It absolutely sucked for a while, I did a bunch of solos, and 2-ways because I just wanted to skydive.

    If there are some low time jumpers on that DZ, jump with them.

    Eventually people will get to know and see you and you will be jumping with the normal crowd.

    Spaceland Directe

  9. Thanks all for the input. I guess I can add one since I did this a few hours ago.

    I don't have a dremel handy, and keeping a good hold on the door while using a power drill didn't seem like the easiest setup. So I started cutting part of the door with an exacto knife, and thought what if I heated it up. I ended up using a soldering iron. Worked well.

    Spaceland Directe

  10. For those who are plugging a CamEye to a TRV with the cover over the LANC port. Did you just snap the cover off and use tape to protect the ports? or did you drill a hole in the door?

    I am looking for a "clean" way to connect the CamEye.
