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Posts posted by nikaru

  1. rapanui

    Did a tandem in Nov 2015 and decided to eventually try and get through AFF. Stuck on level 4 because I'm not very stable in free fall. No problem in the tunnel, but I get all stiff when jumping from an actual airplane. Any advice on how to relax/breathe and dealing with fear is welcome.

    I've yet to stand a landing either, but getting close! [:/]

    Dont give up, never! And keep jumping (more tunnel time would also help)! This comes from a person who got stuck on level 5 for 1 year.

  2. Hi, I have experienced similar problem, although not that harsh lost of stability. While tracking upon separation with my instructor, I will not go straight but making visible turn which ultimately positioned me on 90 degree with my instructor. After seeing the video almost a hundred times afterwards I noticed that my rig is more to the right and not centered to by body. During the next jump I made it sure to properly fasten all belts, both legs straps and side belts until the rig fitted like a custom made (of course with the supervision and subsequent check by a instructor). Needless to say, during that jump everything was smooth and funny, the turns were 100% controlled, the tracking was perfect and everything was entirely under my own control. During my AFF I had difficulties to control my turns which now I think was due to the poorly fitting rig on my back.

    The conclusion I reached for myself is when using students rig, to dedicate more time to try, fasten harness belts on the side, try again the rig until if feels OK. If you feel the rig a bit loosely fit or bigger than usual, this would inevitably result in reduced maneuverability and harder control in free fall.You can find some videos on youtube published from harness manufacturers where they explain how to put your rig. It may sound trivial but there is a bit more story here than just fasten your leg straps even and put the chest strap. Ultimately, ask your instructor. Put the rig with sufficient time before the load call and ask him what you should do to make it fit better to your body. If the harness is resizable and the yoke is not too big or small, you should be able to make if feel almost custom size.

  3. skytribe

    However, what I was looking for is some form of orthopedic solution for my knee to reduce the stress and pressure on the knee joint. I will for sure consult my doctor and instructor to see if there is something they could recommend.

    Lets clear this up very simply. There is not a magic orthopedic device or pair of shoes that will make up for crappy landing technique. The best action is to learn proper landing technique and learn to do a really good PLF for a plan B.

    Any device/shoes have minimal benefit and can be of detriment as they can distribute a impact to another location and break/stress that.

    You can keep asking the same question and the answer will be the same irrespective of how many times you ask.

    I think that I explained myself perfectly and yet you seems to ignore my point. I’m pretty much aware what caused my injury and would definitely make everything necessary to perfect my landing technique in order to avoid future traumas. HOWEVER, what I was looking for was a solution to deal with the consequences of the injury I currently have, not what I should be doing to avoid broken bones in the future (although I appreciate very much every advice on that matter from more experienced jumpers). I don’t try to make up for my crappy landing by putting some magical shoes or device. This is completely separate thing and has nothing to do with how good or bad my landing is or will be on my next jump.

  4. Thank you very much for your comments.

    I'm aware that the lack of good landing technique is my main problem and there is no gear that could potentially help me in this regard. I will for sure practice PLF extensively and repeatedly until I get it the necessary muscle memory.

    However, what I was looking for is some form of orthopedic solution for my knee to reduce the stress and pressure on the knee joint. I will for sure consult my doctor and instructor to see if there is something they could recommend.

    Thank again.

  5. Hi there, several weeks ago I broke my fibula (just below the knee joint) on landing. Long story short, with a wing load of 0.74 and decent Navigator 240 (you can start laughing) above my head something strange happen the moment I touched the ground (late flare or twisted the leg in some way, I'm still not really sure how I managed to brake a leg with such a huge canopy). The doctor said I wont be able to jump for 6-8 months and I will need rehabilitation during several months.

    That said, I'm searching the Internet for protective gear that could potentially absorb some part of the force when touching the ground and make the landing softer and more forgiving.

    I did not found any paragliding or skydiving shoes or other suitable equipment. There is only tunnel specific accessories such as the G-Form, but they seems to be unsuitable for my purpose (except if I land on my knees). Maybe there are some nice BASE gear that could give me a softer first touch with the ground? What I'm looking for is support for both my ankle and my knees (that is both places where the fibula is connected) together with suitable shoes for this kind of activity or similar.


  6. If this is indeed a student rig that was in service, the name of the dropzone must be disclosed in order to avoid jumping there (its a shame, complete lack of responsibility and ignorance towards any safety standards).

  7. JohnMitchell

    ***My instructor once told me "You have to recognise a bad canopy in a split of a second. Be mentally prepared to cut away every time you reach your pilot chute for deployment. The moment you wave for deployment, your canopy is number one priority and you have to focus, look, assess and execute your EP if necessary with cold blood."

    I agree you have to be mentally prepared every time to chop and go to the reserve. I don't agree with the split second thing. It's often taken me a few seconds (that I knew I had) to troubleshoot some of my slower malfunctions. But, correct, don't waste a lot of time with a streamer or spinner.

    Remember, please, too, that as you jump with larger groups of people, avoiding collisions during opening takes precedence over checking canopy immediately. B|

    I dont see how you can avoid collisions when you have uncontrollable canopy above your head and you are losing altitude relatively fast or really fast. During malfunction you are dangerous, for you and for the rest of the people around you, because you normally would have very limited or zero control over where you go and how fast you would go there. The only way to reduce the risk for you and for the rest of the jumpers around you is to take control of your flight direction and fall rate as soon as possible. Ofc this is my humble opinion based on how Im instructed to react in these type of situations.

  8. My instructor once told me "You have to recognise a bad canopy in a split of a second. Be mentally prepared to cut away every time you reach your pilot chute for deployment. The moment you wave for deployment, your canopy is number one priority and you have to focus, look, assess and execute your EP if necessary with cold blood."

  9. If you can afford it, SD Empuriabrava is a world class dropzone. It is also a summer resort so you can go with friends and family for a vacation and let them play on the beach, while you play in the air. You are also a couple of hours drive from Barcelona and Girona which are nice to visit for one day trip or a relaxing weekend if the weather conditions are bad for jumping.

    You also have a wind tunnel at the dropzone so if you have any problem with the AFF you can solve it in the tunnel right away (my AFF took me one year and 13 jumps since I had to travel 800km to visit Empuriabrava and take these 30 minutes of wind tunnel time and gain confidence. If I had a wind tunnel next door I would have probably finished my AFF in a weekend or two). So, considering that an AFF may be complicated for some people, having a wind tunnel at the back yard may be a huge advantage.

    At the dropzone you would also have very experienced instructors, master riggers, a couple of airplanes, many other students so share the experience, gear store, world-class pro flyers, jumps next to the beach, great weather all year long, great parties and the end of the day, many restaurants to taste the Spanish cuisine since the dropzone is actually within the town and much more. You may or may not have some of these things at your local dropzone. If you go for 2-3 weeks you can actually get your USPA A license so when you came back home you can start jumping without any problem. You would eventually get to know the jumpers at your local dropzone and find your mentor and friends when you come back.

    I would totally recommend SD Empuriabrava. If you have the time and money, this place is dream for jumping and has to offer things that no other dropzone may offer you.

    Anothe dropzone I would totally recommend in Spain is Skydive Madrid. There are tons of students both local and foreign. Also great international and local instructors and riggers, wind tunnel 50km aways from the dropzone, nice jumping conditions almost all year, big city with international airport next by. Its worth the money and the travel.

  10. lomcovak

    I was visiting a DZ this summer that charges $40 CAD to 13,000 and was asked by the DZO if I was packed and would like the last slot on the load. I got in the plane last - the rest were all tandems. After takeoff I got a tap on the shoulder by a TM and was told "we're only going to 8,500." Apparently the policy is that there has to be FOUR or more fun jumpers on board to go to full altitude otherwise it's always 8,500. I was told "the tandems can't tell the difference."

    I asked about when they compare their freefall time on the video to those they see on youtube and wonder why they only got 20 seconds instead of 45 and was told "oh we edit it and include so-mo to make it seem longer."

    Some people might feel that this is shortchanging tandem customers (who, let's face it pay a lot) and fun jumpers alike. After that first jump I made sure I was only on loads with more than 4 fun jumpers!

    I would not jump on dropzone that cheats its customers...

  11. I think the radio is critical instrument for learning the landing pattern and exact flare time...I used to jump Navigator 260 (im skinny) during the AFF which offered me a relatively soft landings even with partial flares. Also I would recommend doing stretching and some gymnastic before the forum and google, and of course speak to your AFF master about everything before making it.

  12. likestojump

    This has been beaten to a pulp, resurrected, and then beaten again.

    However, in the interests of help, here are some very generic guidelines :

    Most things made in the past 15 or so years are going to be more or less modern. The exceptions would be some Racer models (this is a completely different topic, but no matter how people preach the Racer to you, the resale value is shit), Dolphins, and some oddball Euro-manufacturers.

    If you want a hard and fast rule - go with the major manufacturer container, a PD or an Aerodyne reserve, and a PD or an Aerodyne or an Icarus canopy, and your only concern should be gear condition and the price. In fact if you are super AR, just stick with PD made mains and reserves, just be ready to pony up a few extra dollars.

    That's as generic as I can keep it.

    good luck, and don't cheap out, or you will be chasing those 1986 Vector rigs with 5 cell Swift reserves until you are blue in a face.

    PS Oh, and see what people WITH EXPERIENCE say. You are opening up the floodgates for a bunch of low experience jumpers, who have owned 1-2 rigs in their career, to start chiming in and praying to the only manufacturer they have ever dealt with. Hardly an unbiased or a useful opinion.

    Thank you for your comment.

    I was particularly avoiding to mention brands and models to spare us from some long life discussions. My question is a bit more generic since I want to know what is the reasonable price range I must be looking at in order to find a modern sustem with few jumps that would be able to offer me the same internal comfort as a new one with the exception of the perfect fit and shine that comes with new canopies and container. I know 4000$ is always better than 3000$ but there should be some sweet spot where you can say for example "Look, with 3500$ if you are lucky you can find a decent and modern system with many jumps ahead. For this price you should be looking at something with less than a couple of 100 jumps and manufactured in the last 6 years." Thats all Im looking for...a personal opinion.

  13. Cypress and Vigil websites have really visible links to air travel documentation you should be taking with you while flying on commercial airlines with AAD. If you have ever visited their websites its hard to miss...

    So the police officers didnt know what is AAD and how it looks like on the xray scanner and you didnt know that a specific documentation exists and you must have it with this situation I dont think that the police officers are the incompetent ones (as you directly calling them in your first post).

  14. I know there are hundreds of discussions around this topic (maybe more) but I haven't found any specific recommendation for my particular situation.

    I want to buy my first complete system (I have 30 jumps and I will be getting my A license soon) but I am not sure I am ready to afford a new complete system for 6000+$ (or not wanting to get killed by my girlfriend when she finds out) so I am thinking about a second hand rig. At the same time I am safety obsessed guy who is not going to risk his life (even a little bit) just to save some bucks. So I'm looking for something that is affordable but at the same time not older than me (I'm 25 years old), compatible with every modern safety features, something that is appropriate for someone who still have long way to learn, downsize, try different styles, canopies, etc. and the most importantly - without sacrificing safety in any way.

    I have seen some containers on sell DOM 1986 and reserve canopies DOM 1987. Although they may seems jumpable and are checked by a master rigger, something inside me is not entirely sure that the fabrics, metal rings, stitches, etc. manufactured or made some 2 decades ago has the same strength as newer one. So I'm also not thinking about buying something that old or canopy with patches or with more than 300 jumps on it.

    So my question is what is (according to your personal opinion) the best price range for second hand rig that can serve me well and without problem for the next 300-500 or so jumps? Also, any recommendation of appropriate DOM for container, main canopy and reserve I should be looking for in this price range would be helpful? Maybe new container and reserve but a second hand main and AAD?

    Thank you in advance for your recommendations...