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Posts posted by ep11300

  1. Our state is letting us enter four skydiving events in the state games this year. One of the events will be 2-way VRW. The proposed rules currently state that it will be an individual event and that competitiors will be drawn into two person teams the day of the event. They will again be drawn for the second round and may compete with someone else. Everyones team scores will be added insdividually and then individual medals will e awarded. Camera fliers will be provided to get video for judging. I see problems here; has anyone else been to a competition like this and can explain how well it works?

    Or, does anyone have any 2-way VRW rules that can be reviewed?


  2. Sorry about the defensive response guys. Thank you everyone for the comments on this. It is hard when you have issues at a place you hold close to you; skydivers know this more than anyone. I had just been struggling with how to handle this and who I might talk to. Bottom line is I am in a better place and wish them all the best; I will miss some of them.

    Thanks again all.

  3. Quote

    oh for god's sake. We're a small dz, we're student orientated. There's nothing wrong with that. We make the best of what we have, even video. Staff is at a premium. Its unfortunate that the OP feels offended by humor within our own ranks, outsiders wouldn't understand the circumstances. Hell, he dished his own. Everyone who pitches in "owns" a piece of this dropzone. When you huff off and leave, the rest of us have to pick up the slack. you're going to get some heat. Sure we'd like to have the staff/jumpers from the "cool kids" but not the drama when you're around. The "cool kids" were given their nickname a couple years ago. not just sprung last weekend. They knew that.

    Bottom line, when you steal the kegerator, which you only partially owned, under the cover of darkness...and not pay for the other half upfront...then I would expect a ribbing on a year end video.

    You don't even hang out there anymore; you work and you leave. I see you listened to all the third hand information from your bosses; the kegorator was talked about many times the day that I took it and a deal was made.

    The only "drama" when we are around seems to come from the only childish martyr there; and then that gets the old guys goin. We actually wanted to be there and show that we still care and miss the place.

    At least we know the work we did do was noticed; we filled quite a bit of space on the year end video.

  4. I will try to keep this short. I jumped at my Home dropzone for 20 years; was glad to call it home. Spent time on staff, dropzone manager and board of directors. Was pulling back from the responsibilities because I was getting tired of the politics of a few. I then moved further away for a job; this was actually closer to our neighboring dropzone by far. I continued to travel to my home dropzone because of friends and familiarity. When the board decided to raise ticket prices by $5 a jump I decided to make the neighboring dropzone my main dropzone for cost reasons and the fact I didn’t agree with the price increase. I had a couple friends that lived in between the two dz's that started spending more time at the other because of similar reasons.

    I went back for an annual kickoff party this weekend and WOW, you would think I dishonored the entire sport and skydiving community. The dz even made a year end video that spent most the video ragiing on those of us who left. Calling us the “Cool Kids” and saying even though they left the skydiving continues. The tone of the video had those that spent time at the other dz feeling somewhat betrayed. I approached one of the staff and asked what was going on and I wanted to come back more often before the video, he says, “you have to do what you have to do” and that was it.

    I am just wondering if anyone has encountered this before and how they handled it. I have a number of friends over there; and a couple I couldn’t care less about. Should I even be worried about it? Needless to say the new dropzone, which is a club, has never even asked why I started jumping there or what was going on at the other dz; it seems the only tension is at my original dz.

    Any thoughts would be helpful; this is kind of driving me crazy.

  5. I always think about having to get it off in a hurry. What would be the scenario? I dunno for sure, but I wouldn,t want to hit the release and have it hang up when I was trying to get out. Just a thought.

  6. Luigi Cani put on a canopy skills course this weekend and it was awesome. We focused on the basics, but Luigi was very flexible with the wide range of experience of the attendees. We had participants from 34 jumps to 1300. Luigi has spent a lot of time with his canopy piloting and knows how to share that knowledge; probably the best money I have ever spent in skydiving so far. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in taking a canopy course. We even got to see him fly and land the JVX 37' - WOW!

    I am flying a Katana at 1.6 and have had average landings. With Luig's help I had great landings all weekend.

    Luigi, you are an awesome person and I appreciate you working with us this last weekend. Keep it safe; Blue Skies!


  7. I have noticed there are LCD, Plasma, DLP, etc flat screen televisions on the market. I am looking at getting a 60", but I don't know which way to go. If anyone has gone through this process recently, I could sure use some guidance. Thanks.