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Posts posted by Kategal

  1. A couple weeks ago I was making my first night jump...the only part I was nervous about was that I wouldn't be able to see the ground very well and I might flare to late, so I decided to jump another womans gear because her main is bigger(235 Falcon). Anyhow, the freefall went fine, I opened about 3,500, cleared my brakes, did a right turn, left turn, and practice flare. The canopy looked fine but was turning me slowly to the right. I couldn't figure out what was going on...but to fly straight I had to hold my left toggle 3/4 of the way down. When it came time to land, I did like a half flare and I heard a pop...the landing was great...I even stood it up. When I told my instructor about what had happened he thinks that since it was my first night jump and I was all excited that I forgot to unstow the brakes. Iassured him that I had pulled both toggles down not once, but twice. He says that I must not have pulled them down far enough. I know that this is not true, because I did a practice flare up high. Now he is making comments like "Hey Kate, don't forget to unstow your brakes". It doesn't bother me, I was just wondering if anything like this has happened to anyone else? Could the steering line have been caught on something? I know I only have 70 jumps, but I have enough experience to know that I did clear my brakes! But, the thing I was most worried about(not being able to see the ground) ended up being the least of my worries. I was off the airport around absolutely no lights and could see the ground fine about 30 feet. I plan on doing another night jump this weekend, but I am using my own gear...and I am going to stall the canopy at least three times coming down just to be sure!!