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Posts posted by jeffrey27rj

  1. Looks like most people aren't answering you knowing that you wrote you would want to do tandem and possibly do a second tandem. Most places I've been to, they offer a same day special for like half the cost or even less if you purchase after your first jump. I definitely wouldn't purchase two full price tandems in advance for that reason (and just in case you don't feel like doing again since you've never tried it). Schedule your first jump, then ask about discount pricing to go again.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  2. Skydive mesquite. I frequent Vegas a lot (in fact, leaving Vegas today) and all the dzs in Vegas are geared towards tandems and not fun jumper friendly. Just remember it’s like 105 degrees right now. They run a Cessna in the summer because jumping really slows down in the summer
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
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  3. great, thanks. So sounds like I could do one on one work with them. I'm assuming that wouldn't make me eligible to sign off on their progression card though.....or else once you have your D license you wouldn't need a coach rating to do any coach jumps really and it would be a pointless rating.

    Interesting that you could do a 4 way with two students and 2 D license holders though as that still puts 2 students not yet cleared with an A license on a jump together responsible for tracking away efficiently. Not sure how I feel about that one.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
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  4. I think I heard something about this before but was curious as to what the rules were. I have a coach rating but likely will be letting it lapse here soon. I enjoy being able to give back when I can but I've been too busy with team training to do many coach jumps this last year. With a D license, are you allowed to jump with a student off AFF but not yet with their A license? I figure I couldn't sign anything off their progression card without the rating but could help them work on stuff? Is that a rule or maybe I just heard about it somewhere and it was a DZ specific rule that allowed it. Thanks!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
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  5. With only 50 jumps and no tunnel time, I would stick to belly a little more. Especially if you say you don’t believe you’re an above average belly person. People get into freeflying too quickly and solid belly skills are still needed even with freeflying because at the end of the jump you’ll still need to transition to belly and get a good solid track to be safe. Have you done formations with 3 or 4 others where you complete 3,5, or even 10 points? It’s a ton of fun but most with your jump numbers haven’t even put together a successful belly jump which is why they think it’s boring and want to freefly. A couple months ago i took a guy with about 50 jumps that wanted to get into freeflying ASAP on a 3 way belly jump. All he has done were skydivers with other inexperienced people and zoo doves that never worked out. We turned about 10 points and after he got down he said it was the most fun jump he had done and didn’t know you could do so much on your belly. Get some tunnel coaching on your belly and go do some more jumps with people with a bit more experience!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  6. Make sure you have all the private life insurance you want. I'm a financial advisor and as part of my job, I do a pretty good amount of life insurance sales. I've helped a few skydiving friends. You can get coverage before you become a licensed jumper with no problems. Once you are doing a lot of jumps, most all companies will jack up your rate a ton if you want to purchase coverage (like 6-10x more). There are 2 companies I've found that will give you coverage at a normal price but they exclude skydiving. As far as accident should cover most stuff. I just have my normal health insurance and then of course I have disability insurance which covers me if I can't work. Skydiving is covered because I bought it all before I became a licensed jumper
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  7. I'm 6 ft and about 215. I sound like you....even when I was SUPER in shape in my college years, I was 195.

    As far as jumping, you'll definitely fall pretty fast at 240. There will be a few that will be able to keep up with you if you're wearing a normal fitting suit.....the more experienced the jumper, the more likely they are to be able to stay with someone falling faster. You can get a really baggy suit as you learn and it will help at lot.

    In general, fall rates are pretty slow these days with a lot of people not arching so while some of the responsibility is on us to learn to slow ourselves down, I think there is definitely a little blame in the general skydiving population for not being great archers and having an overall slower fall rate.

    As you get more experienced and jump with others that are more experienced, I've noticed it doesn't become as much of a problem at my weight though. I would for sure focus on at least losing another 20-30 pounds. It will help you a lot
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  8. we are skydivers. Take a risk and don't use the insurance! JK....personal call. It can get pretty expensive if you're declaring the value at something like $5k or so. Given that there are tracking numbers and UPS/Fed Ex have good reputations, I never get the insurance when I ship expensive things and i declare the value at $100 so it doesn't charge me extra
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  9. kallend


    However, someone with 200 jumps who can barely dock on a 16-way but spent a weekend learning how to "teach" is considered well qualified.

    It's actually 100 jumps but don't get me started on that soapbox......
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  10. definitely listen to the podcast "jump twenty six". It's more geared towards younger skydivers just off student status (since it's 25 jumps to a license). I know you haven't started yet but listening to all these as you go through the license process (or even before) would serve you well. Good luck!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  11. I actually had this same thought a week ago regarding a board I'm on for something entirely different. Member dollars were paying for the board to fly to Vegas and meet there and this was to be my first time attending a meeting as a board member. I wondered why we couldn't just meet remotely. After I attended, I realized how much more productive the meetings are when you're all in the same room and discussing. If meetings of this magnitude were done remotely, people would be paying about 25% attention as they surfed the web, played with their phone, got interrupted by family members, etc. In this age of technology, there is still a lot to be said about face-to-face time.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  12. Anachronist- Part of it depends on how many jumps per year you do. I'm legally not allowed to talk business on other forums besides my work email but feel free to email me at [email protected] and I can try to help you. Like I said, I recently did just help my ex get life insurance at normal rates with a skydiving exclusion. I'm an independent broker and being that I'm a skydiver, if anyone could help find you something it would probably be me.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  13. I am a financial planner and sell a lot of life insurance. I bought all my insurance before I started skydiving so I'm covered if I die skydiving. I recently helped my ex girlfriend who is a skydiver get life insurance so I'm pretty familiar with what's out there. You basically have 2 choices....there are multiple companies that will cover skydiving but they will rate you very high. Basically you will pay a lot of money for the coverage (like 6-7x what a normal price would gets super expensive). There are 2 companies that will offer to let you exclude skydiving. So you can get a normal priced policy but skydiving won't be covered. That's the route I encouraged her to go. It was either Prudential or Principal. I can't remember which one off the top of my head.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  14. Tigerfly

    My instructor did check my ADD

    Didn't know instructors were qualified to give ADD checks.....good to know we can now all skip the psychiatrist!!!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  15. Yup, Skydive City is one of the best in the nation. Plenty of people would be jealous that you will get to call that your home DZ. I live in NC but went there to do my AFF and head back there to jump 2-3x a year in the winter. Good luck!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  16. it goes in the slit and push it down towards the chin strap....not up. You can control how loud the beeps are. The canopy beeps aren't as loud as the free fall alarms. It's no uncomfortable. It doesn't stick out or poke you at all.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  17. Super long shot but I'll be in San Diego and plan on doing some belly flying Friday May 6th in the evening. I have 6 hours of tunnel and 160 jumps within the last year. Is there another belly flyer that wants to split 30 minutes with me (could be talked into 45) that evening for practice?
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  18. Not shabby at all for your first real fun jump! I live in NC but actually heading to jump at zhills sat/sun/mon March 19-21. Let me know if you're gonna be around and we'll do a jump together!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  19. Great advice, on the steering lines. Thanks for that. I usually don't do that.

    For the other person that was asking, it's a tuck tab model.
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  20. Thank you all for the thoughts. I typically always use packers because I hate packing (takes the fun out of skydiving for me) but it sounds like there isn't much of an issue with these bags and maybe something was wrong with the pack job. I've jumped at 7 different places in my short career and he was the fastest packer i've ever seen so maybe there was something to that. I'm just going to chalk this one up to "these things eventually happen" I appreciate all the replies!
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*

  21. Hi All, just wanted to throw this out there to gather other opinions. On jump 124 for me last weekend I had my first cutaway. I was spinning in an uncontrolled 360 with my canopy out in front of me. It's a pulse 230 loaded at 1.1 so it's definitely a more conservative canopy. Upon retreiving it, both brakes were stowed and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a line over. A very experienced riggers best guess was that the semi stowlesss bag probably caused an out of sequence opening and twisted up some of the lines on one side which sent me into the 360's. He said if it happened again, to get a regular D bag. Has anyone else experienced this with the SS bag? Any thoughts or opinions?
    *If you fail to plan, you plan to fail*
    *It's not flair, it's flare*
    *Please use "your" and "you're" responsibly*