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Posts posted by bdawk

  1. I would recommend getting your A at Spaceland for the following reasons:

    Their A program (STP) is very structured, giving you a set progression with an instructor/coach every step of the way.

    By starting there now, you will be more familiar with some of the staff and other jumpers, who will soon be the ones you will be looking to do some jumps with.

    They offer free coach jumps up to jump 100 on weekends. After earning your A, there is still a ton to learn and these free coach jumps will not leave you out there on your own.

  2. gowlerk

    We canceled it, and I think they may have as well for the season. But now people phone and ask when the special is coming back. Even though the deal was only for a short time and is now gone. Customers are now trained to wait for the next deal. I don't think we will be drinking that Kool-Aid again.

    I don't know the economics behind any of this but in my area, there are regular groupons to up to 3 DZs for anywhere from 160 to 180.

    My understanding is that Groupon keeps about 50% of that. Can money not be made by giving customers the groupon rate or close to if they ask for it, but in this case not having to split off 50% to Groupon?

    I have entertained a few clients by buying them a tandem at the DZ I go to, when doing so, I do not use Groupon but they only charge me the Groupon rate and I get get a jump added to my account as well.

  3. countzero

    I would recommend these DZs for a new jumper based on my personal experiences at them:

    Elsinore, Perris and Eloy.

    They all have good facilities, are open during the week, have a tunnel on site (or close by), are accommodating to newer jumpers and have good load organizers.

    I think someone told me that Perris was more belly friendly while Elsinore was more of a free flyers dz. Agree?

  4. DanG


    You need to come to terms with the fact that it is safer than driving.

    Not even close. People need to stop saying this, it is ridiculous.

    I think the actual statistics ( and I've seen them in multiple places) say that driving 10k miles per year, gives you a chance of dieing 4Xs that of a SINGLE skydive.

    For me take 30k miles driven per year add to that at least 5 jumps on any day at the dz that the weather cooperates on - add it all up - and who the hell knows. Now running a marathon - THAT is dangerous ;)

  5. After she lets you know she does not want you to go or will not let you jump.

    You: You are sounding a lot like my ex-wife.
    Her: (surprised) your ex wife? I didnt know you had an ex-wife.
    You: Exactly

    Seriously, I stumbled back into skydiving recently as a way to entertain clients. (Much better for all involved that golf if you ask me). My wife was kind of OK being something that was "for work". It progressed from there.

    Everyone else listed all of the stats on other "dangers" in our lives and how many are on par with a skydive.

    Maybe just get her out to the dz to hang for a day or 2 and see if that relaxes her in a way where she may do another tandem hersel or be ok with you getting back in.

  6. Let your instructors know. They will most likely tell you to take some deep breaths on the plane and visualize it going well. They may have some other tips.

    I recently went through AFF (10 yrs since previous AFF 1-3). I was more nervous out this time for sure. But it gets a bit easier to try to relax with each jump.

    AFF 1 is not a release jump - meaning you will have 1 if not 2 instructors holding you belly to the earth for the entire free fall. So you will have a pro or 2 with you through free fall.

    Good luck.

  7. I have to go to Denver in May for business. I plan to have about 50-60 jumps by then but zero tunnel time.

    I am looking to book some time on a day or 2 to do some tunnel time at IFly.

    I just really want to work on belly flying and IF I can nail some of that down maybe move to some back stuff.

    Any recommendations for an instructor I should book with? Also would 15 mins be about the max to book per day?

    From other threads it seems that it may be best to find an instructor and book with them directly vs IFly.


  8. I'm not sure how common this is but in my earlier jumps I would get a slight bit of motion sickness or light headed ness.

    Not sure if it was the altitude? Motion?

    Anyway, it would have been a hindrance if I was trying to get max jumps in let's say a week - on top of weather. I had to cut off after 2 jumps some days.

    Enjoy whatever you choose.

  9. Dude, you had a whole other thread on this with 40 comments already.

    I'll give you me 2 cents again though.

    As long as the DZ is somewhat convenient to you and you like the people, that should work.

    As for pricing, when making comparisons, make sure you compare price up to you A license.

    I like Spaceland because on weekends they have free coach jumps after attaining your A and up to you 100th jump.

  10. Thanks.

    I am still looking at used gear which is quite a process but also new.

    It seems that the more recent used gear is not THAT much of a discount over new. Maybe I'm wrong but recent gear (last 5-10 yrs) with new AAD seems to be at least 5500-6000 and new bring maybe 1k higher.

    I am looking for a container that will be good for at least one downize.

    Thank you for the feedback so far.

  11. I know this has been covered but many posts that I've seen are 5 or 10 plus years old. I would guess that some companies have changed as well as some of their sales people who I've seen recommended in other threads.

    From a cost and service standpoint where should I be looking and/or who should I be talking to?

    Oh also, objectivity.

    If there are any other thoughts on something to spend a few extra bucks on vs what to skip. Let me know.

    The 2 things I am leaning towards are articulated harness and a MARD - hope to never need it but if I do, every foot may count.


  12. Definitely price out the entire cost to get your A license at close enough Drop Zones. (You may end up making the drive quite frequently)

    I just got my A at Skydive Spaceland in Atlanta - there are locations in FL and TX as well. Cost was $2400 I think AND after getting your A they will let you have FREE coached jumps where you can continue to pick up and refine your skills up to your 100th jump.

    Good luck!